The reason that I have risked losing readers with a foray into the teachers and philosophies upon which modern civilization rose is that this is a book about One Thing.
This is a book about a moment in history which every single living Being on earth, for generations to come, will look back upon with great gratitude and honor, or bitterness and ire.
We need to come together to do something historic.
If we must come together, what will we come together around?
If we must rise into Higher Order Functional Unity, upon what Ancient Foundation shall we order our Selves?
If we must resolve our differences by voluntary agreement, and not by violence or force, what are the core Principles and Values that will guide us towards Consensus.
If we are going to move towards something together, towards what shall we move? Towards what shall we Aim?
The amazing thing is that when we look back to the most widely respected teachers and examples in human history, across all cultures, nations, and peoples, we find that the Golden Thread is One. No matter how corrupted and deceived the modern manifestations may be, when we return to the heart, when we return to the Spirit, when we return to the Foundation, when we clear aside all the rubble, all the mistakes, all the misinterpretations, all the ways that the human implementation fell short of the Divine Ideal, we find that the Divine [Ideal] is One, and that its Spirit is Truth and Love.
And that One Spirit, that One Ideal, is the One Thing that opens up the possibility and the potential for a voluntary agreement among free people to arise, unite, and move together in service of It and towards It.
The return to the most faithful words and examples across time demonstrates that in the midst of the warfare and “othering” among tribes, races, peoples, political parties, nation states, and religions, there is One True underlying Absolute Ultimate Reality, and a single Universal Law and set of Wisdom, Principles, and Values that Flow from It.
It is around this One Spirit that we must Order our Selves if we to succeed, and avoid failure.
Forward to 8.40 Alexander The Great
Back to 8.38 The Battle For The Culture And Integrity Of Society
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