Dear Loved Ones

A ~five minute read

Dear Loved Ones,

I love you. I miss you.

This letter has been the most difficult thing I have ever tried to write. Countless drafts lie discarded, each unable to carry the existential weight of what must be said.

Something is very, very wrong. Can you feel it?

Humanity is awakening into a crucible unlike anything experienced in 10,000 years.

Elders, intuition, and thousands of AI-driven simulations all agree: if We do not change course, there is a 90%+ probability of billions of deaths and civilizational collapse within the lifetimes of those alive today.

Most trajectories cascade into catastrophic failures, reducing humanity from ~8 billion souls today to just a few hundred million survivors.

This is no accident. Evidence indicates that, since at least the 1970s, powerful factions have anticipated this collapse and planned for a population reduction into the hundreds of millions—by the mid-2030s. Some refer to it as a "managed extinction."

These factions have siphoned trillions of dollars into black-budget programs, staged false-flag attacks, murdered millions, and corrupted hundreds of governments in their pursuit of Full Spectrum Dominance of the Earth.

Perhaps most shockingly, recent disclosures—sworn testimonies, physical craft and bodies, and Congressional hearings—reveal that humanity is not alone in the universe. Human factions have cooperated with advanced Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) for generations, often toward profoundly antithetical ends.

A startling truth is emerging from behind The Veil:

The presidents, priests, and kings We were taught to trust are jointly complicit in the greatest fraud, deception, and existential threat in history.

And the forces behind them are not merely human.

Let me say this plainly:

  1. Humanity faces a 90%+ probability of billions of deaths and civilizational collapse.
  2. Powerful factions are planning for a population reduction into the hundreds of millions.
  3. These factions have committed trillions in fraud and murdered millions of innocent people.
  4. Systematic atrocities—including the ritual hunting, abuse, and sacrifice of women and children—are ongoing.
  5. The forces involved are not merely human.

We know these things because We were attacked by these forces. For five years, their talons pierced Our flesh and bled Us dry. In their lair, We uncovered horrors beyond imagination.

If even a fraction of this is true, silence becomes complicity, and inaction becomes genocide. Participation in the Existing Order—whether through ignorance, apathy, or compliance—becomes an unthinkable betrayal of Spirit, humanity, and Earth.

The fate of billions depends on what We, The People of Earth, do next.

A Proposal

It is time for a Citizen-Led Investigation into these matters—and a Citizen-Led Response to the findings.

The search for Truth will reveal that the Existing Order has committed heinous atrocities, betrayed Life, Liberty, and Justice, and violated the sacred covenant between Creation and its Source.

It is therefore Our Divine Right—and Sacred Duty—to alter or abolish it and establish New Governance on Earth, founded on Truth, Love, and Justice, co-operating in service of One and All.

Just as principled individuals pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor in 1776, so too must We, The People of Earth, arise and unite to forge a New Civilization and usher in a New Era.

The Great Refounding

The Great Refounding will not be imposed from above or be led by the Old Institutions, celebrities, or politicians. It must spring up anew, arising voluntarily and organically from the bottom up. Its legitimacy will come from the Free Will and Voluntary Consent of Us, The People.

This movement must flash across the sky like lightning, forming a decentralized grid of coordinated Leadership, Light, and Love—before the Existing Order collapses into chaos and tyranny.

The elders and the logic confirm: we have only until 2026—23 short months—to reach The First Three Percent.

Our proposal is simple:

  1. Extend the right invitation, to the right individuals, at the right time.
  2. Empower individuals to self-organize into autonomous teams and engage in meaningful 90-day seasonal quests that regenerate their lives and communities.
  3. Allocate the first 10% of energy and resources toward an emergent ecosystem of shared infrastructure, services, and support, co-creating tools and stories to inspire humanity’s awakening and progress.
  4. Build the decentralized leadership and systems necessary to help humanity navigate the storms ahead and emerge stronger, Together.
  5. Pass The Flame to the rising generations.

When billions voluntarily adopt their New Citizenship, they will share equally in humanity’s most valuable creation: a flourishing world being regenerated and renewed—growing better every day through our collective efforts.

Over recent years, We have synthesized lifetimes of wisdom and work into a starting point for this movement. Details can be found in the Lionsberg Wiki Books, with further instructions in the Lionsberg Co-Creator’s Handbook.

A Call to Action

This is the most important moment in 10,000 years. Together, We face The Final Test—to prove that humanity can become a loving, just, and harmonious species as it prepares for a future among the stars.

The civilizations of the past failed when the foundations of their culture crumbled. This generation must not follow their footsteps into the Dark Ages.

If you are one of the brave souls ready to lead, or if you have resources or relationships to offer, please RSVP Here.

Every evolution of society has begun with those 12 or 144 brave souls who laid it all on the line, long before the New Constitution was ratified and success was assured. Will you stand with Us and be counted among them?

We will assess the response to this invitation for seven days and begin the next phase on February 1st.

With just 23 months remaining, every moment matters.

The Time Is Now

Though it is devastating to realize the world We knew has passed away, what could be more meaningful, noble, and exhilarating than arising together to unveil the Truth and co-create the New?

Let us awaken. Let us arise. Let us unite.

With love, hope, and unwavering faith that together we can overcome,

~ J

P.S. I know it is still sunny out, but once The Tsunami of Collapse arrives, it will be too late to build the network of Arks. The Time is Now.

P.S.S. These words still feel woefully inadequate. We will improve them together as the movement grows and the artists and storytellers come on board.

RSVP Here.

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