We discussed the Order of Loves unified and cohered by the Meta Love.
We discussed the Order of Goals unified and cohered by the Meta Goal.
We discussed the Order of Games unified and cohered by the Meta Game.
We discussed the Order of Projects unified and cohered by the Meta Project.
We discussed the Order of Laws unified and cohered by the Meta Law.
We discussed the Order of Systems unified and cohered by the Meta System.
Now we come to the issue of the community of life on earth.
Just like there are countless goals and drives, that must be integrated and properly ordered in service of the Meta Goal, so too are there countless sovereign individuals and communities, which must be properly ordered and rightly related to the Meta Community.
The Meta Community is the highest order community, which aligns all underlying sovereign communities into a higher order functional unity which is capable of meeting the needs and solving the problems inherent in life and society.
What belongs at the top of the Order of Communities?
The only possible answer that does not immediately doom us to failure is:
The Meta Community.
What is the Meta Community?
It is the total set of all properly ordered and aligned individual and local sovereignties.
The Meta Community is not a state controlled monolith.
It is the total set of all brilliant, sovereign, local, unique rightly related sovereigns in Right Relationship with One, One Another, and All
It is like the Living System, for it is one with the Living System, and perpetually unified by the Meta System.
Forward to 10.36 The Meta Community
Back to 10.34 The Nation States Of The Old World
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