2022.Q3 Presentation of Value Creation

This is a very incomplete list of some of the value / gold that was mined during Q3...

It perhaps represents ~ 70% of what was surfaced.

We have forged essentially a complete synthesis of how we would go about building Lionsberg and the Meta Project...

With all the boundaries, collective intelligence, and clarity on next steps...

In addition to the value creation noticed in 2022.Q2 Presentation of Value Creation...


  1. Held weekly navigation meetings attended by a core of 10 to 15 people
  2. Experimented with playlists of short videos on projects
  3. Experimented with playlists of short videos on topics
  4. Drafted a Project Form
  5. Drafted a People Form
  6. Drafted a Feedback Form
  7. Experimented with Directories in AirTable and Catalist
  8. Call with Open Imapct to discuss onboarding and roles
  9. Created Culture and Engagement Miro Board Flow
  10. Created a Miro flow from
    • deep listening and emergence,
    • leading to groups organized around perpetual sectors / domains,
    • mapped to various ontologies such as the SDGs
    • to realize Vision / Intention by sector
    • to realize the Meta Vision
    • In accordance with universal values
    • through distributed / autonomous / self-direted individual and local agency
    • in service of our shared overarching and uniting goal.
  11. Created a Miro Flow on personal transformation through group coherence to wise colalborative action.
  12. Identified a hierarchy of relational levels from basic awareness to highest order functional unity, and began to think about systems and technology and experiences to open up the emergence into each level
  13. Developed Vision and purpose for Core Strategy Circle
  14. Developed Vision for creation of a continuous feed for capturing, analyzing, and broadcasting stories, using positive stories as highest leverage tool for transforming mindset, inspiring and engaging people.
  15. Developed Social Architecture Working Group
  16. Developed a prototype of a Personal Engagement Profile - covering alignment, Vision, supower, character strengths, personality, primary guiding question(s), commitment, life calling, and pieces I am holding
  17. Developed a Miro Flow around Path of Service
  18. Develoed a Vision for an Emergence Circle focused specifically on emergence and discernment and communication with the Core Startegy Circle
  19. Defined Value
  20. Defined Values
  21. Articulated shared Core Values
  22. Articulated a Provisional Structure
  23. Articulated a Lionsberg Vision
  24. Articulated a sensory Vision in Best Possible Future
  25. Articulated a Lionsberg Intention
  26. Articulated a Lionsberg Mission
  27. Articulated a One Sentence description.
  28. Articulated One Page description.
  29. Articulated a Provisional Code that clarifies how universal values might show up in our behaviors.
  30. Articulated a Provisional Community Agreement
  31. Articulated a Provisional Declaration
  32. Articulated a Provisional Trust Manifesto
  33. Articulated a Provisional Ontology encompassing action domains, integration domains, and globals goals.
  34. Articulated a Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals
  35. Articulated one overarching and uniting Meta Goal
  36. Articulated a Lionsberg System description
  37. Articulated a Meta Project description
  38. Articulated a Lionsberg description
  39. Articulated a Meta Game description
  40. Articulated a Provisional Lionsberg Governance Guide - Moved to The Lionsberg Handbook
  41. Articulated a Provisional Lionsberg Integrated Delivery Guide
  42. Arcticulated patterning on organizing and federating
  43. Articulated patterning on teams producing and shipping work to the Lionsberg platform, using submittal process to review, approve, and incorpoate in a structured way.
  44. Articulated PM Backbone
  45. Published ~ 2/3 of the The Book of Lionsberg (Draft in Progress)
  46. Published ~ 2/3 of A Way Beyond Fear, Anxiety, And Depression (Draft in Progress)
  47. Published ~ 2/3 of The Power of Today
  48. Published ~ blogs in Above The Chaos by Jordan Nicholas Sukut
  49. Wrote various essays such as A New Sovereignty
  50. Created a Provisional Conditions page as a checklist for co-creating the conditions for emergence.
  51. Created the opening Lionsberg Academy page - which contains a link to a free lifelong program of learning content.
  52. Started the Lionsberg Rosetta Stone to link access from any language in the world, to English, to all Lionsberg content.
  53. Started the Lionsberg Lexicon of Concepts And Ideas
  54. Received the joyful news that over 170 organizations in 17+ countries are now on the Open Impact platform we funded
  55. Funded the construction of two classrooms and sanitation facilities in Pokot, Kenya...
  56. Defined 3.1.5 PM Backbone
  57. Defined 3.1.6 PM Narrative Structure
  58. Defined Template For PM Navigation Meeting
  59. Defined Template For Project
  60. Defined Preflight Checklist For Meeting
  61. Created Minimum Viable Issue Tracker in Airtable
  62. Created Minimum Viable Process around Retrospective and Retrospectives
  63. Created the Introduction To Collective Notetaking and Wiki
  64. Created a distributed collective memory that does not require the internet or cloud to function - Lionsberg Wiki
  65. Created a framework for beginning to lift up the poorest and most vulnerable on earth, which forces us in stride to curate together the solutions, tools, technologies, plans, and specifications for how to build or rebuild society.
    1. This is a comprehensive technological solution by which every community on earth that runs an instance of the memory can have a complete copy of the entire playbook on their local computer, without having any contact with the rest of the world.
    2. Above The Chaos, Curating Solutions To Build (Or Rebuild) Life And Society
    3. Above The Chaos, The Lionsberg Energy Net, Water Net, Info Net, and Security Net
  66. Began to outline various collapse / attack type scenarios, and building the Lionsberg Platform on the basis of - Act As If meta crisis / attack / collapse will occur.
  67. Outlined a potential plan for Lionsberg | Water - as an opening example of how we could structure the Above The Chaos, The Lionsberg Energy Net, Water Net, Info Net, and Security Net...
  68. Introduced various meeting techniques and technologies, such as:
    1. Fishbowl
    2. Retrospective
  69. Created a placeholder Lionsberg Process List for further development
  70. Created a minimum viable Resourcing Guide
  71. Created a minimum viable 3.2 Crowdfunding Overview
  72. Developed a minimum viable conceptual Time Currency - Lionsberg Time Currency
  73. Dodged a bullet because of Pete's wisdom and elevated to a continuously improving Lionsberg Currency based on Energy and Commitment Based UBI
  74. Defined Energy and Commitment Based UBI

Etc. Etc...

Beyond that foundational work, we had 10 to 20 brilliant, wise, mature minds on recorded weekly calls for 6 months melding deeply on the total framework for the emerge of the Lionsberg | Meta Project.

Most importantly, we arrive at clear next steps to facilitate the emergence of a group of groups... and a minimum viable group mind, as the next step.

Below is a brief ~ 30% summary of ideas, concepts, frameworks, wisdom, knowledge, and boundaries:


  • Brought together and cross pollinated relationships among an extraordinary group of people who may not have otherwise found one another.
  • Numerous break out conversations, 1:1s, small group sessions, information and idea exchange, working groups, collaboration on projects in other organizations as a result.


  • Creation of Wiki Posse team
  • Creation of Lionsberg Wiki infrastructure
  • The Lionsberg Wiki acts as a collective memory and dynamic knowledge repository
  • Creation of Lionsberg Wiki web page.
  • Migration of wiki to GitHub
  • Documented Obsidian Setup
  • Documented Plugins
    • Core
    • Community

Collective Note Taking

  • A subset of the group learned how to take live collaborative notes during meeting using HackMD
  • Learned the workflow to quickly archive collaborate notes into the collective memory on Lionsberg Wiki


  • Agreed on year-month-date format for dates.

Explorations of Balance

  • Right balance of organization / order vs. chaos and creativity
    • A wise right amount of structure is good
    • A confusing forest of structure is not good.
  • Right balance of leadership and structure - vs. decentralization and autonomy
  • Strategy vs. Emergence...
    • Critical path vs. target of emergence and opportunity
    • strategic vs. opportunistic


  • Where is the world moving to?
  • what are the most critical paths?
  • advisory functions are important by domain of expertise
  • Lionsberg needs to keep a broad vision across the universal picture... and zoom in to where something may need to be fixed so that it does not become a critical obstacle...
  • this demands some kind of PM backbone for Lionsberg and understanding of the approximate global / universal critical path...
  • without defaulting into trying to control or program manage...
  • Watching the critical zones
  • watching the critical chain...
  • catalyzing and empowering action in the zones that we perceive as critical, where action is underrepresented or success is below critical probability
  • PM framework (Jordan, Morgan, Adane, et al) includes probabilites of success across portfolios of outcomes...
    • for now this is in Jordan's mind...
    • how and when do we try to get it out?
    • would be a complex ~ 100,000 activity schedule...
    • but we can roughly represent on a far more simple basis if we can resource a PM functionality...
    • Jordan is used to interfacing between politcians, participants, and various stakeholders on complex programs of action where most do not have a grasp of the critical chain.
  • there is the total nested hierarchy of issues and goals - say 25 or so...
    • Each with a fund
    • each with a wisdom council
    • each wiht x prize style contests (or successor - how do we do this in a just ethical way)
    • start to fill out the mosaic / puzzle / social graph across all domains of requisite action...
    • and get a sense of the FLOW in each...
    • Working towards a working map, measurements, ability to see missing gaps, strategically fill in...

How We Want To Run Meetings

  • Assign Meeting Steward
  • Propose and agree on topics in advance
  • Preload meeting topics on HackMD
  • Mechanism to check pre-loaded topics against what is alive in the moment
  • balance immediate needs with the high level work and thought that is required.
  • Is there any "Paramount Objection" to agenda?
  • Stick with agenda that is created from topics that arose during the week
  • create an agenda item for being present to emergence
  • Solve issues and make decisions in the moment where possible based on consent - zero procrastination
  • Meeting Roles
    • Time Keeper

Issues We Discovered

  • Speaking into the void
    • Multiple people discovered that when they spoke out into the crowd, or to Jordan who was overloaded, they didn't get adequate response to fold the energy loops back in.
  • Concerns not addressed
    • People spoke concerns they did not feel were adequately addressed.
  • Energy interconnections did not spiral up ashoped - energy faded in various places
    • Hypothesis: Need a little more leadership, structure, clarity until the system is fully functional.

Observations and Things We Learned

  • A process / culture is needed around discovering and valuing where and how diverse parts "fit"
  • A process / culture is needed around how things are generated, receive feedback, and are incorporated into the project.
  • A process / culture is needed around quickly arriving at bounded rationality, to get to something we can iterate on, negotiate, improve.
  • Some areas need precision, other areas only need approximate guard rails.
  • A coherent roadmap is necessary so people know what the highest use of their time and energy is, and can begin self-locating and contributing.
  • It would be very helpful if some of the individuals in the collective are motivated to take on the role of “synergy organizer” (or some better name). The role will essentially be people who love coming in behind work that’s been done and brushing it up, editing, making it smooth, filling in the gaps, finishing the last little bits, connecting it to other relevant pieces (eg backlinks, front links, unlinked references, unlinked aliases), etc…
    • This role also serves as quality control, and helps others learn how to work in a more 'tidy' manner.
  • Small improvements over time make a big difference
  • Our gifts rub off on each other and help us expand our abilities and consciousness.
  • There may always be 10% outliers who don't comply with a system or way
  • There may always be 3% sociopaths / extreme violators

Advisory and Wisdom Functions

  • wage war by wise guidance, and in an abundance of counselors there is victory
  • there is a critical role for wise advisors who can bring intuitional feeling for what might be missing, potential unseen stumbling blocks, missing links, unseen gaps, etc.
  • The richness of this community could play a very unique role.
  • It could be very helpful to have intuitives watching over the field... "I'm not sure, and maybe I'm just nervous, but I have a feeling in my left elbow"
  • Intuitive feeling / threat detection in various zones...
  • help seeing and articulating what those on the front lines cant.
  • If we can get even 50% of the potential gaps and pitfalls addressed early, saves tremendous time, momentum, backtracking.

Gathering pattern Data

  • we have experts in rapid digital tools for gathering large scale pattern level data across large groups.
  • Wind Tunneling
  • Wendy Elford
  • Anonymous gathering of information across a large goup...
  • used with countries, governments, etc.
  • Eyes on what is emerging in AI / Web 3

Project Plans

  • Things we want to do / roll out should have a basic project plan that outlines intention, analysis, goals, approach, and what we expect to happen
  • then we retro it
  • The more articulated and differentiated the goals and criteria area... the more valuable the retro and learning is...
  • What are we trying to accomplish?
  • why?
  • what is at stake?
  • how important is each element?
  • Developed multiple Project Proposal Templates
  • Played with ontology for expressing needs, as stories, that can be grouped and prioritized into epics and sagas, that inform the Product Development Roadmap (or similar to that idea)... so that the Whole can act.

Offers and Needs

  • What is a need?
  • what is an offer
  • what is a marketplace
  • why might we need needs and offers marketplaces?
  • how do we differentiate the various levels of offers and needs, from high level offers to do something for the project, to offers to projects in service of the highest goal, to basic "bulletin board" offers to other community members.
  • Discernment to help groups understand if they are actually asking for the thing thing...
  • Importance of training and understanding what something is before you play in it.

Human Dimensions

  • Many people will come with an agenda, explore, and leave
  • People need to be HEARD
    • System for listening to needs and concerns
  • People need AFFIRMATION
    • System for capturing and affirming ideas
  • Humans by default wait for Permission or Affirmation from perceive Authority. People act as if they wanted permission from an authority.
  • People need to know their time and energy matters
    • System for answering: "of all the things I could be spending time on, is this the right place and time for my time and energy?"
  • People need to know where "their piece" fits
    • System for fitting in the puzzle pieces with clarity
  • People need to be able to stack up and align stories and vision
    • System for stacking up and aligning stories and visions
  • People have vastly differing needs around clarity vs. ambiguity, top down thinking vs. bottom up thinking.
  • Need to identify types of thinkers for different phases and roles
    • People who can think Beyond
    • People with entrepreneurial mindset
    • People will to adopt / resource early and take risk
  • People want to know the roadmap and next steps
    • System
  • People need a focus and goal
    • specific problem, direction, momentum, specific micro-project, compass...
    • to then organize team, budgets, contracts, etc.
  • We need to unleash rapid fire innovation and creativity on a level we haven't been able to do before as humans
  • People naturally want to be of service
    • Takes a system and process to facilitate and make this easy and natural
  • People need a natural way to participate in varying degrees with the seasons of life and the project
    • how to come and go with grace and ease
  • Helping people play - by setting up the boundaries in which play can manifest creatively across time towards a unified goal
    • How funding is structured and allocated
  • Helping people advance
  • The conditions for getting to trust quickly, and increasing trust over time
  • Ways of not reverting to Old Models
  • Importance of training and understanding what each element is before you play in it.
  • Asynchornous preparation in advance of join participation
    • various trainings
    • issue processing
    • prepartion requires completed (staff work / presentation)
    • etc.
  • Each person who engages is like a new dendrite...
    • But that neural network has to be actually represented technologically...
    • cannot simply stay in the abstract.
  • There is magic to be unleashed... if we can come up with a system...
    • that can connect talented people who want to serve...
    • with meaningful projects that can be done in meaningfully short amounts of time - say 15 minutes an hour
    • is it possible to get a massive community aware and 'multi-plexing' on short 15 minute blocks of time that could be executed remotely, anytime, to accomlish Work, in accordance with their unique skills, interests, passions, qualifications?
    • This could rise on the back of progressive automation of the processes... defining each process technologically (Open Impact can handle work flows) - assigning humans to those flows at first, then progressively automating....
    • which liberates people to do higher order creative thinking and more meaningful work
    • there are already (billions?) of professional hours donated to non-profits...
    • if we can standardize basic flows, plug the groups into those, and match it up ot a distributed array...
    • Very heavy lift on organizations to try to manage volunteers...
    • Solution is needed for highly skilled profesionals to use those skills in short increments of time to regenerate the planet and society and lift their fear and depression...
    • Direction of UBI and permissionless employment in the most meaningful work each indivdiual can be matched to in their zone of proximal development and greatest meaning...
    • This can initally be measured energetically by tokens / time currency that may or may not later turn into cash.
    • Vision - massive numbers of skilled people being able to log in, see what is needed, and do it in short increments...

Social Graph

  • The outcome of representing each person as a dendritic node...
  • is the ability to forge discrete technological objects
  • that can then be interacted with
  • ability to automatically scrape social connnections (LinkedIn etc.), model overlaps, mutual connections, etc.


  • Right balance of public transparency and privacy


  • explored partnerships with multiple organizations
  • differentiation between Lionsberg and Meta Project created a lack of clarity / vonfusion / opacity


  • Training
    • Basic principles
    • social norms and processes
    • conversational literacy
    • leadership skills (each growing into the level of leadership they are capable of)
    • technical skills
  • Vision
    • aligning and merging across time
  • Metrics
    • tools and training

Time and Energy Accounting

  • May be beneficial to have a way for accounting for time and energy exchange
  • that includes both time and outcome / quality

Tension / Dissension / Dispute Resolution

  • Need to establish a process for allowing / cultivating speaking the truth in love...
  • and resolving
  • How do we know when things have gone from conflict to chaos, that needs intervention?


  • System for communicating and providing transparency regarding consensus, decisions, rationale, etc.

Internal Drive / Impelled Impact Agents

  • Asking and listening to what is most alive for each individual / group.
  • What drives / pulls them forward to want to take action
  • Partnering with people who are already doing from deep internal calling, who would be doing whether we were helping or not

Flow and Emergence

  • What the process and feeling is like when we see an emergent idea...
  • The process of bringing forth and articulating things from the depths / nothing - to something that can be interacted with... (this is the new skill)
  • then advanced foward through all the stages... (the world already has this part figured out)
  • How we notice and attend to:
    • Coalescing energies
    • patterns in energies
    • pre-existing nodes of energy around which people are already aligned
  • How we breathe in information and perspective... then breathe back out what we perceive to be the patterning of what might be emerging
    • Here is where energy is currently growing
    • here is where people are coming together to do work, and what people are focusing on
    • Here are the needs being expressed that are not yet met
    • Here are the prioritized top issues and concerns that group is perceiving and expressing
  • The pattern for helping bring to light what is just under the surface...
  • When things are happening
    • Telling the stories of what is happening, what has been delivered
    • Repeating and telling STORIES so people can see the energy, get excited, add something, make an intro
    • Stories are also invitations and open doors for other people and groups to step forward
    • Stories advancing into calls to action
    • here is what is happening, here is what our meetings have spawned, here is what was generated, here is what might be next
  • Discovering where energy is blocked, and doing acupuncture on the System using the energetic nodes
  • Not getting overcommitted or overattached to any one threat or target of opportunity
  • Helping people feel in all cases like they are aligned, valued, and in service to the Whole
  • Out of the depths...
    • chaos...
    • rough images...
    • rough articulation...
    • rough patterning...
    • finally an actionable focus...
    • then finding the 3 people who can run with it..
    • period of research - what is already out there, deeper dives, netowrking, short white paper / presentation
    • experts and community contribute back feedback, next steps, and how they might help that project or focus in any way. a couple weeks to talk, understand, bring it back, discover answers, solutions, insights...
    • update and present white paper back out...
    • Turn into into a cohesive answer / proposal...
      • that includes all elements of a project proposal - resources, funding, expertise, policies, etc.
  • The critical role of early entrepreneurial leadership in teams
    • Entrepreneurship vs. intrapreneurship
  • there needs to be a CORE FUNCTION - that represents out to the group - this is a potential area of focus, who wants to work on it?
  • Learning how to be silent until we can speak from the highest place
  • Finding the very best ways in which we can make / model / teach / require set up structure and process to value opportunity to flow together...
  • Have set very soon how to create a culture of coherence and ability to set it up, repair when broken, and apply it - and then instill, require, model, teach it in/from/to others so they benefit from the efficiencies of working in flow (not creativity based flow necessarily, but flowing together, bringing in what is needed from the field we all tap into together as a group in discussing and building something in practical world)

Advisory / Collaboration / Manifestation Networks

  • Forrist - candidates should
    • have high credibility in their constituency
    • give bakc strong in that constituency
    • have a reputation for integrity
    • be known for advanced collaboraiton skills
    • be conscious that we are all one
    • be passionate about conscious regenerative

Organization Building

  • each unique area of focus will need to be internally aligned, aligned to the Meta Goal, and have a functional organization built around it.

Teams and Small Groups

  • nearly all work will happen in small groups and teams of 3 to 20
  • Individuals should forge or join groups of at least 3 - different social and wisdom dynamics than 2.
  • The formation and functioning of teams is key
  • Performance measurement, management, alignment
  • Infrastructure, training, and support
  • Ways to measure progress in stride, conslidate, and broadcast stories out to fuel the ongoing stream of funding
  • Scalability of ability to channel resources, information, and empowerment to and from a distributed network of autonomous teams and small groups advancing in their own unique ways tolds The Goal.
  • Each team / group is sovereign and autonomous
    • define purpose
    • principles
    • goals
    • values
    • responsibilities
    • and the way those align with / advance our shared mission to design and build a better world.
  • Mechanism needed for the ongoing presentation and integration of the work being created into the Community
  • Mechanism for public transparency / accountability around sources and uses of funds
    • Maybe open collective, co-budget, open impact
  • teams present project plans out to (X) to be resourced if the community finds value in it...
    • how to not create a bottleneck...
    • and not create the 'best media presentation wins' of crowd funding...
    • Mechanism for evaluating, aggregating highest value plans of action, advancing groups towards funding, with clear articulation of what is Valuable and Why.
  • Need a mechanism for rapid colalborative funding for small amounts of money that can be used rapidly to lubricate project / needs moving forward up to a level...
  • Possible Patreon like mechanism for lionsberg...
  • Compliance issues / potential abuses of non-profit funds - requires systematic oversight.


  • Differentiated out multiple types of capital
  • How we take in capital
  • how we dispense capital
  • how capital allocation decisions are made
  • how we measure and represent progress and capital usage internally and externally.
  • How to create an entirely new and reciprocal way to deal with all flows of capitals, without regressing to the Old / Exploitive / Endarkened ways.
  • Different types and philosphies of returns for various types of capitals
  • How to deal with generational wealth and equity transfers
  • Massive amounts of capital are currently invested in causes that are antithetical to the stated vision / values / intention of the organizations (endowments, pension funds, etc.)
  • Hypothesis: Focus on funding groups not individuals to begin
    • Individuals who want funding should forge or join a group to create value
  • Need to develop process for how project proposals are evaluated and approved at different levels of analysis
  • Capital follows value
  • capital(s) will flow when the Conditions are Right...
  • Do not underestimate the imporance of being able to
    • name clearly what we are doing
    • what is most pressing
    • what we need
    • what is at stake
    • to get ideas to a FUNDABLE LEVEL OF ARTICULATION...
    • How do we train and support the teams of teams to clearly articulate and rise to fundability... then being able to exexute, measure, and report out the stories to fuel the crowd funding wave...
  • There is a mandate to get billions of dollars flowing in the wise right way...
    • using 10% (or some %) to build the tools, processes, and shared infrastructure required to help the entire field advance foward.
    • If we can get resources flowin, in 90 to 100 days could have a stream of resources coming in, advisory groups allocating wisely by sector and across the whole, panels of experts, lining up tools, projections, budgets....
    • and making that entire toolset avaiable to to all organizations moving in service of the goals.
  • Prioritizing resourcing / spending money - to put together a wise team... that can provide structure, oversight, governance, guidance, protection...
    • is a huge benefit to the project teams
    • is a huge benefit to donors and capital providers
    • something far beyond the typical committees and boards of non-profits and foundations, truly paying attention to structure, protection, and guidance...
    • great value, very unusual to see...

Marketing, Branding, Crowd Funding

  • There is an opportunity for a branding and crowd funding group to sustain itself by countinuously improving its abilty to help other groups get resourcing and support.
  • Not only to help Lionsberg speak, but to help each group speak, and to speak in a way that it can be aggregated and amplified.

Levels of Abstraction

  • individuals and groups think at very diffent levels of abstraction
  • without language and structure around this, many conversations end up bouncing between levels creating confusion.
  • Level 1:
  • Level 2:
  • Level 3:
  • Level 4:
  • Level 5:

Framing and Context

  • There is a wise right way to frame and contextualize things... that orients people's minds to the New / Possibility... so it is received in the way it is intended
    • It is a piece
    • it is an option
    • it is in development
    • it might work

Governance and Leadership

  • We will likely have unfolding phases of development... that each come with differening leadership and governance needs.
    • 2022 and 2024 - catalytic entrepreneurial leadership needed...
    • 2024 to 2026 - maturing into Phase II
    • 2026 to 2028 - maturing into Phase III
    • 2028 to 2030 - maturing into Phase IV...
    • by 2030 - there is a steady state network, operating in its full capacity / new state...
  • Setting governance and structure straight is a key first step
  • It is not actually possible to separate Meta Project from Lionsberg and the source idea of both - because they are flowing from one source and we need to be able to make decisions, write checks, organize structures, etc.
  • Two levels - governance of Lionsberg and any legal commons...
    • and individual sovereignty / self-governance of any one of the confederated groups...
  • Need to really focus on the Pattern Language for Organizing And Federating
    • What is the new patterning we want to create, and how do we craft a minimum viable experiement?
  • Rapid Experiments and Learning
    • In Transparency and collaborative decision making
  • Pattern of Failure - when the leader won't lead
  • Role of Founder / Source Idea holder
    • Requires crystal clear vision
    • Requires continual reclarification - clarion call towards milestones, reach the milestones, and then people confused
  • Authority comes from group knowledge that there is a:
    • Crystal clear vision
    • Multitude of advisors
    • Knowledge that deep thought and wisdom have gone in
    • Desire to hear something very clear from source idea holder
  • Many organizations wrestling with / needing help with discerning right structure and setting up the right FP / NP / Co-Op / DAO entities
    • to set up in cooperation rather than competition


  • Agreements are a key need in the network as a next step towards climbing the ladder towards functional unity
  • Enforcement and dispute resolution mechanisms

Emergent Functions

  • Branding / Marketing / Comms

  • Resourcing / All Capitals

  • Governance

  • Leadership / Vision

  • Strategy

  • Wisdom / Discernment

  • Financial Proformas / Modeling / Monitoring

  • Story Telling

  • Relationship Development / Courtship / Engagement Patterns

  • Legal and Compliance

  • Social Dimensions

  • Mergers and Acquisitions

  • Functions generalize across groups

  • It will be likely that we will want to set up service layers of Lionsberg (via curated small groups) to serve these functions for both Lionsberg and the group of groups.

Foundational Principles and Steps

  • Clarity on what is in and what is out
  • Value of diversity of thought
  • Wyas to be with tension that inevitably rises from diversity
  • Conflict transformation
    • Developing mindset around conflict
    • anti-fragility
    • conflict and speaking truth in love makes us stronger
    • Identifying the soft stuff that needs early attention
  • Identification of potential flaws or threats
    • and a process of discernment / threat detection / early warning system
    • Proactive mechanism to percolate discernment through the entire system
    • a way to teach people how to be wise and discerning
    • Getting those discernment resourced pooled and communciating in a usable way...
    • treasures that can be cordinated in little groups, paying attention to both both emergent threats, and emergent opportunity / value.
  • Culture - that supports a different way of interacting with more consciousness, thought, wisdom, knowledge, discernment, in service of higher uniting goals.
    • success depends on wisdom and discernment in individuals and gruops
    • need to develop a culture of humanity... that supports a different way of interacting... with more knowledge, wisdom, and discernment.
    • how do we train this?
    • life long experiential learning
    • Onboarding process
      • into discernment and culture training
      • Need to develop a PROGRESSIVE ONBOARDING MECHANISM - that advances through the levels that someone is ready for... moving towards higher level of abstraction and functional unity over time... while keeping each person in their zone of proximal development.
  • Ethics
    • Oversight committees dealing specifically with ethics - proactive mechanisms to percolate discernment and ethics through the system
  • Transparency
    • Need for established transparency at the outset...
    • how we allocate resources in an ethical, transparent, appropriate way...
  • Pre-Flight Checklists
    • What are the most likely dimensions we could fail along?
    • What are the primary protections to spot these very early on.
  • Quality not speed
    • Eye towards failure mode of growing too quickly
    • checks and balances
    • structural pattern integrity before too much growth occurs.

Multi-Generational System

  • Purpose built to steward across all past / present / future generations
  • Does not need to look for fast growth / big returns
  • 100 year plans / 7 generation thinking / 52 generation thinking
  • leads to paying attention to conditions

Indigenous Learnings

  • Mila told us about a tribe in South America... who gatherred regularly to talk about issues... with Zero Blame and universal responsibility...
    • If something happened, it was because there was something in our culture that allowed it to emerge

Reflections on Jordan

  • 1:1s seem to be valuable and motivating for people
  • How to connect Jordan's energy / drive / passion... in the right way... to the emerging nodes of energy and potential... so they can come into form.
  • Jordan valuable in convening, inspiring and shepherding
  • Jordan suboptimizes and bottlenecks dipping into PM

Things We Might Do Next

  • Set up PM Backbone for Lionsberg in service of meta project
    • RFI / RFG
    • Submittals
    • Idea Logs
    • Issue Logs
  • Set up a Pain Button for Lionsberg in service of meta project
  • Set up a Suggestion Box for Lionsberg in service of meta project
  • Set up a Wisdom Council for Lionsberg in service of the meta project
    • Sensing emergence
    • Sensing flow
    • Discernment
    • Strategy
    • Navigation
    • Transparency
    • Accountability
  • Revive Social Dimensions / Social Architecture
    • Ongoing focus on co-creating the conditions that precipitate the possiblity for the movement upward towards greater collaboration over time.
    • Inspired by the need to make tech usable, also UI, branding, comms, community, network - the core idea is "Usability", and specific design to make it more usable
    • Advocate for "user experience" for everyone involved
    • Onboarding Process
    • Make sure the whole System is well designed for people - for an entire society of individuals using it, productive, helpful, inspirational, not harmful
    • Optimizing usability
    • Minimizing friction
    • EASY for people
    • Problems / needs / issues prioritized and solved
  • Revive Technical Architecture
    • How the technological elements work together, don't fall apart, function, improve.

Dangers / Threats

  • Forces that want to co-opt money and power
    • as soon as resources show up, co-opting shows up
    • Power and resource accumulators will quickly rush in
  • How to develop organiational immune system
    • super discernment - smart, experienced, discerning, able to prioritize
    • anticipation of threats
  • Don't subordinate anything emerging to any existing organization
    • Hold the meta level / intention, and ensure that no one group owns any tile of the mosiac
    • and that there are "good" organizations on each tile of the mosaic that are near the front of the curve - even if we have to significantly fund and catch up...

A Philosophy and Awareness of Evil

  • many of us are not tuned up to look for the truly abberant and evil behaviors
  • Need to establish a mechanism for watchfulness
  • And a way / language for thinking about and talking abou this
  • Danger of charismatic sociopaths...
    • reference Susan Davis Mora? - Kins Network - not the charisma of an individual, but what has been their impact in the world.


  • Screening - Forrist - scientific tools on personality analysis, thinking types for various roles, so that when it is right for a team everyone will thrive
  • How to forge diverse and effective teams
  • baseball cards for each individual
  • Using impact already made in the world to evaluate fit and quality relative to teams and projects
  • Keeping each individual in their zone of proximal development
  • The types of thinking skills and strengths important for each role, and the mix and diversity of those important for each team / group... that leads to thriving in individual and team performance
    • 2 or 3 people with each core ability in each domain / group...
  • Built in sociopath exclusion mechanisms - watch for the 3%...
  • Workshop we shoudl do - about how the different systems function in a body...
    • and how that might manifest in the emergence of a team...
    • and how that might manifest in the emergence of universal team of teams.

Human Development

  • Pivotal moments often shape discernment ability - not easily trained.
  • Teachable moments - just in time delivery of micro lessons when needed that cause instant learning - vs. a year of math you don't need yet and don't want to learn...
  • Unleaning the Old Systems...
  • the use of questions to explore underlying patterns of thinking...

The Right Questions

  • Compile a list of carefully chosen discernment questions, to be asked at the right times and frequencies
  • Questions hep people collect things that are troubling them, or emerging for them

The Right Principles

  • what are the key principles and values that we would want to create a field from?
  • From our life experiences collectively gathered
  • even if we don't know how to implement it yet
  • Principles that we should be honoring through every stage
  • Reviewing them consistently to keep them alive, help us diagnose problems or lapses in pattern integrity
  • We don't know the right answer...
    • but we know lots of things that could blow this up
    • having lots of people understanding that patterns and observing what unfolds might give us more freedom to experiments within the boundaries.

The Right Practices and Rituals

  • define the right practicals an rituals, at the right intervals, that keep the System on track

Exclusion and Inclusion

  • From the start, if the System does not work for 8 billion people / all who accept the invitation, we have designed it wrong
  • How do we include people who are often excluded
  • How does that exclusion usually occur, even without trying?
  • How do we create teh pathways for those who don't have the time, resources, or relationships, but want to be a part of "this"
  • Who are the marginalized population groups who represent latent / underutilized talent and capability for society?
  • What does a Lionsberg Meta Corps / a la Peace Corps, or Americorps, look like to allow people to afford to work together and contribute to society - who other wise couldn't afford to
    • can we create a Corps that people could volunteer for, or recieve a small stipend for, and derive benefit from
    • how do we equip and empower each individual with the experiential bandwidth to move society forward in some beneficial way?
  • We are in a relatively educated and privileged starting group
    • many will not have resources (3 billion + live on less than $6.85 / day)
    • many will not have the reading or mathematical or technological or social or cultural literacy
    • many will be mired in debt, struggling to survive
    • we will encounter the entire panopoly of levels of consciousness / awareness / education

Complexity Language and Frameworks

  • What's going on here?
  • Sense-making from the bottom up.
  • It's useful to know you don't know...
  • Clear
  • Complicated
  • Complex
  • Chaotic
  • What tools work in what different places...
  • The power is in making rules... to move things into other sections...
  • What are the patterns we want to change?
  • What methods are we going to use to change? -understanding the real subtleties of why certain things work in one place and not another...


  • Jordan and Lawrence traveled to New York during UN General Assembly week for numerous great connections and network expansion
  • Jordan, Killu, and Graham traveled to Estonia for lots of great magic leading to numerous follow up meetings.
  • Jordan and Killu met Ave from Estonia and her Native American wisdom keeper friend from Estonia in San Diego

Keywords and Concepts

  • Elephants
  • Architect's Intent / Designer's Intent
  • Errors / Mistakes / Defects as valuable information / gifts.
  • Enact
  • Realize
  • Operationalization
  • Situational Leadership
  • Consent
    • Good enough, move on (GEMO)
    • Good enough for now, safe enough to try
  • Consensus
  • Participation
  • Enable
  • Empower
  • Agency

Super Rough Map


  • Lionsberg
  • CTA
  • Factr
  • Catalist
  • Open Future Coalition
  • Massive
  • Planetary Care
  • Open Global Mind
  • Future Design Society
  • 170+ Groups on Open Impact Platform
  • 250+ people on global unity list
  • hundreds of people on Future Capital list
  • Buckminister Fuller Institute
  • Global regen colab...
  • +++ dozens

Tools and Tech

  • Open Impact
  • Massive Wiki
  • MatterMost
  • Open Collective
  • Cobudget
  • Catalist
  • Holochain
  • Wendy E - Language Tools
  • WindTunneling
  • Use of Donor Advised Funds
    • Lionsberg
  • Web 3 / AI
    • Adoption neither too early or too late
    • Radical changes coming to personal transparency and reputation - through digital ID where each individual chooses what level to disclose
    • Transparency as a powerful cleansing light