10.37 Protecting the Individual and the Local from the Power of the Meta Community

So how shall we protect the individual and the local from becoming overpowered by, and subordinated to, the power of the confederated sovereignties?

The founders of the United States of America found a reasonable solution. Switzerland found a reasonable solution. Mondragon found a reasonable solution.

Yet the best solutions to date have all become in various ways compromised or co-opted.

The primary disease of the Old World was the disease of self-serving and self-optimizing units, building themselves ever bigger at the expense the life that was trying to emerge. 195 corrupt and self-serving nation states, exploiting one another externally, and corrupting the sovereignty and right relationship of communities internally, was not a recipe for success.

Internally corrupt things die.

Self-optimizing parts cause the whole to fail. Self-optimizing at the expense of the community or planet hosting you is the basic sign of a parasite.

At every level, the system of the Old World was failing.

And so we invented a New one.

And we made sure that it would eternally protect the integrity and coherence of the proper flow of authority and sovereignty, from the One, to each one, and up through all higher order forms of voluntarily association.

This New house, optimized for One and All, could stand forever if properly maintained throughout the generations.

How? By understanding and embodying its Pattern Language. Individually and collectively. At every fractal level. in all times and places.

We must become the perpetual living embodiment of the Spirit that is co-creating the reality that we are realizing.

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