
In the Lionsberg System, "Stewards" represent the highest level of commitment, responsibility, and leadership within the community. Stewards have demonstrated their dedication to the shared Vision, Goals, and Values and have been entrusted with the primary responsibility for the stewardship and governance of the community.

Stewards are chosen based on their skills, knowledge, experience, and demonstrated commitment to the Lionsberg System's principles and goals. They are responsible for guiding and overseeing the community's actions, decisions, and resource allocation, ensuring that the community stays true to its purpose and achieves its objectives.

The role of Stewards involves:

  1. Upholding and promoting the shared Vision, Goals, and Values of the Lionsberg System, both within the community and to external stakeholders.
  2. Leading and facilitating the community's decision-making, governance, and resource allocation processes, in a transparent and inclusive manner.
  3. Ensuring that the community's actions and decisions align with the shared Vision, Goals, and Values, and that they contribute effectively to the overall progress towards the New World.
  4. Supporting and nurturing the growth and development of Members, Participants, and Citizens within the community, helping them to achieve their full potential and contribute effectively to the shared Vision.
  5. Continuously improving the community's practices, processes, and structures in alignment with the Lionsberg System's principles and goals, and fostering a culture of learning, adaptation, and innovation.

Stewards in the Lionsberg System play a critical role in ensuring the community's long-term success and viability, as well as its ability to effectively contribute to the collective progress towards the New World. They serve as role models and mentors for others in the community, embodying the principles of stewardship, cooperation, and shared prosperity, and working tirelessly to create a world that truly reflects the ideals of the New Vision and Plan.