24. Conclusions

  1. The American Experiment (and NATO, Russia, China, etc.) has been co-opted by lying, deceitful, corrupt, fascist forces
  2. The forces set up the CIA / NSA / Security State are inherently fascist
  3. These fascist human forces are interacting with and being influenced (or even puppetted) by extraterrestrial forces, and the malevolent spiritual forces possessing many of them both
  4. The Fascist Security State is supranational in character, and aims for absolute domination of the Earth and its "resources" at any cost to humanity, life, liberty, and justice
  5. 800 United States military bases around the world, trillions of dollars of military spending, in concert with NATO / Russia / China grinding up the poor, the vulnerable and the Earth in the gears of Empire and Oligarchy.
  6. The shocking evidence that is now in the Light regarding UFOs and the Fascist Security State overthrows, murders, and thefts around the world represent the single best opportunity in generations to reestablish Liberty and Justice for All
  7. It is not obvious that The Window will remain open beyond November 2024
  8. Every family, tribe and nation on Earth should, calmly, wisely, resolutely, and without fear, prepare itself to navigate through a difficult 7 years that will include confronting and overcoming the highly weaponized and evil power structures dominating the world, and securing for future generations the Best Possible Future for All.
  9. Humanity's fundamental problems cannot be solved from within the same abjectly corrupted political structures that are creating them.
  10. Humanity must arise and unite as One Body, and from that Higher Order Functional Unity, transform and revivify the systems of all 200 nation states relatively simultaneously during the course of the 10 Year Grand Strategy.

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