25. What's Next

First of, do not Fear.

Forces beyond the wildest imagination of humanity are already engaged in the battle to exterminate the malevolent demonic, alien, and parasitical presence and systems of control on Earth.

The battle is already well underway.

However We need the assistance of every man, woman, and child on Earth. Every human being has a crucial role to play, starting with the progressive enlightenment and development of their own Spirit, Soul, and Potential.

Our battle at this moment in history is not against one another. It is against the alien / demonic / totalitarian forces of malevolence pitting us against one another, and degenerating our society, our culture, and our world.

The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan outlines what comes next.

This summer, we should aggregate the first $10 Million of resources.

On September 20, 2024, we aim to hold the first Lionsberg General Assembly to ratify the 10 Year Grand Strategy and The Grand Collaboration required to progressively realize it.

In October 2024, we plan to do our best to get The Message out to the world.

In November 2024, we hope that the American Citizens will write-in a candidate capable of fully engaging the battle for the future of our civilization, and accomplishing The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan.

By 2026, we aim to connect, equip, and empower The First Three Percent to create the Optimally Decentralized planetary Force For Good required to meet this moment in history.

Take courage, and be inspired.

The world needs you.

Welcome to the Opportunity and Adventure of a Lifetime.

As an immediate next step, Join The Movement.

It's Time. Let's move.

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