4.18 Remembering, Perceiving, Orienting, Engaging, Planning, Adapting, Moving, Learning

So we have discussed our limited Spacetime User Interface that imposes upon a universe that is for all intents and purposes infinitely complex, a highly simplified overlay at an appropriate level of analysis that allows us to interact with the underlying Reality.

We then explored how our Narrative Lens shapes what, out of the near infinite number of things in Reality we could pay Attention to, we actually Perceive.

We dealt with the Perception as a moral decision, rooted in the Narrative Framework we choose, and specifically, in the choice of the Meta Goal of our Story.

So let us now assume that we find our Selves Thrown into a particular Place and Time.

We become something like warriors or adventurers who have been dropped into a very strange, distant, and uncertain place. We understand our transformational Mission and our Goal.

Yet we are not beginning at a beginning. We never get to start from a blank slate. We are dropped mid-way into a Story and a Context that is already unfolding in that Time and Space.

We are like a new Avatar, dropped into a certain scene mid-way through an epic tale, and we don't know exactly what is going on around us.

So the first thing we need to do upon landing, before we even open our eyes in SpaceTime, is Remember Who We Are and our Meta Goal. Because remember, that moral decision is prior to Perception.

Second, we must become Consummately Present in the eternal Now. We know Who We Are, we know Who We Are Becoming, we know the Meta Story, however we must strive to Remember that the Universal and Eternal Story we are living out descends and touches Earth Here and Now. In us and through us.

Third, we must Orient.

Fourth, we must Engage.

Fifth, we must Plan and Adapt.

Sixth, we must Move, with the full Force of our Being, towards The Goal.

Seventh, we must Learn and Continuously Improve the Quality of each of these elements Being and Doing.

Let's explore stage 3, Orienting.

Forward to 4.19 Orienting
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