1.8 Aligning Vision, Intention, and Analysis

Without a shared overarching and uniting Vision, Intention, and Goal, people, systems and societies perish and eventually Collapse.

It is impossible to be an integrated Being without an overarching and uniting Purpose and Goal.

When we zoom out and look at the entire human species, and its place within the Living System, it becomes clear that there is only One Thing big enough to unite us All.

What unites All Creation is its Generative Source.

Out of One, The Diverse Many. Out of The Diverse Many, One.

If you investigate any Apparent Object within the Living System carefully enough, eventually you will rediscover the One creating and sustaining it.

If you investigate the One carefully enough, eventually you will discover that It has a Mind, Will, and Intention no less sophisticated than the Apparently Individuated Consciousness perceiving It.

The Universe It is Creating is Intelligible. It has a Logos.

The Logos of the Universe is the Creator's Intent for Worksite Earth.

The Logos of the Universe is what Informs the Divine Blueprints.

Therefore, our first 15 minute Period of Action or Unit of Time should be devoted to aligning our individuated Vision, Intention, and Analysis with the Vision, Intention, and Analysis of the One.

Prayer, Meditation, and Coherence are what make co-operating as One Body possible.

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