Having properly ordered our Loves within a functional Total Nested Hierarchy of Loves we can begin to properly order our goals within a functional Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals.
Having properly identified ourselves with the Spirit of the One Who creates and sustains All things, we can begin to properly act in accordance with the highest intention and goals of which we can conceive.
So what belongs at the top of a values-based hierarchy of goals? What belongs at the top of Order of Goals?
There is only One Answer.
What belongs at the top of the hierarchy of goals is what is most important in the mind of perfect wisdom and omniscience; what is most important in the mind of the One; the Goal of the One.
This is a matter not of our own subjective will, intention, or perspective.
It is a matter of discerning the highest objective will, intention, and perspective.
Which is the will, intention, perspective, and Goal of One.
This should be approached in humility and in community, with special attention paid to the elders regarded by the community as most discerning and wise, and to the pure hearts and perceptions of the most discerning children.
The One highest order Intention of the One is the One Goal that belongs at the top of the Order of Goals.
It is the One Thing we should principally orient ourselves towards, so that we can discern what is uniquely ours to do to help the One, our Self, and All life advance towards its Meta Goal.
So how can we know the Mind of the One? And how do we identify our consciousness and being as closely as possible with the One who is most worthy of our Love, in order to properly discern and embody Its Spirit and Intention, and help advance All Creation towards Its Goal?
This is the spiritual Quest towards enlightenment and our Destiny. The epic journey of All things towards Unity through Love. This is the Way towards the Goal. The is the Way in which the Way is the Goal. The process of becoming, and helping All Creation become, that which it is Intended to be. So simple. So pure.
In the same way that the Creative Source and Sustainer of the universe is a Mystery that we must orient ourselves to with humility and awe, so too is Its perfect mind and intention.
Because our Consciousness is limited and only conceptually able to approach, but never fully grasp or comprehend, the Meta Goal, we might say that the Meta Goal is the Highest Intention and Greatest Good of Which We Can Presently Conceive.
For now, let us say that the Meta Goal is something like:
“For All Life to develop into the fullness of its unique Potential and flourish in harmony”.
“The total integrated development, wellbeing, and right relationship of all generations of Life and Consciousness.”
“The Highest Intention and Greatest Good of Which We Can Presently Conceive.”
These statements all point to the same aspect of Reality.
This is the basic heart of love of any good parent towards its children, or any good Creator towards its Creation. To help the new life that is trying to emerge develop into the fullness of its potential and flourish in harmony.
If we put the fullness of our being in service to the best and highest potential and right relationship of all generations of life, and if we progress towards this goal through love, we are headed in approximately the right direction on our Quest.
Really, we are aiming at what lies beyond that Goal, which is its Source.
All other goals must then be subordinated and properly ordered in right relationship to this overarching and uniting Meta Goal.
If we consciously choose to place any other goal at the top of the hierarchy of goals, whether economic goals, tribal goals, national goals, or even other good spiritual goals, we are intentionally and consciously sub-optimizing and orienting ourselves towards the wrong Way, and we will immediately proceed in the wrong direction on our Quest. This is a fundamental Pattern of Death. If billions of people penned into millions of little tribes all sub-optimize and head in different directions for their own provincial interests, the Whole will fail, and all life will suffer.
If we consciously choose to place the Meta Goal, as best we can discern it, at the top of the Order of Goals, we intentionally optimize and orient ourselves towards to absolute best, highest, and most worthy Goal. This is the fundamental Pattern of Life. If billions of sovereign individuals optimize and orient themselves in the same direction for the true wellbeing of the Whole, One, and All, the Whole will succeed, and All Life and Consciousness will flourish in harmony.
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