
"Beauty" refers to the quality or characteristic that is aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, and attractive. It encompasses aspects of art, design, aesthetics, and the sense of proportion and balance. Beauty is often considered to be a standard of excellence and a guiding principle in the pursuit of Goodness, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Truth.

In the context of the Lionsberg System, Beauty is seen as a reflection of Ultimate Reality, embodying the highest standard of harmony, balance, proportion, and right relationship. Beauty serves as an inspiration and guide for the movement towards its Vision, Aim, and Goal, and is seen as an essential aspect of creating a harmonious, just, wise, good, and pleasing world.

The Lionsberg System recognizes that Absolute Beauty is something that remains beyond our full comprehension, and encourages its members to explore and appreciate the richness and diversity of perspectives as they navigate towards Beauty. The pursuit of Beauty is seen as an important aspect of the overall pursuit of Truth, Wisdom, Love, and Goodness, and is essential in creating a world where everyone can live a life of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

The value of beauty represents a commitment to aesthetics and appreciation of the arts. It means seeking out and creating beauty in the world, and being moved and inspired by the beauty that surrounds us.