Meta Goal
In the Lionsberg System, the term Meta signifies the eternal, universal, ultimate, self-referential, highest order, and most transcendent conception of an idea. Consequently, the Meta Goal represents the supreme, overarching, and unifying "Goal of goals" that inherently contains and organizes all other possible goals.
The concept of the Meta Goal is crucial as it establishes a framework for aligning our individual goals with the goals of various things we participate in and the Meta Goal that is expansive enough to unite All.
Since the term Meta in the System refers to the Absolute, it is purposefully left abstract to circumvent the Pattern of Failure that arises when we Concretize The Absolute.
The Meta Goal could be described as (something like):
The total integrated wellbeing, development, and right relationship of All generations of Life and Consciousness.
At a higher level of abstraction, it could be stated that the Meta Goal is the will and intention of One / God.
At the highest level of abstraction, the Meta Goal is One / God.
Realizing this Goal would necessitate solving the Total Nested Hierarchy of Issues and achieving the Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals.
This is our Current Best Understanding of the Aim of the One. It is the perfect diverse Unity and Harmony that resides at the End of the Logic of Love.
Pages that link to this page
- Worthy Goal
- The Charge Of The Receiver
- Throughput Of The Goal
- The Sovereignty Of The Receiver
- The Systems And Infrastructure Of The New Era
- Social Experiment
- Quests
- Motivational States
- Logic of Love
- Meta Mission
- Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System Starting Point
- Lionsberg Lexicon
- Introduction To Integrated Delivery
- Journaling Questions
- Meta Aim
- Idols Of The Pantheon
- Goals
- Core Goal
- Aligning
- Aspirations
- Co-Creating The New World
- A New Vision, Intention, Philosophy, and Program of Action
- Meta Goal (commentary)
- Meta Project Navigation, 2022-07-20
- Jonathan Sand
- Provisional Code
- Provisional Community Agreement
- Introduction to Lionsberg (v.2023)
- Introduction to Lionsberg (v.2024)
- 2022 Q4 Lionsberg Navigation Chart
- Aim
- Concepts And Ideas
- Federating
- Goal
- Highest Intention and Greatest Good
- Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System
- Meta Fund
- Meta Idea
- Meta Project
- Meta Quest
- Meta
- Most Worthy Goal
- One Thing
- Potential
- Quest
- The Goal
- The Way
- Time
- Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals
- Values
- Wise Right
- A New Sovereignty
- Goals and Aspirations
- Lionsberg System of Governance
- Meta Aspiration
- Organizations The Lionsberg Way
- 3.1.6 PM Narrative Structure
- Resourcing Guide
- 1.11 Governance
- 1.6 The Lionsberg System
- 0. Introduction
- 1. Intention
- Meta Project Program Statement
- 2022.Q3 Presentation of Value Creation
- Your Starting Point
- Above The Chaos, An Invitation And Request
- Above The Chaos, Hello World
- Above The Chaos, How To Design And Build A Better World, Part I
- Above The Chaos, Introducing Lionsberg
- Above The Chaos, The Lionsberg System - An Integrated Framework for Co-Creating the New World
- Above The Chaos, We Have Work To Do
- Above The Chaos, Why I Am Risking Everything To Build Lionsberg In Service Of The Meta Project
- Above the Chaos, Stewarding And Allocating Capital
- 4.9 Raising The Standard To The Highest One
- 4.13 What Comes Next
- 4.12 Co-Creating Heaven On Earth
- What Is The Lionsberg Meta Project?
- FAQ - What Makes You Think This Will Help And Not Harm?
- FAQ - What Are You Aiming At?
- How Lionsberg Fits Into The Global Landscape
- 1.5 Elevating and Transforming The Entire Being
- Pass The Flame - Illuminating the Way Beyond the Meta Crisis
- 0.7 No Boundaries
- 1.21 Organizing and Federating Sovereign Vessels
- 10.41 What Would Sovereigns In Right Relationship Would Do Together?
- 10.36 The Meta Community
- 10.35 The Order Of Communities And The Meta Community
- 10.19 The Infrastructure Of The Meta System Becomes The Infrastructure Of The New World
- 10.15 The Order Of Systems And The Meta System
- 10.17 Higher Order Sub-Systems
- 11.12 The Ordo Amoris - The Order of Loves
- 11.14 The Order of Goals
- 11.15 But What Will We Eat, What Will We Wear, Where Will We Live?
- 11.16 The Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals and Loves
- 11.20 Potential Relative to the Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals
- 11.24 Choosing The Highest Game
- 11.26 The Meta Goal of the Meta Game
- 11.27 The Meta Movement of the Meta Game
- 11.3 The Meta Quest. The Meta Game. The Meta Project. The Meta Goal.
- 11.32 Success in the Meta Game
- 11.35 The Proper Way of Being and Moving
- 11.38 Rules of the Meta Game
- 11.4 Acceptance Criteria for the Meta Game
- 11.42 The Meta Project
- 11.49 A Higher Order Paradigm, Community, and System
- 11.50 The Goal and Function of the Higher Order System
- 11.59 The Order of Commitments
- 11.60 The Path Towards The Goal
- 11.66 When Plans Are Attacked By Chaos
- 13.5 The Call and Embarkation
- 13.10 There is no Turning Back
- 13.11 Courage and Perseverance
- 13.6 Completion, Fulfillment, and Shalom
- 2.10 Making Our Subconscious Story Conscious
- 3.1 The Meta Quest
- 3.2 The Meta Goal
- 3.23 The Logical End Of Love Is The Goal
- 3.3 Progress In The Meta Quest
- 3.7 The Universal Intention and Goal
- 3.8 Intention Into Reality
- 4.34 Towards Perfect Oneness, Through Perfect Love
- 4.6 Goods and Anti-Goods
- 4.1 The Navigation Issue
- 4.13 The Meta Goal of the Meta Quest
- 4.18 Remembering, Perceiving, Orienting, Engaging, Planning, Adapting, Moving, Learning
- 4.25 Navigating and Becoming
- 4.26 Every Defect Is A Gift
- 4.29 The Terrifying Existential Awe And Fear Of Not Knowing
- 5.10 Experiencing the Greatest Possible Purpose and Meaning
- 5.16 Becoming And Doing Are One
- 5.22 Starting With The Source Of Time And Energy
- 5.6 Choosing the Meta Goal
- 9.8 The Lower, Temporal, Secular Law, And The Higher, Eternal, Spiritual Law
- 9.6 The Order Of Authorities
- 9.3 Towards What Shall We Steer And Why
- Meditation 252
- New Language
- The Lionsberg Handbook
- 4.4 A New Daily Practice
- 8. Spending Attention
- Above The Chaos, The Meta Project - Enacting the New Vision and Plan
- Meta Condition of Satisfaction
- Value
- 2022.07.05 Request For Guidance
- Meta Game