Individual and Local Sovereignty.
Right relationship, mutual assistance, and coordination among sovereigns as all sovereigns help one another continuously elevate towards The Goal.
Each individual is responsible to progressively discover and achieve the fullness of their potential, by helping all others do the same.
Each locality is responsible to progressively discover and achieve its full potential as a community, by helping all others do the same.
Every higher order locality is responsible for helping its constituent localities discover and achieve their potential, by helping all other higher order localities do the same.
The Meta Community is simply the total set of all properly functioning, coordinated, and rightly related sovereigns, helping one another rise towards The Goal.
Sovereign individuals…
Voluntarily associate into sovereign families…
Voluntarily associate into sovereign localities…
Voluntarily associate into higher order localities…
Voluntarily associate into the Meta (non) locality…
That is the total set of all localities…
Which progressively forges the higher order functional unity that is capable of meeting the needs and solving the problems inherent in every fractal of the Whole.
The Meta Community is achieved by the voluntary ascension of sovereigns into the higher order functional unity and mutual benefit that is made possible by compliance with the Meta Law, and adherence to the Minimum Standards of Interoperability.
Each sovereign remains sovereign, and free to leave the Meta Community at any time.
The Meta Community is not held together by force, coercion or control, but by Wisdom, Love, and Influence.
The wisdom from individual and local sovereignties flows up to inform the transformation, proper functioning, and direction of the Whole.
The wisdom from the Whole flows down to inform the transformation and proper functioning and direction of the Sovereigns.
The Whole is guided by the collective cognition and wisdom of the distributed sovereigns.
The distributed sovereigns are guided by the collective cognition and wisdom of the Whole.
All sovereigns optimize for the Whole, by helping elevate and transform the the least whole towards The Goal.
The Whole optimizes for the flourishing of all sovereigns, by helping elevate and transform All.
Primary Identity and Love lie first at the Meta Level so that all sovereigns manifest the Patterns of Life and avoid the Patterns of Death.
This enables All to succeed, and avoid failure.
A body divided is already dead.
A spiritual unity can live forever.
Secondary identity lies at the individual and local, which empowers the ever-complexifying diversity of unique expression.
Over time, individual and local expression within the Meta Community, like individual and local expression in nature, grows ever more diverse, beautiful, and complex.
The most worthy prototypes succeed, prosper, and spread their Metaphysical DNA.
The Meta Law of the Meta Community is not imposed from the top down, but rather each unique expression is tested for fit against it, and continuously transformed towards it from within.
The Meta Community tests, selects and rejects based on fit…
In the same way that nature tests, selects and rejects based on fit.
Each unique sovereign expression is valued based on the value it creates for the Whole as all generations of the Whole continuously and relentlessly advance towards The Goal.
Individual and local sovereigns choose of their own free will to rise up into continuously improving coherence with the total set of protocols, wisdom, culture, principles, and values that enable multi-generational stewardship and interoperability.
Multi-generational stewardship and interoperability enable the free flow of collaboration, resources, and mutual assistance.
The Meta Community is the continuously elevating organizational structure for all participants in the Meta Project and the Meta Game.
Without higher order functional unity, it is impossible to win the Meta Game, and thereby achieve the Meta Goal.
The Meta Community is an invitation to awaken, arise, and set ones feet on the path towards the sacred city that is the dwelling place of fully enlightening and rightly related Consciousness.
The Meta Community is inherently sovereign. It is the total set and full expression of all inherent individual sovereignty, which can never be tread on or oppressed.
This is the Way towards The Goal.
Forward to 10.37 Protecting the Individual and the Local from the Power of the Meta Community
Back to 10.35 The Order Of Communities And The Meta Community
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