In a Universe of Inter-Existence in which we are consciously are of what causes Suffering and death, and what causes Joy and Life…
And in which we can consciously choose towards what ends we direct our Being, Mind, and Action…
Our basic affirmative Responsibility under the Universal Law is to render the mutual assistance due from every being to every being, as we all progress towards The Goal.
Our basic restriction is that no being, organization, or community is allowed to inflict suffering, harm, or hinder the progress of others as we all strive to progress towards The Goal.
We must progress towards The Goal in Harmony and Right Relationship with all other Life that is also trying to progress towards The Goal.
The one who unconsciously hinders the progress of others or causes others to suffer for the sake of their own Progress is foolish, ignorant, and unwise.
The one who consciously and willfully hinders the progress of others or causes others suffering for the sake of their own Progress is Enacting and Embodying Malevolence.
The permeating principle of the Universal Law is Love. It is the nature of the One.
Love demands that we help, and do not harm, life.
One demands that we help, and do not harm, Its sacred family of Life.
In the final account, there is only one Life, and only one Love.
In the final account, there is only One.
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