We discussed the Order of Loves unified and cohered by the Meta Love.
We discussed the Order of Goals unified and cohered by the Meta Goal.
We discussed the Order of Games unified and cohered by the Meta Game.
We discussed the Order of Projects unified and cohered by the Meta Project.
We discussed the Order of Laws unified and cohered by the Meta Law.
Now we come to the issue of the shared Systems and Infrastructure that are society’s responsibility to co-create in support of Individual And Local flourishing.
Just like there are countless goals and drives, that must be integrated and properly ordered in service of the Meta Goal, so too are there countless systems of systems, which must be integrated and properly ordered in service of the Meta System.
Higher order systems align all underlying systems into a Higher Order Functional Unity which is capable of meeting the needs and solving the problems inherent in life.
What belongs at the top of the Order of Systems?
The only possible answer that does not immediately doom us to failure is:
The Meta System
What is the Meta System?
It is what lies beyond and unifies the highest order systems of which we can conceive.
It is a perfect, functional, coherent, properly ordered unity of All things in Right Relationship with One Another.
It is the Way the universe should work.
It is the Logos of the universe.
In its natural state, it already works this Way in Nature.
Yet humankind has departed from the Way and forged systems that are fundamentally misaligned with the Meta System. This divides the system against itself, and moves it towards Failure.
In order for the Meta System to come back into proper alignment and harmony, we must forge higher order systems in every domain, which align all sub-systems into functional unities that are capable of meeting the needs and solving the problems inherent in that domain.
We must then ensure that all higher order systems, including the Human System and the Living System, are properly aligned and harmonized at the highest possible level we can conceive of, which is the Meta System.
We must then optimize all things for the success of the Meta System in aggregate, at the Universal and Eternal level, so that each individual, local, spacial, and temporal element of life can develop towards the fullness of its potential and flourish, which is The Goal.
In the same way a human being integrates sub-personalities and drives into a total integrated personality that can function in society, the Meta System is the total integrated universal personality of all Life and consciousness flowing from its Source.
It is the total properly ordered embodiment of the Perfect Will and Intention of the One.
Forward to 10.16 The Reintegration Of The Human System And The Living System
Back to 10.14 Higher Order Systems Which Integrate Lower Order Systems Into Functional Unity
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