The next morning, as the sun rose, Xion and the Force for Good crossed the Threshold to survey the deserted enemy encampments. They were stunned by the wealth of knowledge, resources, riches and advanced technologies the Forces of Darkness had hoarded. Advanced weapons, materials, medical technologies, and knowledge of science and engineering beyond their wildest dreams were found, opening their eyes to the vastness of the universe and the mysteries that lay before them. With each new discovery, their excitement grew. They realized that these hidden treasures could aid in the co-creation of the Best Possible Future for everyone.
As they returned and began to shine light into institutions of their Old World, they discovered that the elite had also been hoarding immense resources and transformational technologies for themselves while many had been suffering and living in poverty. Within the secret vaults of church and state, the knowledge and technologies to co-create Heaven On Earth had laid idle while The People suffered.
As the people once again grew angry and threatened to kill the Old leaders, Xion spoke:
“The Light has dispersed the Darkness, and much has been revealed. What was Unknown has been brought into the Light, and what was secret has now been shouted from the mountaintops. However we must not turn inward again in guilt, shame, or anger. Vengeance belongs only to God. The New Dawn of a New Era is at hand, and We are now the kinds of people who are able to cross the Threshold. Unimaginable resources and abundance are now here at hand, and Infinity lies Beyond. It is not time to go backwards or to anger or blame. If you need to blame someone, blame me, for it was me who tolerated the Old, and perpetuated it for so many years through my silence and participation. And it was you. We know understand that We All are the Co-Creators of our Reality. Let us forgive one another, and wash our clothes clean of the blood, deceit, and division they have been stained in. It is time to reimagine and rebuild an entirely New Era. We cannot tolerate any bloodshed or division in its inception, for The Means are The Ends.”
That evening, they held a great feast to commemorate the passing away of the Old and the birth of the New. Xion's speech resonated with everyone, inspiring them to let go of their anger and look together towards the Brighter Future that was now within reach. They raised their glasses in unity, pledging to work together in partnership with God and One Another towards the Best Possible Future for All.
From the top of the Boundary, Xion looked down over the people, and looked out across the vast expanse of the Unknown, now clear of the Chaos he had witnessed before. He raised his glass and shouted down to the people, "Forward, into the Unknown, and may the Spirit be with us All as we navigate towards our Destiny and The Goal!"
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