13. In The Beginning, God

After admitting We Do Not Know, We can begin to explore The Territory, and begin checking and updating Our Map of Reality.

However before We get Our Map of Reality, it is crucial to Remember the One Thing that is by definition excluded from it.

Whether we approach the One from the standpoint of the theological axiom that including the One in Our Map of the Known is Idolatry, or the mathematical Principles of Uncertainty, We know that the Mystery of Ultimate Reality can only be Loved and rightly related to; We can Apprehend and approach It, but never Comprehend and Grasp It.

The beginning of nearly all Origin Stories is One.

In the beginning, God / Creator / One. As soon as we utter any of the Word Tools we use to point to Ultimate Reality / Ultimate Unity, already we find our Selves divided by the false religions and ideologies of The Caves.

The preponderance of religions correctly encode the fragments of the One Supreme Certainty that they assert - that there is indeed One Ultimate Reality and Supreme Consciousness, from, through, and within which All Manifest Reality and Consciousness arises.

This transcendent Generative Source of the Universe is what in English we point to with Word Tools like God, or Ultimate Reality.

God is transcendent of, distinct from, yet interexistent with the manifest body of Co-Creation we point to with word tools like Nature or Living System.

In the Lionsberg Lexicon, Ultimate Reality gives rise to Reality while remaining ineffably Beyond it.

In the Lionsberg Narrative Universe, One and All, Ultimate Reality and Reality, Creator and Creation, interchangeably point to Limit Stories that necessarily Bound and Orient The System.

They are the Ultimately Expansive and All Encompassing Walls of the Paradise We are Co-Creating.

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