XXXX.XX.XX (Date) - Meeting Title


  • Planned Start and End Time:
  • Actual Start and End Time:

Opening Remarks - 5 Min

Purpose: To greet, and set the energy and context for the meeting.

Rapid Orienting Headlines - 3 to 10 Min

Purpose: To draw out top headlines and orient the group to any significant developments (30 to 60 seconds).

Pressing Issues To Add To Issue Tracker? - 2 to 5 Min

Purpose: To assure anyone with bursting with an issue that they can rest and listen because the issue has been placed on the Issue Tracker.

Navigation Dashboard Reviews - 5 Min

Purpose: To review Navigation Dashboards for any potential issues that need to be added to the Issue Tracker.

Quarterly Goal Reviews - 5 Min

Purpose: To review self-reported % complete and Green Yellow Orange Red indicator, and add potential any issues to Issue Tracker.

Commitment Tracker - 5 Min

Purpose: To capture and track Commitments (action items) as they arise, and add any potential issues to Issue Tracker.

Short Term Issue Tracker - Bulk of Meeting

Purpose: Main focus of the meeting - to Identity, Dialogue, and Resolve issues. Fields: Issue, Who, Date Raised, Date Due, Notes.

Long Term Issue Tracker - 2 Min

Purpose: To track long term issues that will not be resolved this month / quarter, and see if any need to be transfered up to the Short Term Issue Tracker. Fields: Issue, Who, Date Raised, Date Due, Notes.

Retrospective - 10 Minutes

  • What worked?
  • What can we do better next time?
  • Add feedback to the Retrospective Tracker