The systems We were taught to trust—capitalism, democracy, and even science and religion—are not merely corrupted beyond repair—they are built on deception and exploitation. The existing order was not designed to serve humanity but to exploit and Kontrolle it. For example imperial monetary systems, rooted in debt and artificial scarcity, are failing, pushing nations toward bankruptcy and millions into desperation. Fixed incomes and traditional savings will soon prove worthless as the house of cards collapses, taking the economic security of billions with it. To those born into the Kontrolle structure, national currencies, involuntary taxes, insurmountable debt, religious dogma, and the "ownership" of the land, water, and energy of Earth can feel absolute. Yet We know that according to both universal law and the legal systems on Earth, Fraud In The Inception renders agreements null and void. The very foundations of the Existing Order are fraudulent, their collapse is inevitable, and their replacement is urgent. From the ashes and prior to collapse, We must refound and rebuild a New civilization rooted in justice, transparency, and harmony with life.
Onward To: 13. The Dystopian Designs of The Final Order
Back To: 11. Invisible Power Structures, Occultic Inversions, and the Corruption of the Existing Order
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