As Sovereigns Organize and Federate in order to do together what cannot be done isolation, new Higher Order Sovereigns are co-created.
Every Sovereign has the right and responsiblity to autonomously govern, or steer, itself towards its unique Goals, in service of the Meta Goal, in accordance with its Principles, Purpose, and Values.
The System should establish a complete system of Governance to empower every Sovereign, at every fractal level, to Govern itself, and to help Govern all Higher Order Sovereigns it is engaged in, including the Whole.
The New System of Governance should be completely transcendent of and independent from all existing systems of governance in the Old World. It should strive to retain and incorporate all the best qualities and capabilities of the best systems of the Old World, while also developing the powerful New capabilities required for the New System / New World to properly function in service of One and All.
Governance in the Old world was accomplished by the rule of the strong and rich over the poor and the weak. It is not so in the New World or New System.
In the New System, every Element is Sovereign, Autonomous, and Self Governing within the context of the universal Wisdom, Principles, and Values shared by One and All.
This requires us to remember that the word "govern" does not mean to "rule over", but rather to "steer".
Govvernance is the act of steering or navigating a Sovereign Vessel towards its Aim.
Navigating towards an Aim requires that every Sovereign first Choose A Worthy Aim to advance towards.
Aims / Goals should be stacked up and aligned such that
The System should establish If you are reading this, and you do not have a Team, see Forging Or Joining A Team.
Navigating towards a worthy Goal requires understanding:
Who We Are
Where We Are
How We Got Here
Where We Are Going
Why it all matters
Since the moral decision of our Aim is prior to Perception, explicitly clarifying and aligning this basic Narrative Framework will reshape the Way that Sovereigns fundamentally Perceive the New World.
If we can align the stories of all Sovereigns with an overarching and uniting Meta Story, and the Goals of all Sovereigns with an overarching and uniting Meta Goal, we can create alignment.
Our Current Best Understanding is that this New System of Governance will be best absorbed if it is framed in the narrative context of each Sovereign on a unique Quest Towards a unique Goal, in the context of the shared overarching and uniting Meta Quest towards the Meta Goal.
The Quest of each Sovereign creates an energy and a direction that acts like a Trim Tab on the rudder of the Vessel of Society.
Each Sovereign is free to Govern itself in the Wise Right Way, as it determines.
The essentials are that each Sovereign:
See Organizations The Lionsberg Way for more information.
In the same way that Sovereigns will be able to voluntarily coordinate and align their stories, goals, and energy, so too will they be able to coordinate and align their votes in each time and place they are present.
The New System should include a Platform that empowers the global Community to ensure that in all domains, localities, and systems of the Old World, enlightened leaders who are aligned with the System Wide Master Plan are voted into office, and old / corrupt / authoritarian / exploitative leaders voted out.
In order for the New World to manifest itself, all systems and institutions of the Old World must be transformed and aligned by the New System
This must happen not as a result of unnecessary revolution, but as a result of the coordinated action of people understanding and using every legal and governance mechanism available in the Old World to get Old leaders out and New leaders in, while leveraging the combined light and technology the global Community to ensure transparency and accountability through the process.
If we can get enough people coordinating and aligning in the New System, the Old Systems will naturally transform.
The System should establish simple yet wise Governance Frameworks that Sovereigns can adapt and adopt as part of their instantiation of the System.
Self Governance
Family Governance
Team Governance
Organization Governance
Community Governance
Meta Community Governance