10.17 Higher Order Sub-Systems

All nature and all life is a single integral body, a single System of Systems.

A System of Systems is composed of Sub Systems, which are part of higher order systems, and Super Systems, which order and cohere Sub Systems within themselves.

Every Super System is also a Sub System depending on which level of analysis you are evaluating, until you reach the Absolute top of the System of Systems and discover the Meta System.

You are a part of the sub-system of humanity, which has a unique and important role to play in the Living System and the Meta System.

The human species can be thought of as one organ system within the Meta Organism.

What is the role of the human species within the Meta Organism? What is uniquely ours to do?

As Conscious Agents created in the Image of the One, we are to do what the Creative One would do. We are to Love, create, and sustain Life. We are to help All things develop towards the fullness of their unique potential and flourish.

We are to partner with the Creator as Co-Creators, to help advance All Creation towards its Goal.

How? By meeting the needs and solving the problems inherent in life, moving towards the Goal, and consciously helping all life progress with us.

If we are to help all life progress towards The Goal, and if the basic needs and problems inherent in all life are common…

...and if we are to help all life in the most wise, powerful, pragmatic Way that we can…

Then instead of leaving all local manifestations and communities of life to figure it out for themselves, we would create continuously improving higher order systems that met those needs and solved those problems for all life.

That is the basic way to ensure that all manifestations of life have equal opportunity to develop into the fullness of their potential and flourish.

What are some of the basic needs inherent in all communities of life?

Catastrophe Recovery: We must forge a higher order system for helping life recover from all forms of catastrophe.

Health and Wellness: We must forge a higher order system of total integrated wellness.

Learning and Development: We must forge a higher order system for lifelong learning and development.

Energy / Power / Electricity: We must forge a higher order system for the creation and distribution of energy.

Justice: We must forge a higher order system of law, discipline, and justice.

Governance & Administration: We must forge a higher order system of governance and administration.

Waste: A higher order system of waste collection, recycling and disposal.

Sanitation: A higher order system of sanitation.

Water: A higher order system for water stewardship and allocation.

Resource Stewardship & Allocation: A higher order system of resource stewardship and allocation.

Value Creation & Distribution: A higher order system of value creation and distribution.

Economy: A higher order system of production, consumption, and exchange.

Built Environment: A higher order system for designing and building environments in which life can flourish.

Science: A higher order system of science and knowledge.

Technology: A higher order system of technology.

Wisdom: A higher order system of wisdom.

Ecological Integration: A higher order system through which humanity re-integrates with the [Living System].

Migration: A higher order system of human and animal migration.

Culture and Values: A higher order system of culture and values.

Family: A higher order system of familial relations and flourishing.

Child and Elder Care: A higher order system to care for children and the elderly.

Spirituality & Meaning: A higher order system of spirituality and meaning.

If you can think of a human problem or need, it requires a systematic way to meet it, and should be added to the list.

And what is required to integrate and align all the higher order systems?

The highest order Meta System we can conceptualize, which integrates and aligns all underlying higher order systems, energy, and life into a functional unity capable of meeting the needs and solving the problems inherent in all communities of life…

...so that all life has the opportunity to develop into the fullness of its potential and flourish…

In the inherently unified, inter-existent and eternally regenerative Meta System that gives rise to and sustains all generations of Life and Consciousness...

As all life advances towards the Meta Goal of the Meta System, which is ultimately One.

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