Case Study - Soft Franchises - Business In A Box

In a few weeks, we will commence training the first Lionsberg Intrapreneurs.

A New Paradigm of Entrepreneurship

Whereas the Old World celebrated individual entrepreneurs who “went out” and built “their own” businesses that they “owned,” the New System celebrates Team Based Intrapreneurs who co-steward and co-create within a self-governing federated system.

From systems theory and the immutable principles governing nature and society, we understand that true potential and power lie in the Synergy between elements of the system, not in the elements themselves.

Training, Equipping, and Empowering the First Three Percent

As we work to train and equip The First Three Percent of the population—roughly 250 million leaders—we aim to foster a collaborative ecosystem. Instead of creating 50 million businesses and non-profits competing with one another, we envision 50 million entities collaborating to co-create a new world and paradigm.

The 1,000 Heroes Project

We are embarking on a pioneering 1,000 Heroes project to identify, train, and equip the first 1,000 Lionsberg Intrapreneurs. Each intrapreneur will receive support to establish a cooperatively run business or non-profit as part of the emergent Lionsberg Confederation.

Drawing inspiration from successful socioeconomic experiments like Mondragon and the United States, each intrapreneur will have an equal membership, voice and opportunity within the Lionsberg System and the abundance we co-create.

Ownership and Stewardship

The Lionsberg System operates on the spiritual principle of multi-generational Stewardship rather than the narrower lens of self-interested ownership.

Each Intrapreneurial Team of 5 to 7 individuals will have the autonomy to set up their local legal and governance structures in a manner that enables collective governance and stewardship. Additionally, each individual will have a voice in the system, adhering to the principle of One Citizen One Voice.

The Provisional Structure for The Federation has been established to ensure multi-generational stewardship and self-sustainability over the coming millennia.

Freely Received, Freely Given

The system, resources, capabilities, and backbone technology will be freely provided to participants. The expectation is that the first 1/10th of profits or resource flows will be voluntarily donated back to the system. This will create more Meaningful Work and Meaningful Relationships, while continuously improving the quality of systems, infrastructure, and support available to All.

Soft Franchises: Business In A Box

The 1,000 Heroes and their successors will co-create and continuously improve an array of Soft Franchises stewarded in The Commons. These franchises can then be deployed globally, with Co-Operators of any given franchise type feeding learnings and improvements back to The Commons. This ensures that the 100th instantiation of a franchise benefits from the experiences of the first 99.

Our goal is to package opportunities where Intrapreneurial Teams are able to earn an amount each month equal to or greater than the startup capital involved.

Organizing Around The Grand Challenges

Soft Franchises will initially be organized around Grand Challenges and Global Goals, transforming every issue we face into an opportunity for local socioeconomic empowerment.

As challenges and goals are clarified and the 1,000 Heroes embark on their journey, we will search globally for the best ideas and solutions. These will be systematized, packaged, and then poly-centrically replicated, localized, and adapted in communities worldwide.

Measurable Impact

The microbusinesses, systems, and processes will be structured to measure the impact of each local business or team, as well as the Team of Teams as a whole, against key issues and opportunities we collectively face.


Each Intrapreneurial Team and Soft Franchise will be federated, transparently sharing learnings and the first 1/10th of resource flows to fuel the growth and abundance of The System as a Whole. The result will be a planetary array of Mondragon-like federations, each serving local communities and bioregions.

The design of The System reflects the Wisdom of Nature, where everything is interdependent and interconnected.


Capital in The System is viewed as a subordinate, non-equity tool earning a maximum of 7% interest. Capital can enter The System in two ways:

  1. Donations to the Lionsberg 501(c)(3) public charity.

  2. Investments into the Lionsberg Community Development Fund.

Startup capital will be lent by the Lionsberg Community Development Fund to the Intrapreneurial Teams, who will repay it with moderate interest. This will grow the fund, offset risks, and make the funds available rapidly to empower the next cohort of heroes. This pattern will operate similarly to microfinance, eventually helping the Regenerative Banking Network emerge.

Accounting and Cash Flow

Intrapreneurial Teams will be trained in proper accounting and cash flow management using two parallel systems:

  1. Fiat currency.

  2. Lionsberg Units of Value (Time-Energy Accounting System).

Key Roles

• Vision, Relationships, and Scale: Yanik Silver

• Vision and Strategy: Jordan

• Core Team Integrator: TBD

• Finance and Administration: Scott Broomfield

• Curriculum Development: TBD

• Communications: TBD

• Technology: Gary Glass

• Community Coordinator: TBD

• Soft Franchise 1 Core Team Lead: (Emergent)

• Soft Franchise 2 Core Team Lead: (Emergent)

• Soft Franchise 3 Core Team Lead: (Emergent)

• Soft Franchise X Core Team Lead: (Emergent)

Advisory Teams

The project will have two parallel advisory teams:

  1. Wisdom Council (Composed of those recognized by the intrapreneurs as wise).

  2. Capital Council (Composed of significant lenders and donors).

The Core Team will issue a Progress Report and Request for Guidance to each of the councils and the Intrapreneurial Teams no less than monthly, in accordance with the Lionsberg Communications System.

If you have any suggested improvements, please reach out to Jordan