Loved Ones,
As we enter 2025, we stand at one of the most critical junctures in human history—a moment where the future will be decided for generations to come.
The Lionsberg Wiki Books and the Above The Chaos series have done their best to articulate why this moment matters so profoundly. I understand that the revelations of 2024 may feel alienating or overwhelming for those who have not yet come to terms with these realities. That’s okay. In time, as events unfold, clarity and reconciliation will come.
As best we understand it, our shared mid-term mission and mandate remains the same:
To Unite and Empower The First Three Percent of humanity by 2026.
As the world shakes and systems falter, only a decentralized network of Leadership, Light, and Love can empower communities to survive and thrive.
Millions of courageous individuals and thousands of visionary groups already understand this and are working toward this shared goal. Together, we are beginning to discern the emerging Pattern Language that will guide us.
However, over the past few years, The Competition to Save the World has hindered collective progress. Countless projects under countless banners are competing for the energy and resources that must be united if humanity is to pass The Final Test.
We have come to understand that
the existing systems and institutions cannot be transformed; they must be rapidly transcended.
Until the summer of 2024, we were still exploring the possibility of salvaging the Existing Order. What we learned during this process was stark: we are not merely dealing with corruption or greed but with a parasitic infestation by deeply anti-human forces operating beyond the reach of any constitutional government or conventional military on Earth.
The governments, institutions, and systems we once trusted to uphold justice and stability are powerless in the face of these forces who puppet them.
We, The People, united as One, are not powerless. Together, anything is possible.
Since compliance with tyranny is not an option, we are dissolving the Provisional Structure and beginning anew in January with:
2025 - Season 1 - Rising From The Ashes.
To stay on schedule, we have only eight 90-Day Seasonal Quests remaining to unite, enlighten, and empower ~250 million citizens. With billions of lives at stake, now is the time to step forward boldly and embark on the adventure of a lifetime.
If you feel called to join this historic effort, RSVP here. Together, we will rise.
With Love and Strength in Our Unity,
~ J
P.S. A Word of Warning
Over the next 36 months, you will hear increasing talk about extraterrestrials. There are plans in place for a false flag alien invasion and a false flag messianic return. Do not fall for it. Do not panic. Do not fear. Together, we will overcome.
For more information, see The False Flag Alien Invasion and The False Flag Messianic Return