Meta Project Program Statement

This statement is a Work In Progress. It is a living document designed to be continuously improved.

Working with various experts across a broad spectrum of domains, the Receiver developed a draft Meta Project Program Statement (MPPS) that could be continuously improved. The MPPS describes the "What" of the Program. It describes the characteristics of the New World to be built, and the need for a Higher Order System that integrates all underlying systems, resources, and energy into a Higher Order Functional Unity capable of meeting the needs and solving the problems inherent in every individual, group, and community on earth.

It also answers the "Why Build Anything At All?" question.

The MPPS is emerging through numerous working sessions on various topics, as well as site visits to review existing and desired conditions in various domains. The MPPS is a key element in the planning of the Program and will be used throughout this Guide to describe the design and programming needs and acceptance criteria of the New World, along with the major features of the Program required to bring it into existence.

The MPPS outlines the programatic components of the New System, and describes how they address the total spiritual, intellectual, and physical needs of the global community.

It is intended to be a living document that continuously elevates as the elements of the program become more articulated and/or are adjusted as part of the continuous improvement program.

The development of the Meta Project Program Statement began in 2017.  The effort initially included strategists, designers, planners, programmers, technologists, attorneys, consultants and operations staff from a variety of different organizations and viewpoints. It was expanded to include a growing array of perspectives between 2020 and 2022. The MPPS and The Book of Lionsberg are both Works in Progress and are the initial best efforts of the Receiver to distill the wisdom from around the world and across the millennia, couple it with modern realities and best practices, listen carefully to the global community, and articulate a statement of the programmatic needs of a fully functional and flourishing New Era self-operated and self-sustained by a free, sovereign and empowered global community. The MPPS contains initial descriptions of the physical attributes, operational descriptions and requirements of of the primary elements that might be contained in the Prototype, which could be rapidly iterated, replicated and scaled relatively simultaneously around the world. The rapid and simultaneous scaling of The Prototype through shared Infrastructure is a critical design criteria, given the urgent existential threats. It is also critical that all replications of the Prototype contain the core architecture and system components that forge their networked interexistence and interoperability with the total System.

The MPPS incorporates articulations of higher order systems of education, wellbeing, ecology, governance, administration, economy, culture and values, meaning, right relationship, and other information required for all generations of life to discover and achieve their unique potential, and flourish in harmony.

The sections of the Meta Project Program Statement include the following:

  1. Why
  2. Basis of Design
  3. Intention
  4. Purpose and Meaning
  5. Alignment
  6. Culture and Values
  7. Right Relationship
  8. Learning
  9. Wellbeing
  10. Living System(s)
  11. Land
  12. Air
  13. Water
  14. Infrastructure
  15. Governance
  16. Administration
  17. Economy
  18. Spirituality
  19. Reconciliation
  20. Transforming Weaponry
  21. Flourishing

The MPPS describes a proposed New System that integrates and elevates all life without exception. The System will create an unprecedented wave of truly valuable and regenerative systems, facilities and infrastructure. These elements will create meaningful work, relationships, and quality of life for the global community over generations to come.

The architecture of the System is intended to encompass and elevate all aspects of the Human System and the Living System wihtout exception. All elements of the System will be built in a regenerative way that transforms the negative externalities associated with the Old World into a truly synergistic spiral of all life and systems upwards towards the Meta Goal of the Program.

The Core Enterprise will provide oversight of the MPPS to ensure it remains consistent with the Receiver’s Intention and Goal, is updated to reflect learning during design, build and operationaliation, and that constructed systems, facilities, and infrastructure comport with the design intent, which is the Highest Intention and Greatest Good for All.

The latest edition of the living Meta Project Program Statement can be found here.

The Meta Project Program Statement

Lionsberg System Design/The Way/The Lionsberg System/The Meta Project/Meta Project Program Statement/0. Introduction
1. Intention
2. Analysis
3. Engagement
4. Planning
5. Action
6. Continuous Elevation

For additional high level context, see the Provisional Declaration.