Lionsberg Currency

Our Current Best Understanding of the emergent currency system of Lionsberg is that it should reflect the level of commitment and Value Creation of each individual, relative to The Goal that unites us.

The ultimate design calls for transcending the existing fiat and accounting paradigms into a new Time-Energy Accounting system that measures Value Creation relative to The Goal of the New Human Operating System.

Our Hypothesis is that in the near term, we should begin with a simple Level Of Commitment scale from 1 to 10, that the community revisits with each individual each month or two.

The Level Of Commitment is a reciprocal Agreement between each Individual and the Groups or Teams they are a part of, that can be adjusted over time.

Currency can be exchanged between members of the community. Eventually, it may be able to be exchanged with the Lionsberg Central Bank for external fiat currency.

Lionsberg currency has been provisionally named Lionsberg Units of Value (LUV).