We know it has been hard. We know you have been suffering.
But what happens next in the Story is that we are going to rise above the chaos, come together, solve the problems, and progress towards our Worthy Goal and Best Possible Future.
And we are going to do it by Helping One Another choose an Aim, and identify and take the next step that we see we are capable of taking, that we are willing to take, towards that Worthy Goal.
That one small step will will create just enough positive emotion and energy to enable us to take one more small step.
And then we are going to do it again.
And again.
And again.
We Do Not Know and cannot possibly imagine how high we might be able to go if we stay present with One and One Another and Progress in this Way.
One step at a time.
One moment at a time.
Present Here and Now.
Paying Attention to what is arising.
Curious about what is Trying To Emerge in us and through us.
Co-Creating the Total Nested Hierarchy of Conditions to enable That Which Is Trying to Emerge to Emerge.
We are All here. Together.
Caught up in a Story that is far more epic and far greater than we can possibly imagine.
What happens next for you is simple:
What happens next for us is also simple:
And because we will accomplish this through a shared process and experience, we will stack up and align our Total Nested Hierarchy of Stories and our Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals so that we All Help One Another rise towards our overarching and uniting Meta Goal, and flourish in harmony.
This process will elevate, transform, and heal our individual and collective paradigms and Consciousness.
From this transformed Consciousness, and entirely new Way of Being as a human species on planet earth will naturally Emerge.
Let's get moving together, by each getting moving our Selves, and Helping One Another advance towards The Goal.
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