2022.07.05 Request For Guidance

Hello friends and allies,

We are issuing this Request For Guidance at the outset of our third 6 Week Cycle.

A Social Experiment

At the start of the second quarter, we invited you to participate in or observe a social experiment.

The idea was to take 6 weeks, and go through a loose integrated delivery process of 1) Intention 2) Analysis 3) Engagement 4) Planning 5) Action, and 6) Continuous Improvement to get a taste of what it might be like to attempt to work together on the One Thing that encompasses and unites us all at this moment in history.

The basic idea was to see if we could potentially forge:

  1. A global Meta Community / Federation
  2. Composed of sovereign and autonomous entities
  3. Engaged in a highest overarching and uniting Meta Project, whose purpose was to
    1. Solve the total set of grand challenges
    2. Accomplish the total set of global goals
    3. Forge the Best Possible Future for All

The hope was that we could inspire a global community to design and build itself, so that together we could design and build a better world.

Our hope was to find at least 6 to 12 people willing to advance.

Cycle 1 Experiment Results

We ended up with a couple dozen consistent participants and a few dozen onlookers interested in seeing what would happen if we carried forward, so we prepared for a first "official" cycle.

Additional results are articulated in the 2022.05.09 Request For Guidance, and in the 2022.Q2 Presentation of Value Creation.

Cycle 2 Goals and Results

When it became evident we had the energy and alignment to advance, 8 weeks ago we sent out the far-too-long 2022.05.09 Request For Guidance.

It proposed 5 Next Steps for the 6 week cycle that just concluded on July 2:

  1. Formalize a gathering place where we can work on the One Thing that unites us All.

  2. Draft and adopt a minimum viable declaration / constitution that establishes right relationship among the sovereigns engaged in the federation.

  3. Resource the federation (Core Team and Infrastructure Fund), and the distributed network of high leverage projects (Impact Fund(s)).

  4. Operationalize an Integrated Delivery System that creates throughput of the total nested set of goals.

  5. Advance the shared infrastructure platform that empowers the distributed network of autonomous sovereigns.

It was a super ambitious slate of the basic elements required to advance the Critical Path path towards the Goal.

The feedback to the Request For Guidance caused us to see the Wisdom in focusing on setting up the Patterns and Minimum Viable elements of each of these, along with a process for Continous Improvement, rather than trying to get them perfect.

Goal 1: A Place to work on the One Thing that unites us All.

In response to Goal 1, we advanced multiple elements:

  1. A weekly meeting (Weekly at 12:20 to 2:00 PT, followed by a Retrospective that lasts until 2:30 PT)
  2. A Provisional Structure hosted by Lionsberg that allows us to gather and distribute resources, and interface with existing authorities
  3. A Chat System (MatterMost) that allows for groups, channels, topics, etc. The system is privately hosted and administered by an ally and core contributor to the Meta Project (Collective Sense Commons) which makes it far less likely to get cancelled.
  4. An Interoperable Database and Repository (Catalist) of people, organizations, and projects hosted by an ally and core contributor to the Meta Project.
  5. A Collaboration Platform (Open Impact) through which we will be able to coordinate, measure, and transact upon the Impact / Value that we create together.

Goal 2: Minimum Viable Declaration / Constitution

In response to Goal 2, we determined that what would eventually become a constitution needed to begin as a living document that could be clarified and elevated over time.

We drafted the following documents, which are currently in the process of being reviewed and improved.

  1. A simple Provisional Declaration
  2. A Meta Project Program Statement

Over time, the Provisional Declaration will advance towards a full constitution, and the Program Statement will advance towards a fully articulated set of Plans and Specifications.

Goal 3: Resource the Federation

While we did not actually ask for or receive any funds, we significantly advanced our collective understanding of the architecture and theory associated with funding, and its various elements.

In Q3 there are multiple opportunities present:

  1. We secured $15,000 in matching funds to begin the next micro raise. Would you be willing to help unlock these funds and set up the first internal resource pool to steward?
  2. We are exploring combining infrastructure and networks with allies to empower a prototype fund that is planning to target a $500 Million raise for an Open Future Fund.
  3. We are working on the architecture for multiple billion dollar "funds of funds" that will work together intelligently to progressively apply resources to measurable progress made that advances the Critical Path towards the various goals included in the Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals.

We are also exploring different sustainable "for-profit" and "non-profit" aspects of the Integrated System that could be prioritized and launched to sustainably generate funds through services and projects.

Goal 4: Integrated Delivery System

In response to Goal 4, we succesfully completed articulating the architecture of an Integrated Delivery System.

This effort was aided by the provision of a starting point built through $10M+ of research and investment on how to most effectively execute 7 billion dollar projects simultaneously around the a single conceptual prototype and integrated Program of Action.

The results of this effort can be found in the Lionsberg Lionsberg Integrated Delivery Guide.

It should be noticed that this Integrated Delivery System has been purpose-built to Integrate with the Provisional Structure.

In Q3, we will operationalize the 0.2 Minimum Viable Version of the System, and begin making, securing, and tracking Commitments that produce Throughput of the Goal.

Goal 5: Advance the Shared Infrastructure Platform(s)

In response to Goal 5, we advanced:

  1. The Chat System (MatterMost)
  2. The Collaboration System (Open Impact)
  3. The Respositories (Catalist and Lionsberg Wiki)
  4. The Visualizations (Map Weavers)
  5. The Lionsberg Wiki - if you haven't seen this out, and if you are comfortable with a Work In Progress where a lot of links aren't yet created, check it out. It is rapdily turning into an exceptionally rich and interlinked source of information, ideas, philosophy, and content.

Value Created Above And Beyond Cycle Goals

Additionally, we created:

  1. A 2022.Q2 Presentation of Value Creation that outlines the key areas of values that the community has noticed and validated, as well as outlining the basis for transacting on that value. This was drafted in concert with members of the community who have been involved in the funding of hundreds of millions of dollars of projects / organizations / innovations.
  2. An initial concept, philosophy, and framework on Value
  3. A way for community members to easily set up blogs that integrate with and can refer to other elements of the Lionsberg Wiki. See Lionsberg Wiki Blogs.
  4. A way for community members to easily publish books / manuscripts. For a starting point, see the work we did with:
    1. The Book of Lionsberg - 10% Work in Progress
    2. The Lionsberg Integrated Delivery Guide - 50% to 70% Work in Progress
    3. The Power of Today - 80% Work in Progress.
  5. A way for community members to align their Daily Practice with the total Integrated System - See The Power of Today.
  6. A Starting Point for individuals to dive in and begin self-orienting.
  7. A place for people to begin sharing their stories - in response to a few requests, I went first with a quick version here: Jordan Nicholas Sukut.
  8. Began a secondary start through the social experiment with friends in Africa that is now moving into its second cycle.
  9. Began formalizing a data ontology for interoperability among data sets through the Catalist and Map Weavers groups.

More Organizing, Federating, and Value Creation

Additionally, we spent several weeks doing the hard work of establishing the core patterns of organization and federation.

General information on the patterns can be found in Organizations The Lionsberg Way, and the way organizations can collaborate and align energy can be found in the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery Guide.

Based on a survey of skills, passions, and needs, the following groups are emerging, and each creating their own unique value:

  1. Declaration / Constitution Group
  2. Resourcing Group
  3. Program and Process Management Group
  4. Wiki Posse Group
  5. Start Page Keepers Group
  6. Map Weavers Group
  7. Social Dimmensions Group
  8. Interviewing Group
  9. Skills and Passions Group (concluding and folding into other Groups)
  10. Story Group
  11. Artifacts Publishing Group
  12. General Resources Group
  13. Effectiveness, Pragmatics, and Ethics Group
  14. Wisdom Seekers Group
  15. Community Currency Group
  16. Harvesting and Composting Group
  17. Plans and Specifications Group
  18. Governance and Patterns Group
  19. Branding, Messaging, and Communications Group
  20. Kenya Group

The Groups above each have concrete expressions of interest from 3 or more people.

The Groups below are emergent themes with expressions of interest from 1 or more people, looking to consolidate their center of gravity:

  1. Administration
  2. Outreach and Engagement
  3. Grant Research and Writing
  4. Facilitation
  5. Metrics and Measurement
  6. Help Desk
  7. Creative / Media / Arts
  8. Social Media and Communications
  9. Platform Administration
  10. Tools and Technology
  11. Onboarding / Training / Mentoring
  12. Think Tank
  13. Think Tank Consulting Group

Cycle Two Reflection

While internally it can feel a bit slow and painful for young life forms to grow, many of those outside who don't see the life for a while are stunned and cannot believe the progress that is being made.

That is a bit of how we feel with the Lionsberg | Meta Project. Internally it is slow, fast, painful, joyful hard work - we use the hashtag #bootstrappingishard. And amazing.

Yet there are many people who have remarked that we have already co-created something unprecedented in the world. Perhaps that is true.

So humbly we present it to You, the free people of the world, and ask that you would help guide forward and resource the New life that is emerging if you agree that there is Value being created, and if you would like to see it continue.

Cycle Three Goals

Our Cycle Three Goals that advance us towards the Milestones that mark the Way towards the Goal will be determined over the coming two weeks. They will likely involve:

Goal 1: Making and Securing Commitments

If we are going to collectively advance along the Critical Path towards the Meta Goal, it is going to be through making and securing commitments to and from One Another.

Now that we have individuals organizing and federating into functional groups, and a Provisional Structure in place, we are in a position to begin Making and Keeping Commitments, and allocating resources in accordance.

If you would like to know more about how this works, visit the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery Guide, and in particular the section on 0.2 Minimum Viable Version.

Goal 2: Pull Planning to Determine Milestones and Critical Path

In order to understand what we should do next and why, we need to understanding the Milestones that mark the Critical Path towards the Goal.

I believe it would be wise to target engaging in pull planning with at least three groups:

  1. Projects and Initiatives Group
  2. Infrastructure and Services Group
  3. Funding and Resourcing Group

These three groups will help establish the outlines of and milestones of critical path for each side:

  1. Resources
  2. Projects
  3. The infrastructure / platforms / services that connect and empower both sides

These groups should be expanded to include broader representatives from each of these areas than those that are currently engaged.

Goal 3: Funding the Funds

Once we understand the Critical Path sequence, and the milestones and needs of 1) Resource Providers 2) Infrastructure / Service Providers and 3) Projects, we will be able to integrate those into a wise and continously improving System Wide Master Plan that can be progressively executed, measured, resourced, and improved.

That plan will demand funding at least two buckets:

  1. Measurable impact / value creation (Impact Fund)
  2. Core Infrastructure and Services (Core Team and Infrastructure Fund)

It is our present hypothesis that we should partner with the ecosystem / community to establish a reasonably large fund of funds as a prototype, and fund the core team and infrastructure primarily as a percentage (approximately 10% over time) of that total funding flow.

Our total funding ideas and infrastructure are growing in the quality of their articulation, however we do not have room to get into it here.

If you are interested, an deeper example of this thought can be found in the emerging concepts being articulated for the Open Future Fund. Reach out if you are interested.

We'll do our best to include more information as the cycle unfolds.

Goal 4: Continue Practicing How to Organize, Federate, and Create Greater Value Together More Rapidly Than Any of Us Can in Isolation

This is pretty self-explanatory, and is the overarching theme of the Meta Project.

Each Story and Each Cycle a Prophesy of Even Greater Things to Come

Hopefully the stories, examples, and evidence above are a prophesy of the even greater things that are possible if we decide to work together to make them a Reality.

Request For Action

I close with a three part personal request for your action:

  1. If you see value in what we are co-creating, and in the far greater things that are possible if we work together, please let us know by making a donation Here. Any show of support helps build social and proof, and encourage the emerging community. All donations will be transparently stewarded and applied to advance the Critical Path, and coupled with monthly or cycle-based reporting rhythms.
    1. The next $15k in will be doubled!
  2. If you feel led, please forward this Request For Guidance to the next person who needs to know about what is emerging.
  3. Lastly, please email me your feedback on this Requests For Guidance to J@Lionsberg.org to let us know what resources, relationships, or improvements you might be able to offer during this cycle.

With Love, In Community,

~ J