Our structure for 2025 onward is rooted in the rapid transcendence of the Existing Order.
The Lionsberg Alliance is a voluntary spiritual association of individuals, teams, and communities co-operating towards The Goal.
This Association of Associations is inherently and by definition supranational and prior to any human or political authority. It and all its constituent / fractal elements are eternally free to self-organize and self-govern on the basis of the inalienable universal right to Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Spirituality / Religion / Conscience.
While transcending legal categorization inherently and by definition, it is presently free and tax exempt under domain-specific codes such as US 6033(a)(3)(A)(i) relating to Private Ecclesiastical Voluntary Membership Association (PEVMA).
From 2025 on - We are closing down the legal infrastructure and seeking to rapidly transcend the Existing Order entirely.
30 minute introductory discussion of the logic for the formational 2017 to 2024 period:
For a consolidated visual diagram, please see the embedded PDF below.
Core Concepts:
At the deepest level, Lionsberg exists as a Spiritual Body, co-creating in service of One and All; the Creator and All Creation.
This is essential to ensure that The Grand Collaboration required to succeed is not subordinate to the authority or permission of any existing system, but rather is an outward expression of our spiritual and moral obligation to move together at local and planetary scale to meet this moment in history.
One level up from the overarching and uniting Spirit / Intention / Goal is the overarching and uniting Voluntary Association of individuals around the world actively co-operating together towards The Goal - we often simply refer to this as The Lionsberg Alliance.
This Association of Associations is inherently and by definition supranational and prior to any human or political authority. It and all its constituent / fractal elements are eternally free to self-organize and self-govern on the basis of the inalienable universal right to Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Spirituality / Religion. While transcending legal categorization inherently and by definition, it is free and tax exempt under domain-specific codes such as US 6033(a)(3)(A)(i) relating to Private Ecclesiastical Voluntary Membership Association (PEVMA).
One level up from Individuals Self-Governing, Self-Sustaining, and Self-ReplicatingTeams, Groups, and Communities.
Each can consider itself a Private Ecclesiastical Voluntary Membership Association (PEVMA) by default unless otherwise organized and differentiated.
The Lionsberg Manifesto, Lionsberg Constitution and other foundational writings including the Lionsberg Wiki Books help hold the space for this higher order, omniconsiderate, covenantal relationship among Citizens of Goodwill around the world and Beyond.
The Lionsberg System is designed as an Invitational Platform to connect and empower each human to voluntarily take up an equal New Citizenship in the New Era we are co-creating, and to collaborate to regenerate and transform our lives, our world, and our way of being within a single generation.
All of the levels above happen before any legal structure, and exist purely on the basis of Spiritual resonance and voluntary association, collaboration, culture, social structure, and governance structure. This transcendent understanding of our Divine Right and Responsibility to Self-Organize and Self-Govern as a Tribe of Tribes / Group of Groups / Community of Communities is critical to protecting the Sovereignty and Independence of the Individuals and localities collaborating, while ensuring that there is no overly-centralized node or dependency, that if attacked or compromised, can bring down the Whole. All following and future structural elements are merely tools and supports for the Sovereignties co-operating them.
From time to time, in the various SpatioTemporal Domains of this planet and beyond, voluntarily associating members of The Lionsberg Alliance will instantiate various forms of legal and governance infrastructure to interface with the various existing political systems, and accomplish its various goals.
Drawing on examples such as Mondragon and the United States, these legal instantiations are designed as blended ecosystems / federations of the for-profit and non-profit entities required for each bioregion / locality to flourish.
The primary Legal and Governance Commons that we establish in each Domain are designed to act like "Mother Trees" that can resource and support the emergence of a decentralized array of millions of Self-Governing, Self-Sustaining, and Self-Replicating Teams and Organizations.
To support this emergence, The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan calls for the co-creation of ~100,000 local socioeconomic federations / ecosystems, each serving ~100,000 citizens, and co-operating around The Commons and the New Human Operating System, enabling ecosystemic resource and knowledge flows across the Federation.
These local ecosystems will self-organize and federate into self-governing Bioregions, which in turn will self-organize and federate into Georegions and then up into The Whole.
To support the emergence of these federations, The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan calls for reallocating ~2/3 of the $30 Trillion in planned military and defense expenditures during the 10 Year Grand Strategy to instead co-create an interlinked network of Lionsberg Instantiation Hubs:
~12 to 24 Georegional Hubs
~150 to 200 Bioregional Hubs
~100,000 Local Hubs
~1,000,000 Community Hubs
Each fractal hub, commons, organization, and federation will be Self-Governing, Self-Sustaining, and Self-Replicating, and will choose its own locally and culturally appropriate legal instances that most faithfully reflect the Vision, Principles, and Values in that specific domain. Each of these will be considered by default a Private Ecclesiastical Voluntary Membership Association (PEVMA) unless otherwise self-organized.
The diagram below illustrates the configuration of the first legal instantiation / Commons planted in the United States to support the emergence of The Federation.
This provisional structure was designed and built to enable the first substantial ecosystemic resource flows around the world, through which the full ecosystem will emerge and instantiate itself in all localities that voluntarily so choose during the 10 Year Grand Strategy and Beyond.
The Community will establish and federate conceptually similar yet culturally-and-contextually-appropriate structures polycentrically around the planet, connected together at the mycelial level to allow for the Voluntary Exchange of resources, information, and ideas between all fractal levels and localities.
It is likely that the next three Mother Trees will be incarnated in Europe (Switzerland?), Africa (Kenya?), and South America.
These next instantiations will be resourced out of the first $10 Million aggregated through the US 501(c)(3).
This structure is designed to facilitate Emergence, Rapid Prototyping and Continuous Improvement.