(Name Of Project Goes Here) Plan

See Project Delivery Guide for instructions


Where is the project right now? Are things on track? What are the issues and opportunities?

Roles and Responsibilities

Who is handling the standard Project Roles, and what are they responsible for doing?

Steward / Customer / Sponsor / Initiator

The person who requires the Output of the Project and has allocated the resources for accomplishing it.

Project Manager

The person responsible for the rhythm and tempo of the project, and for its administrative and operational details.


The person responsible to the Sponsor for makin sure the project is accomplished, and to the Project Team for making sure they are able to accomplish the project.

Externals Relations / Advocate

The person responsible for interfacing with external relationships, fielding questions and concerns, etc. How can people best get in touch with them?


The people working on the project

Output, Goals, Value Created

What will this project achieve? How will you know when you are done?

Conditions of Satisfaction

What are the Conditions of Satisfaction? How will all parties know when the project has been successfully completed?

Resource Requirements

What resources (people, funds, tools, things) are required to accomplish this project? Where do they come from?


What is the overall strategy for accomplishing this project? What are its major phases or milestones?

Workplan and Timeline

Who? What? When? What are the specific tasks needed to accomplish our goals? What is the logic between the tasks? When might they happen? By Who?

Communication Norms

How have the project Participants agreed to communicate? What, where and how often are the regular meetings? How will the Participants keep the Stakeholders and Observers informed?