LIONSBERG - History, Inception, and Trust Manifesto


In the vast unfolding of interexistence, there are moments when the echoes of eternity touch the present, birthing something wholly New yet timeless. LIONSBERG is one such moment—a transcendent Ideal, an eternal beacon, empowering a living embodiment of humanity’s highest potential in service to ONE and All.

This document serves as a bridge between the pragmatic and the archetypical, inviting those who resonate with the Spirit of ONE and LIONSBERG to understand its inception, evolution, purpose, and intent. It aims to inspire trust while anchoring LIONSBERG firmly in the shared story of our collective journey toward Heaven on Earth and Beyond.

See also The Story of Lionsberg and The Birth of The Eternal Citadel.

The Name

LIONSBERG symbolizes the New World longing to emerge—one woven from unity, love, and the co-creative partnership of ONE and All. It is a transcendent vision, a community, and an operating system dedicated to manifesting the Creator’s Intent across dimensions.

The mythical name itself carries the weight of a Divine calling: Lion, the symbol of courage and kingship; Berg, the enduring sacred mountain that unites Heaven and Earth. Together, they form a place of eternal light and sacred purpose—The Eternal Citadel—a Living City, where all paths converge at the heights of The Sacred Mountain, and the fragments of the All rediscover their wholeness and Ultimate Unity in the ONE.

The Source Idea

At the heart of LIONSBERG lies the Source Idea: a call to reawaken to Our Divine origins, purpose, and destiny, and realign the fragmented systems of Our lives and worlds with the eternal and universal harmony of the ONE.

J, the primary steward of this incarnation, has carried this vision, calling, and mandate since inception. By the age of 10 or 12, he spoke of a great shaking—a time when the structures of the Old World would falter and humanity would face its Final Test—an existential struggle for the future humanity and planet Earth. He envisioned a bridge reuniting Heaven and Earth, a framework vast enough to reunite All Creation—on Earth and Beyond—under the Spirit and banner of the ONE, and dedicated his life to preparing for this moment.

The Archetypical Genesis

Long before the structures and words of LIONSBERG were established in form, they existed in essence, eternally radiating from the Spirit of ONE. Like The Sacred Mountain in The ChroniclesLIONSBERG was called forth from The Divine Symphony of the ONE as a beacon of Light and Liberty in the shadowlands of separation and enslavement. Its Golden Seed, containing The Divine Blueprints for Heaven on Earth and Beyond, was planted in the heart of J, watered by years of trial, and illuminated by Divine guidance.

Through visions, prophesies, and countless hours of labor and Love, The LIONSBERG Blueprints began to crystallize into a form suitable for Earth—a transcendent framework designed not to dominate but to invite, not to enforce but to harmonize and encourage. It is a voluntary system, a Holofractal Pattern Language, continually co-created and improved by those who hear The Call and rise to embody The Sacred Flame.

Responsibility and Preparation

From 10 to 35, Jordan prepared by taking on as much responsibility as anyone would entrust him with, leading to an early career bringing Intention Into Reality on large scale construction sites. Jordan's background in heavy civil infrastructure provided him with valuable experience in understanding the concept of Designer's Intent and the Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals implied, analyzing existing forces and conditions, and organizing the people, resources, and organizations required to transform the physical world and bring Intention Into Reality.

After training on projects and portfolios of increasing complexity, between 2015 and 2017, Jordan began discussing the concept of an overarching and uniting Meta Project to Progressively Realize the Creator's Intent for Worksite Earth. With a small circle of advisors, he conceptualized and Progressively Articulated a strategy, platform, and plan of action to transform Our lives and Our world within a single generation.

The Collapse and Rebirth

In 2019, Jordan’s trajectory collided with the corruption of the Old World. Naïveté met entrenched religious and political power structures. After shining unwelcome Light into Darkness, a clash left his businesses, home, and wealth in ruins. Beset and betrayed by those entrusted to uphold civil and spiritual Justice, he entered a profound crucible of suffering, loss, and transformation.

Yet, like the mythical phoenix, J and LIONSBERG rose Together stronger from these ashes. What was shattered and lost became a far Deeper catalyst for purification, ReMembering, and ReUnion with the Spirit of ONE. After five long years forging a Way through a hellish underworld, J ReEmerged, bearing the refined Vision of LIONSBERG and a far Deeper resolve to see it through.

In 2025, efforts began to connect and empower The First Three Percenta tipping point cohort whose co-creation ensures the momentum for global transformation—by 2026.

Jordan's Journey UnVeiled The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History for All to see, illuminating the battle field in preparation for The Final Test.

Milestones of the Journey

December 1984: The Incarnation of a J

30 Years of Preparation

  • Jordan takes on as much responsibility as society will entrust him with, running hundreds of millions of dollars of infrastructure projects, earning multiple degrees (bachelors, masters, and martial arts), conducting thousands of hours of independent research, writing, and synthesis, and gaining recognition from the Senate and Assembly of the fifth largest economy on Earth.

2015: Planning For the Meta Project Begins

  • Jordan begins discussions of an Omniconsiderate joint venture for Worksite Earth with a small network of advisors.
  • Unable to identify any existing organization or institution that if driven to its logical end would accomplish The Goal, and ReMembering that New Wine requires New Wineskins, Jordan and advisors determine that a New Vision, Strategy, Platform and Plan are required.
  • It is determined that the Critical Path of this Meta Project runs through several years of legal, governance, systems, process, and technological infrastructure.

January 2019: LIONSBERG Provisional Structure Approved, Platform Development Begins

  • Informed by lifetimes of research and pilot projects such as Mondragon, the LIONSBERG Provisional Structure is approved by the United States IRS, enabling initial resources to flow.
  • The Provisional Structure is used to accelerate the co-creation of the Lionsberg Platform.
  • Over subsequent years, the first 10% of the platform is tested with hundreds of groups in dozens of countries under the Open Impact banner.

Q1 2019: Collision with the Corruption of Church and State

Q1 2022: Social Experiments Begin

  • As platform development accelerates, by 2022 exploratory meetings are initiated to test the viability of the Meta Project framework.
  • A diverse planetary network is engaged.
  • Patterns of Self-Organizing and Federating emerge, informed by lived experience and spiritual insight.
  • The New Holofractal Pattern Language is born.

Q4 2022: Abstraction and Incarnation

  • By Winter 2022, We realized that in order to have a chance to succeed, We need to move beyond the abstraction of the Meta Project into the incarnation of LIONSBERG.

Spring 2023: The Foundation

Fall 2023: Broadcasting the Vision

  • The Above the Chaos series begins, establishing basic broadcast capabilities and amplifying the message of LIONSBERG to a wider audience.
  • Jordan relocates to North Idaho, creating a more stable physical base for The Movement.
  • Test speeches and podcasts.
  • Additional social experiments and lessons learned.
  • Retrospection and consolidation of learnings from social experiments.
  • Additional Lionsberg Wiki Books published.
  • Jordan preserves transparency and optionality via a Federal Civil Rights and Corruption Case.
  • 2022-2023 travel includes New York, Egypt, Austin, Ecuador, Estonia, Barcelona, South Africa, Dubai.

Winter 2023 / 2024: Winter Time

Spring 2024: The 10-Year Grand Strategy

Summer 2024: The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History Exposed

  • Through the summer of 2024, the veils over the world's systems were torn away, revealing the full magnitude of corruption, manipulation, and existential risk humanity faces. Jordan's Journey culminated in the UnVeiling of The Greatest Fraud, Deception, and Existential Threat in History—a cosmic-scale affront to Truth, Justice, and the Creator's Intent.
  • This revelation not only exposed the deep entanglements of the Old World but also illuminated the Critical Path forward. It became clear that transformation could not come through reform of the broken systems. The Old wineskins could not hold the New Wine.

Fall and Winter 2024: Abandoning Hope that the Existing Order Can Be Transformed

  • As the final embers of the Old World smoldered, a definitive conclusion was reached: the existing systems of power and governance could not be salvaged. The Existing Order humanity had relied upon for centuries had not merely failed; it had become antithetical to the Spirit, Will, and Intention of ONE and All.
  • In this season of death, the remaining energies of the Old Order were released. It was a time of mourning and release, but also a time of anticipation. Like the winter that precedes spring, this period marked the preparation for a profound rebirth.
  • The groundwork for LIONSBERG was solidified, ensuring that the New World would not repeat the errors of the past. The 10-Year Grand Strategy narrowed its focus to transcending the Old and fully embodying the New.
  • Existential Threat - Reporting Back From Battle published.
  • Jordan dies.
  • J and LIONSBERG rise.

February 2025: Connecting and Empowering The First Three Percent

As the New Year dawned, LIONSBERG entered its next phase: the active connection and empowerment of The First Three Percent—those destined to ignite humanity's path toward Heaven on Earth and Beyond—by 2026.

This phase marks the beginning of a coordinated effort to unify, resource, and elevate those who most resonate with The Spirit and Message, and are prepared to embody its principles, values, and practices. The First Three Percent form the foundation of The Body that is emerging, a living, breathing superorganism of co-creators aligned in purpose, intent, and action.

The invitation is open, the beacon is lit, and the path forward is clear.

Principles of Trust and Coherence

The foundation of LIONSBERG rests on eternal principles that unify the practical and the divine:

  • Truth and Transparency: Every action and decision is rooted in honesty and openness.
  • Love and Unity: The Spirit of LIONSBERG flows from unconditional love, seeking to harmonize rather than divide.
  • Sovereignty and Voluntarism: Participation is entirely voluntary, ensuring alignment with the Spirit of ONE.
  • Stewardship and Service: Resources are managed with the highest integrity to uplift All.

The Lionsberg System of Values reflects the full spectrum of Universal Principles and Values We seek to uphold.

Pattern Integrity

LIONSBERG exists to reflect The Divine Blueprints into every domain it touches—the Holofractal Pattern Language of Heaven.

The Fundamental Tone, unifying All aspects, is Absolute And Unconditional Love, flowing from The Spirit of ONE.

This Pattern Language is universal, eternal, and unchanging.

Transformations Over Time

While the Spirit, Intention, and Goal of LIONSBERG is eternal and unchanging, its SpatioTemporal manifestations are designed to continuously improve and transform over Time as All things rise Together towards The Goal.

Transformational Purpose

The transformational purpose of LIONSBERG is to bring Heaven to every SpatioTemporal Domain it touches.

Vision for the Future

The vision of LIONSBERG is not confined to Earth. It reaches toward the infinite, envisioning a future where humanity rises as a unified species, transcending the limitations of the Old World to co-create Heaven on Earth and Beyond, taking up its rightful place among the co-creative powers of the cosmos.

By 2026, LIONSBERG aims to connect and empower The First Three Percent, catalyzing a movement of 250 million co-creators who will serve as the foundation for a New Civilization. This is not merely a plan; it is a sacred mandate to unite, elevate, and transform.

Investments Through 2024

The developmental work through The 7 Year Window of Preparatory Work and Learning was financed entirely by Jordan Nicholas Sukut through the Lionsberg 501(c)(3) public charity and other personal contributions. As a result, LIONSBERG's only obligations are to ONE and All.

A diverse network of hundreds of individuals contributed Wisdom, Knowledge, and Expertise.


The story of LIONSBERG is still unfolding, and you are invited to be part of it. Your unique gifts are essential to The Divine Symphony that is longing to emerge.

Will you rise? Will you carry the Flame? Will you help weave The Divine Tapestry, transforming lives, systems, and worlds?

This is LIONSBERG: pragmatic in its foundations, transcendent in its vision, eternal in its Spirit, and infinite in its potential. Together, we are building the bridge to a New World.

The Sacred Mountain calls. The Eternal Citadel awaits.

Will you answer?

The Basic Strategy

  1. Progressively articulate The Divine Blueprints
  2. Broadcast The Message to create a field of gravitational attraction
  3. Extend The Invitation to those who resonate
  4. Empower The Community of those who respond to forge Teams and engage in Meaningful Conversations and Quests.
  5. Measure Impact / Value Creation
  6. Tell Stories of Transformation to fuel the Resourcing and Engagement Flywheel
  7. Move the entire population FROM the Old TO the New in a single generation, with no one Involuntarily Left Behind.