We have shared dinner and Dialogue with Israelis, Palestinians, Egyptians, Russians, Chinese, Americans, Persians, and people from dozens of other tribes and nations. While their televisions and leaders sow Fear, Division, and Deceit, the Good people of the towns and cities all seem to long for the same future that All Creation longs for. None of the Good families desire War or conquest. They want their children to have the opportunity to develop towards the fullness of their unique Potential and flourish in a safe, harmonious, and Properly Ordered Society. If we All agreed to Help One Another towards this Meta Goal, we would see that the vast majority of our present conduct and way of being is entirely antithetical to achieving that outcome. If we Value what we say we value, our present actions and Way of Being is insane. We should rapidly become sober and sane before we destroy our last best chance to achieve our Goal.

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