When it is complete, when the Meta Game has been won and the Meta Goal accomplished, it brings perfect completion and fulfillment to the Earth. Shalom. The penultimate moment inherent in the prophesies. The ultimate fulfillment of the Potential that is beyond our ability to ask, imagine, or conceptualize, yet towards which we valiantly strive, and for which we valiantly continue to die.
It is the collective fulfillment of Logos, the highest perfect Divine Will and Intention, through the establishment of a community and a dwelling place suitable for fully enlightened consciousness to dwell in perfect unity, right here On Earth As it Is In Heaven… All things in harmonious Right Relationship with One Another and the One in Whom they live, and move, and breathe, and have their being.
The New World. The Divine City. The world to come.
Delivered by the Spirit of the one who confronts and overcomes the Dragon, and thereby liberates the full Potential of flourishing Life and Beauty it held captive in chains for millennia.
It is not just apprehending and comprehending the intention, it is not just speaking it, but speaking and embodying it in such a way that causes it to actually come into fully articulated being… It is becoming and manifesting the intention in addition to speaking it, in such a way that liberates and empowers all things to become and manifest the fullness of what they were uniquely created to be.
When all things Understand, Speak and Become, the New World is already here.
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