One Thing
The Meta Idea of the Lionsberg System and the Meta Project is that there is One Thing that unites us All.
There is only One Meta Aim. There is only One Meta Goal. There is only One Meta Vision. There is only one Most Worthy Goal.
We intentionally leave the Meta Level abstract rather than concretizing it, but we all have an innate intuition for what it is.
Perhaps what unites us is (something like) Life and its Source. Perhaps it is (something like) Love. And if we Love All, then perhaps the overarching and uniting Meta Goal becomes (something like):
The total integrated wellbeing, development, and right relationship of All generations of Life and Consciousness.
If One is Love, then that is the Meta Intention.
What if we All actually worked together and helped One Another towards that Goal?
It would require that we:
- solve the total set of Grand Challenges
- Accomplish the total set of Global Goals
- Forge the Best Possible Future in partnership with One and All.
The One Thing is One and All.
Pages that link to this page
- The Myth Of Lionsberg
- Sovereign, Autonomous, And Coordinated Groups
- Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System Warning
- Jordan and A - 2023.04.21
- All
- Concepts And Ideas
- Deepest Thing
- Meta Model
- Meta
- One Thing
- One
- Space and Time
- The Goal
- Values
- A New Sovereignty
- 0. Introduction
- Above The Chaos, The Greatest Minds and Ideas
- Above The Chaos, What's Alive July 13, 2022
- Above the Chaos, Stewarding And Allocating Capital
- The Bottom Line - Humanity's Final Test, and the Path to Unity
- 13. In The Beginning, God
- 12. The Lionsberg Structure - Fostering Emergence and Right Relationship Between One and All
- 7. The Lionsberg System and Approach - A Universal Framework and Co-Operating System
- 1.13 Harmony, Equilibrium, Right Relationship, Flow, Oneness
- Pass The Flame - Illuminating the Way Beyond the Meta Crisis
- 1.16 Dialogue, Circumambulation, and Speech
- 1.29 Becoming
- 1.30 Warning 3
- 11.14 The Order of Goals
- 3.7 The Universal Intention and Goal
- 4.5 Without A Shared Vision and Structure of Values, We Perish
- 4.8 The Conscious Choice of One's Intention and Goal
- 4.30 I Do Not Know, But I Will Search It Out
- 5.3 The Purpose And Meaning Of Life
- 5.6 Choosing the Meta Goal
- 6.10 From Good to God
- 6.16 Concrete And Abstract Idolatry
- 8.39 Why Spend So Much Time On Teachers And Philosophy?
- 9.25 Our Supreme Identify And Citizenship
- Meditation 604
- The Lionsberg Handbook
- 1.8 Aligning Vision, Intention, and Analysis
- 2.5 The Gift of Structure
- 3.8 The One Highest Thing
- 1. One
- Value