Provisional Code

This document is a Work In Progress.

The Provisional Code

This is a simple Provisional Code to guide Wise Right Action during emergence.

Do the Wise Right Thing.

Do the wise right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons, to accomplish The Goal

Wise Right things are things that are done in a spirit of Love to help, and not harm, and which create Value, and avoid Waste.

Do not do the wrong thing.

Wrong things are things that are done in a spirit of Fear or Self-Interest that harm, and do not help.

Do no harm.


Love One and Love All as your Self.

From any of these simple word tools, the entire Universal Law and Code can be derived.


The entire Lionsberg System is moved by the Central Animating Spirit of God, and operates in service of the Creator's Intent, On Earth As it Is In Heaven.

This Spirit is the basis of the New Covenant that unites us All in Spirit, heart, and interexistence on a level far deeper than words.

Universal and Eternal Core Values

The Lionsberg System is centered around universal and eternal Core Values flowing from One and known to All.

In English, they can be pointed towards with words such as:

Stewardship Wisdom

The Spirit is more fully reflected in The Lionsberg System of Values.

The Lionsberg | Meta Code

The Questions that lead to the articulation of the Code / Way of Being are something like:

What would the Spirit of That Which Creates, Sustains, and Enlightens Life and Consciousness Be and Do? How would It show up in this Time and Place? How would It Be and Act Here and Now?

Because Values are abstract, and we have difficulty translating them into the concrete behaviors and Patterns of Thought, Speech, and Action that cause them to manifest, humanity has discovered that it is (at least initially) necessary to translate our shared Values into an explicit Behavioral Code.

The Code articulates, in concrete and relatable ways, how the Values show up in our Way of Being and our Way of Doing.

From the One Spirit behind the list of Universal Values above, we have articulated a Code composed of 100 concrete behaviors that, to our Current Best Understanding, consitute an approximation of some of the basic Patterns of Life.

It is called the Lionsberg | Meta Code to different our articulation of it from the Absolute / Eternal / Universal / Transcendent understanding of It that cannot be reduced to words.

This Meta Code is only a shallow and surficial articulation of the Spirit that impells us to do our best to act perfectly, wisely, and rightly in service of One and All.

Nevertheless, recognizing the need to forge a basis for continuously improving our articulation and embodiment of it, we establish the following as a Starting Point and approximation:

1. We will Do Our Best to Love and Serve One and All

2. We will Do Our Best to Love our Selves

3. We will Do Our Best to Help and Not Harm

4. We will Do Our Best to Be Faithful in our Order of Loves

5. We will Do Our Best to Aim Unerringly at the Highest Intention and Greatest Good of Which We Can Presently Conceive

6. We will Do Our Best to Notice and Pursue That Which is Most Purposeful, Meaningful, Valuable and Alive

7. We will Do Our Best to Work as Intelligently, Creatively, and Diligently As We Can Towards our Highest Uniting Meta Goal

8. We will Do Our Best to Persevere Through Trials with Gratitude

9. We will Do Our Best to Harmonize our Diverse Instruments to the One Fundamental Tone

10. We will Do Our Best to do the Difficult and Dangerous Work Our Selves to Make it Easier For Those Who Come After Us

11. We will Do Our Best to Run With Endurance

12. We will Do Our Best to Pass the Baton

13. We will Do Our Best to Remember and Uphold our Sacred Traditions

14. We will Do Our Best to Search Out Wisdom and Understanding

15. We will Do Our Best to Follow Wisdom and Truth No Matter Where They Lead

16. We will Do Our Best to Cultivate Life and Consciousness

17. We will Do Our Best to Leave Every Thing and Every One a Little Better than we Found them

18. We will Do Our Best to Become A Little Better Every Day

19. We will Do Our Best to Speak Truth in Love

20. We will Do Our Best to Be Careful and Precise in our Thought and Speech

21. We will Do Our Best to Heal, Regenerate, and Restore

22. We will Do Our Best to Respect the Inherent Individual Worth in every Living Being

23. We will Do Our Best to Cultivate Rather Than Extract the Resources and Capabilities Required to Accomplish The Goal

24. We will Do Our Best to Move Towards Unity Through Love

25. We will Do Our Best to Respect, Honor, and Uphold

26. We will Do Our Best to Co-Create and Propose Solutions

27. We will Do Our Best to Design and Build the Best Possible Future For All

28. We will Do Our Best to Act as One Body With One Mind

29. We will Do Our Best to Help Meet One Another's Needs

30. We will Do Our Best to Do the Wise Right Thing, at the Right Time, for the Right Reasons, to Accomplish The Goal

31. We will Do Our Best to Discern and Align with the Highest Intention and Greatest Good

32. We will Do Our Best to Discern the Wise Right Way Towards The Goal

33. We will Do Our Best to Listen Deeply

34. We will Do Our Best to Speak Wisely

35. We will Do Our Best to Integrate and Align the Fullness of our Being in Service of One and All

36. We will Do Our Best to Build the Infrastructure, Bridges, and Ladders to Prepare the Way for Those Who Come After Us

37. We will Do Our Best to Ensure That Every Being Has the Opportunity to Develop Into the Fullness of its Potential and Flourish

38. We will Do Our Best to Never Harm or Exploit Another Being

39. We will Do Our Best to Transform our Weapons into Tools of Life

40. We will Do Our Best to Be Perfect, as One is Perfect

41. We will Do Our Best to Measure Progress, Not Perfection

42. We will Do Our Best to Recognize Every Imperfection and Obstacle as a Gift that Shows us the Way Towards The Goal

43. We will Do Our Best to Bear with One Another's Weaknesses, Imperfections, and Burdens

44. We will Do Our Best to Forgive, as One Forgives

45. We will Do Our Best to Vanquish Corruption, Injustice, and Oppression

46. We will Do Our Best to Establish a Perfectly Peaceful, Just, and Good System of Governance and Administration

47. We will Do Our Best to Establish a System that Produces Throughput of The Goal for All

48. We will Do Our Best to Make and Secure Wise Commitments that Advance Us All Towards The Goal

49. We will Do Our Best to Follow Through and Close the Loop

50. We will Do Our Best to Move Our Selves, One Another and All Away From Suffering and Dysfunction, and Towards Flourishing and Abundant Life

51. We will Do Our Best to Move in the Spirit, and Not the Letter of the Code

52. We will Do Our Best to Recreate and Play

53. We will Do Our Best to Rest

54. We will Do Our Best to Pay Energy and Attention to the Wise Right Things

55. We will Do Our Best to Remove Energy and Attention from the Wrong Things

56. We will Do Our Best to Actually Do the Deeds

57. We will Do Our Best to Not Grow Resentful, Arrogant, or Bitter

58. We will Do Our Best to Not Tolerate and Remove That Which Does Not Belong in the New

59. We will Do Our Best to Fill Up That Which is Lacking

60. We will Do Our Best to Co-Create Heaven on Earth

61. We will Do Our Best to Make Our Lives and Our World As Beautiful As We Possibly Can

62. We will Do Our Best to Actively Build Culture, Community and Relationships

63. We will Do Our Best to Help One Another Discover and Become the Best Possible Version of Our Selves

64. We will Do Our Best to Humbly Remember That We Do Not Know, and we are Searching it Out

65. We will Do Our Best to Confront and Overcome All That Stands in our Way

66. We will Do Our Best to Take Responsibility For All, and Blame None

67. We will Do Our Best to Celebrate Beauty, Art, Music, Story, and Culture

68. We will Do Our Best to Strive Towards Total Coherence, Integrity, and Authenticity

69. We will Do Our Best to Stand Up to Oppressors

70. We will Do Our Best to Forge Loving Family and Community For All

71. We will Do Our Best to Forge Environments in Which All can Flourish

72. We will Do Our Best to Be Good Stewards of All That is Entrusted to us

73. We will Do Our Best to Employ Means that are Perfectly Consistent with the Ends we are Trying to Achieve

74. We will Do Our Best to Be Careful and Intentional in the Agreements we Make

75. We will Do Our Best to Make Explicit the Stories We Are Telling our Selves

76. We will Do Our Best to Harmonize with and Honor the Cycles of Creation and Dispersion, Life and Death

77. We will Do Our Best to Discipline and Govern our Selves, so that we are not Disciplined or Governed by Others

78. We will Do Our Best to Relate to the Energy and Spirit of Things, and not Merely their Physical and Temporal Expression

79. We will Do Our Best to Perceive All Things from the Highest Perspective

80. We will Do Our Best to Collaborate and Progressively Unleash the Latent Synergies and Potentials Between us

81. We will Do Our Best to Heal Anything We Harm

82. We will Do Our Best to Not Identify with or Give Energy or Attention to Anything that is not in Harmony with the Fundamental Tone

83. We will Do Our Best to Help One Another Experientially Learn and Grow Through Sequentially Greater Challenges

84. We will Do Our Best to Help One Another Identify and Cross Threshold Moments

85. We will Do Our Best to Elevate and Transform Consciousness

86. We will Do Our Best to be Kind, Loving, Merciful, Just and Good to All

87. We will Do Our Best to Always Discover and Courageously Take the Wise Next Step

88. We will Do Our Best to Never Interfere with the Free Will of Another in their Domain of Sovereignty

89. We will Do Our Best to Be Present in the Eternal Now

90. We will Do Our Best to Discover and Excel in our Unique Role in the Fundamental Unity of All Things

91. We will Do Our Best to Celebrate what is Worthy and Good

92. We will Do Our Best to Remember That Everything is the Way it is for a Reason, and Strive to Discover and Understand Why

93. We will Do Our Best to Remain Exactly on the Centerline as Creation Spirals Up Around us

94. We will Do Our Best to Cultivate the New and Good Things that are Trying to Emerge

95. We will Do Our Best to Pull into Reality, from All Potentials, the Best Possible One

96. We will Do Our Best to Grow Into our Potential by Serving Others and Helping All Others them do the Same

97. We will Do Our Best to Surrender All and Trust One and All to Provide

98. We will Do Our Best to Discover the Highest Levels of Abstraction at Which All Things can be Reconciled

99. We will Do Our Best to Reconcile and Align our Stories

100. We will Do Our Best to Learn How to Partner with One and All to accomplish The Goal of One and All

A Return to Simplicity

The Meta Code can be described in one word like One or Love.

In can be described in Five words like Truth, Love, Justice, Stewardship, and Wisdom.

It can be described in 100 concrete behaviors that are likely to manifest from it.

Or it can be described in 1,000 things that one should do, and 1,000 things that one should not do, in 1,000 different situations.

For this reason, The Way must be understood and applied in Spirit, and not in fixed propositions or techniques.

If you do not resonate with the Code above, develop your own! Make sure it all flows from the Fundamental Tone of Love, and try to make it a little better every day.

One can never discover the Way through intellectual learning. To know the Way, one must live it and discover it experientially by learning how to allow the Spirit of It to flow through them spontaneously and accurately into whatever time, place, or situation they find themselves in.