This Citizenship in the family and community of the One is the divine and inalienable right of every Being, without exception.
It is our primary and supreme citizenship and Identity, from which our Inalienable Rights and Responsibilities Flow regardless of what Lower Order citizenships, identities, or affiliations we may hold.
It is the Order of Citizenship.
It is the Order of Identity.
There is only One Thing that can rightly be at the top of the Order of Citizenship, and that is our sacred citizenship in the divine Kingdom of One.
In the Kingdom of One, no being may exercise Authority over another being to their harm.
No one, regardless of position, title, or authority, has the right to Harm another.
All beings, regardless of position, title, or authority, have the responsibility to Help One Another.
No one, regardless of position, title, or authority, may exercise their Sovereignty and Rights to Harm or Violate the Sovereignty and Rights of another.
No one, regardless of position, title, or authority may be corrupt, misappropriate the funds of the people, prevent the cause of Justice, or hinder the progress of any person or community towards The Goal.
All Corruption and Injustice hinder Progress towards The Goal.
No one, regardless of position, title, or authority, may abuse, exploit, or pollute the Living System that sustains All Generations of Life.
No one, regardless of position, title, or authority, may purge, assimilate, or destroy other people, tribes, ecosystems, or cultures.
No one, regardless of position, title, or authority, may exercise special privilege, luxury, or hereditary rights to the Harm of their communities or others.
All beings have a right to Freedom, Inter-Existence, and Self Determination under the Highest universal Natural and Spiritual Law.
All beings have a right to Life, and therefore to Self Defense.
Our Supreme Identity and Citizenship lies not in the temporal groups and institutions that leaders try to subordinate us to, but in the eternal and universal Meta Community of Life.
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