Wisdom From an African Sangoma

Thousands of years ago... a reptilian race from another star system interbred with with humanity, creating hybrid bloodlines.

Whether in the stories of the Bible, with the sons of the Elohim (plural) interbreeding with the daughters of men to create the hybrid race of the nephilim...

...or the thousands of tablets from modern day Iraq illuminating the history of the Annunaki...

...of the true memories of the tribes of Africa, Asia, and South America...

...these sacred stories tell the tales of the "gods" of the ancient world, advanced space-faring non-human intelligences who demanded absolute submission, worship, ritual, and human sacrifice.

It was through these extremely hierarchical and imperial civilizations that the "kingships" descended and touched the Earth.

These bloodlines have been curated and perpetuated throughout the millennia...

...still today dominating the top eschelons of royalty, politicians, banking, and business.

We can trace these genetics and bloodlines all the back to the ancient accounts of the gods and sons of gods, embodied extraterrestrials, who descended to Earth, genetically engineered, and enslaved humanity.

This reptilian extraterrestrial race has been controlling the planet for at least 2,500 years, manipulating and exploiting humanity, and ensuring its genetically compatible bloodlines remain in the seats of power as the bankers, presidents, prime ministers, and kings.

Here, Credo Mutwa, one of the last great African Sangomas, a keeper of the ancient wisdom and stories, reveals depths normally reserved for only the deepest initiates.

Interview Part I: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXOuppaH5Mo

Interview Part II:

8:15 When the white man started destroying our religion, when he started demonizing our gods, when he started ridiculing what we believed in and actually using educated africans to destroy that ancient african religion, in many parts of africa our ancient religion went underground, and there were constant secret societies all over south africa and central africa and east africa and west africa where this knowledge was was stored and kept by aging guardians, many many of whom did not know that in other parts of the land there were other guardians were doing exactly as they were doing.

9:26 Now when i first became a Sangoma, I was already a person of education, I had entered school as a child of 14 years and when i became a Sangoma I was a youth of 16 years; and what what my aunt, my grandma, my grandfather, as well as my maternal grandmother taught me shook me to the core of my soul. I found that the mission schools had been teaching me lies about my people. All along missionaries had told us as children that the only light came to africa with white people but before the white men came we black people had no idea about god we had no belief in a life after death and that our people were just a race of savages who used to lie around in the sun womanize fight and drink beer every day.

11:02 I was suddenly awakened to the fact that africans had in fact been far greater intellectually than the missionaries way when willing to give them credit for; that like the white men we had astrology, astronomy, we had the surgery...

11:58 When my my initiation under my aunt and my grandfather zigo had ended i wanted to know more and more and more and sometimes i had to pay a ghastly price in order to to to gain this knowledge.

(Such as adult circumcision, eating flesh from a human corpse dead for two days, and other things he cannot speak of).

The white men come among us to milk our minds, and then kill us. We want to be sure we can trust you.

...These were the people who first told me about a race of highly intelligent beings which they called the Chitauri, the talkers, a race of highly of creatures which look like reptiles, who have ruled the world for hundreds if not thousands of years...

Through this dreadful act I was able to gain knowledge which was denied ot even the highest Sangomas, because they could not, they would not go through the ritual I went through... this is how secret knowledge is protected in Africa.

18:27 Africa is dying, Africa is being murdered, and we are sitting like bloody fools and we don't realize what's being done to our people. I have proof that can stand in any true court of law that the disease called the aids is a man-made disease... there are wars in Africa which make no sense... everybody is fighting everybody else and the whole thing is getting nowhere.

20:45 These walls which are destroying Africa this way, are orchestrated by forces from outside us... We are basically a peaceful people. We are not warlike don't let historians tell you a lot of rubbish... The Zulu people actually hated war and did not love it as historians would have you believe.

We Zulu people call war impi... which comes from the same root, which means that which is evil.

Zulus were a female dominated society. Everywhere in South Africa, our word for great also means female.

25:44 So Africa, being made up of a race of people which once founded some of the world's greatest civilizations, is being cruelly exterminated, and our politicians appear to be hypnotized as like a little antelope hypnotized by a python. Don't our leaders know what is going on in Africa?... enough... i'm going to talk... and i'm going to reveal and damn the consequences. I am not a brave man but it's high time somebody stood up and exposed the conspiracy around Africa...

Interviewer: What is your experience and your knowledge of an extraterrestrial involvement in the history of Africa?

One of the most secret stories that was revealed to me is about these beings (holding a helmeted figure). This story was revealed to me first in (unknown), then in the country today called Rwanda...

I learned about the story at that time on the foothills of Mount Kilamanjaro... This is that story, a story you will find throughout Africa.

28:00 There was once a time when the blue sky was invisible; when the whole world was covered with mist; when you could not see the sun as it is now. You only saw it as a a splash of white light moving slowly across the sky. At that time there was an eternal drizzle every day of the year. At that time people could not see the stars; people only saw the trees growing, trees which were very very big. There was no desert at that time, only jungle everywhere where you went.

At that time people were what we called in Zulu (unknown), a human being was both male and female in one body. And out of the sky one day came terrible objects. They were like gigantic bows made of huge gleaming gold. They were shaped like bows without strings, and they were bigger than the biggest mountains. They came out of the sky bringing great noise, black smoke, and fire with them, and out of those huge objects came _them._ (Gesturing to a helmeted humanoid figure he is holding, the Chitauri).

At that times human beings could not speak; we had no gift of language at that time. And people had however great mental power. A man we would go into the bush and using the power of his mind actually call out an animal which he wanted to hunt and kill for his children; and the animal would appear and kneel down before the man and the man would kill the animal and take it home. But when the Chitauri arrived in Africa, they told our people that they were gods, and that they were going to give us human beings great gifts on one condition; we had to worship them and accept them as our creators.

Some told our people that they were our elder brothers, and that this Earth had produced them generations ago, and they said they had come back to the green womb of their mother, and that they were going to make us into gods.

(The story continues about the Chitauri then creating men and women)

33:14 And then the Chitauri said "If you serve us, you wretched little human beings, we are going to make you into gods."

And the human beings agreed to serve them, and the Chitauri gave human beings a second gift: the gift of language. And people started talking with their tongues where they had talked with their minds before.

And there was a big rubbish starting again, because this man did not know the language of that man, and when this man greeted that man this man thought that he was being insulted. And a lot of (mess and theft?) and homicide started taking place all over the world.

When our people were given language they found to their horror that they had lost much of their mental powers, they had paid a terrible price.

But the Chitauri were now the masters of human beings. They made them the human beings to go into holes in the ground and to mine metal; gold, copper, tin, all kinds of metal the Chitauri forced our people to mine.

And the people were very unhappy because they couldn't uh they couldn't cope with the new sexual differences which were there now between men and women.

35:22 Then from the Chitauri came a very good female Chitauri. Her name was (unknown); she was the senior wife of the terrible chief of the Chitauri (unknown name).

(She taught the people about sexuality, and modified them so they could become pregnant)

One day a human named Meuru challenged the great chief of the Serpent People to a fight... causing a great war...

He ran away but was captured and brought to the village, where the chief of the Chitauri said: "You think too much you wretched little human being." Now Umbaba (the chief) had a terrible nail in one of his hands, a claw, and he drove the claw into poor Meuru's nostril making a terrible hole into his brain, and he started drinking Mueru's brain and then he threw away the corpse.

39:55 Now to this day we believe that the people the Chitauri people, they eat human brains; and strangely enough scientists have found skulls where the human brain has been removed and eaten by someone or something.


  • Telepathy was the key form of communication before the Chitauri brought speech.
  • Parallels between the story of African speech being confused and causing chaos and division, and the The Story of the Tower of Babel in the Jewish scriptures.

41:29 Even today, in South Africa, black people prefer to speak to each other in English if they belong to different tribes... and have even created a lingua franca which is a mixture... to bridge the incredible language gap which exists between black people in South Africa.

46:37 Picture of a Chitauri.

You white people say that there are alien beings on this Earth. No, you are wrong. The Earth in which we live has produced 24 different races during its long existence.

This is how each down looks like it stands about 11 feet high. It is a very slender being which seems not to have a bone structure. Its fingers have no joints, they are more as if the bones in here were flexible.

Some of the Chitauri have got three claws, with a thumb, some have got six claws, with a thumb.

Note that the hybrid offspring, the Nephilim, were described as six fingered giants.

47:52 And some of the Chitauris have got horns on their head.

And what surprises me is this: some film producers, like the producers who who make the film Star Wars, often show creatures in their films which actually exist; which even the most uneducated of africans who knows these Chitauri can identify.

48:34 For example: in the new Star Wars film... there is a creature who amazes me called Darth Maul. Darth Maul is a red and black being with a ring of small horns right around his head. That is exactly what the Chitauri look like.

Some have got ordinary heads without any horns (pointing to a green reptilian).

But the royal Chitauri have got a ring of sharp horns all around their heads.

And the very high Chitauri, like their king (Mubaba?), they have got a very long horns which grow this way (straight out from the sides of the head). Not curved up like a bull, but (straight out to the side) like certain antelope.

49:56 Now I wonder, I just wonder, where these producers get their information from.

And in in one strange film, which my student called me to come and watch, the film called Stargate 2, and in that film there was a creature, a very slimy cream-colored creature, with a heavy wrinkles on its face, it was a spitting likeness of (a name that sounds something like Mubaba Samahongo), the terrible emperor of the Chitauri.

Interviewer: I've been all over the world having people give me descriptions of seeing reptilian-type figures, particularly peoples in positions of power in the world, changing into a reptilian figure and coming back again, and what they describe seeing is exactly what the knowledge of ancient Africa talks about... The eyes is something that keeps coming up and being described. Tell me about the eyes of the Chitauri.

51:49 A warrior has got eyes like a snake. These eyes are yellowish with split pupils and they glow in darkness. So if a warrior Chitauri is hiding in a cave, you can see its eyes clearly.

But a royal Chitauri has got three eyes. It's got the yellow eyes which glow in a strange almost ice-like way, like jewels, like certain types of yellow jewels, and then they have got an eye in the center of their forehead. An eye which doesn't close up down like a normal eye does, but which closes from side to side.

Now this eye is the eye that kills, because it can knock a man down just by the fire; the glare that comes out of it.

(Note constant recurring theme of the evil eye. This is where it comes from.)

53:15 In fact, Mubaba?, the emperor of the of the Chitauri who is said to be still alive today, has got a central eye... his other two eyes were stitched shut...

53:49 I would to share a little thing with you, and it is this:

The best way to protect an evil thing is to deny its existence.

If you talk about things such as the Chitauri, if you talk about things such as the Mantindane, there are many people who say to you "rubbish this thing does not exist." Now in this way this great evil is protected, by being denied.

One day in my long travels through the world I was in new york, in that place called harlem, and I saw a graffiti on a wall along a a passage, and the graffiti was "There is no such a thing as the mafia, and we will kill any asshole who says that there is." Again and again in America, people deny the existence of the mafia, and by denying it, it actually protected wittingly or unwittingly.

There are those who deny that a national and international conspiracy exists. They deny it ferociously. But by denying it they are actually assisting it and actually protecting it. We must stop denying the existence of these things. We must stop saying that there are no Chitauri; that there are no Aliens; that there are no Illuminati; there are.

57:58 One of these parts of Africa (where the Chitauri fight each other), is a remarkable place called the mountains of the round rocks... and these hills are where Cecil John Rhodes lies buried... Amongst the rocks... you will find a species of lizard which you don't find anywhere in Africa or the world, a species of lizard which responds to the call of a human being... In Rhodesia... I found a game warden there who made strange sounds calling out, and as he called out this strange lizard... used to come out of cracks and holes in the ground and gather around this African... It was this African game warden who told me that the sounds he is making are not just noise. They are the speech of the Chitauri.

(Cecil John Rhodes being one of the famous illuminati front men of modern times, who did so much to imprison the Africans).

Cecil John Rhodes wormed his wasy into the hearts of the Africans... and in their despair wise men of (various tribes) tried to make Cecil John Rhodes one of them. They told him about the secrets of the Motopo mountains, that under the Motopo mountains lies a city, a city of great wisdom, which is the home of the last survivors of the Chitauri god beings in that part of Africa. If you go there... and you strike the ground with a four pound hammer... it gives out a hollow sound which shows you that there are caverns deep underground there.

Then to the East of Zimbabwe there are the ground mountains known as the Inyangani, the weeping moon mountains. There even now people disappear without a trace. Sometimes a person would disappear for several days and reappear a few days later, not knowing where he had been or where she had been. And white people have disappeared there, black people in the thousands have disappeared there.

It was there that I also went missing for four days in 1959 in one of the most traumatic experiences of my life.

1:02:49 My teacher Elizabeth Moyo had sent me to get a special a herb which grows only on the foothills of those mountains it was just an ordinary day like any other; just a beautiful day like this one outside here. And I love the African wilderness. I'm at home in the bush, especially in the days when I was still in good health. I love the animals, I love their smells, and I love the smell of the vegetation.

And I was looking for this herb when all of a sudden a bright blue mist fell all around me. It took me some time to react to the strange thing; it was a hot day and all of a sudden the temperature around me dropped it was as if I was on the slope of a very cold mountain, but it was a warm day.

And then the next moment I was in what appeared to be a metal lined tunnel, a caving tunnel, and I was lying on what looked like a work bench; a very large workbench of some kind... very brightly polished.

And there I was lying with my trousers missing and only my khaki shirt, when i saw again through what appeared to be like blue mist a number of moving objects which at first I thought were dolls... and these objects were moving towards me. O noticed with mild surprise that they were very thin, short human-like creatures, with a very very large melon shaped heads. The creatures had no noses like human as human beings have. They had only small little holes on either side of where the nose would be. And their mouths were like knife cuts at the bottom of their faces. And these creatures were coming towards me. In color they were grey... and they wore silvery gray garments which reached up to their necks and up to their wrists. I couldn't see whether they were wearing boots or not at that time. And while I was looking at these creatures I suddenly was aware that something was above me standing there, and I looked up straight into the face of one of them, a much taller one than the others. And this creature was wearing a garment like a tight fitting overalls, without any patterns or anything, which reached up to its neck but its wrists were bare. I noticed that the creature had very long fingers, each of his fingers had an extra joint, and it ended in a claw, a black claw like that of a a chicken or a certain kind of a bird, and that its thumb was not here (in the human position), but here (in the middle of the palm).

And this thing was standing above my head and looking down at me, and I was looking at its eyes, which were very strange indeed. It was as if it was wearing plastic goggles over its eyes. I could see its eyes inside these tinted goggles. And it had holes on either side here (at the nose), but it had no nose as I have. And its jaws were very small, and its mouth was a slit, with tiny little scale like things where its lips should be. And the creature carried the horrible smell on itself. I can't describe that smell. It was a metallic chemical smell, which seemed to combine the smell you would smell when somebody is burning brass or copper, and a very ugly chemical smell; these two smells combined. And this creature was looking down at me, I was frightened but I could not move.

And the next thing I knew there was a terrible pain on my left thigh. It was as if somebody had just stabbed me right through to the bone. I screamed and I tried to jump away, but my body was my body was inactive; I could not move. I was not tied to any chain, I was not chained to the top of this table, there was no belt tying me, but I could not move my body. And when I looked down at what was happening I found that one of the shorter creatures had driven something very painful into my left thigh. And then while I watched horrified the creature pulled out this thing and I saw that it was like a pencil made of shiny metal with what appeared to be a flexible cable at the back. And before I could do anything my head was seized by the creature above me, it caught me on either side of the head like like this and then for a second that creature drove something into my right nostril, here. It was as if I had been shocked; the pain was so terrible that I screamed and screamed; blood filled my mouth blood and streamed out of the nostrils, and the creature did not seem to care. I was stupefied the pain was so intense, so terrible, and then quiet brutally the creature pulled out the thing that it has stabbed in me in the nose with, and the blood flowed into my mouth, into out of my nostril and i was choking. And then the big creature coldly turned my head this way so that blood came out of the mouth and which gave me some kind of relief. And after what seemed like an eternity of pain the the creature brought something out of somewhere which looked it looked like a an old-fashioned strainer in appearance, and it put this thing close to my nose and then I seemed to drift away and the pain subsided. You know it was torture so intense that even now I can't describe it.

And then something else happened. A fourth creature started rummaging between my legs, and it pulled out my organ of manhood, and stuck something into that. It was very strange, but I wasn't feeling any pain now, but I could feel the flexible cable moving inside me, right into my body. And then I can't describe it, it was as if my seed was being sucked out by this small bright flexible cable, and then the creature just pulled it out. I screamed and I cried and I screamed but I could not move.

And then something happened which to this day still amazes me. After the creature had pulled out of the flexible cable from my organ, the creature just stood there looking at my organ, and I was so terrified that I urinated and accidentally urinated against the chest of the creature. It jumped away as if I had shot it, and it stumbled backwards it but its face didn't show any expression. Its mouth didn't even open, but the way the creature reacted trembling all over it was as if I'd really hurt it, but it was wearing this kind of garment.

And after that I was left alone except for the big creature which stood to one to my right side this time with his arms folded looking down at me. And then while I was looking at this creature trying to appeal to it, no pain anymore, no pain please, I was pleading... and pictures suddenly flooded my mind. Pictures of buildings sunk in a red lake of of water. Buildings washing away. Buildings that appeared as if they had been bombed. And cities sunk in terrible mud. Trees sticking out like rotten ghosts; trees without leaves, without the branches, sticking out of the mud as if they'd been poisoned.

I saw visions of this and then through an entrance which I had not seen before, came as strange and terrible being. It was tall, made entirely of metal, with burning eyes and a snout. It didn't do anything, it just moved and came to stand at my left side. It didn't touch me or anything like that, it just stood there making a strange humming sound (wowowowowowowow, like that). And then from behind this metal creature there appeared another creature. It was so radically different from the grey creatures in that it looked exactly like an earthly human being. It had a pink skin, like that of a white woman, it had golden hair and its ears were definitely pointed like those of an animal. Its eyes were slightly slanting, they were pale pale blue, and never once did they blink. It was like this, nude (holding a figure of it), and there was a tail like appendage at its back which was very beautiful as it walked away after it had done to me what it did. What this thing did, it climbed over me and made love to me. And I noticed that unlike normal women, its breasts were set too high in its chest, and they were very very hard in appearance. And that here, the pubic hair as well as the hair in the armpits, was a fiery fiery red, as if it had been dyed. And this thing didn't even blink. Its eyes were just like this looking at you, as if there were no there was no liquid in the eyes, just an unblinking terrible stare. And it was a small creature, about the size of a 16 year old girl, but it was very very heavy as it sat on top of me. And there was no emotion, in that whole nonsense, there was no...

1:18:00 And then the creatures took me out of that room, after the metal creature and this pink creature had gone, this creature (holding a figurine that looks like a small grey in a spacesuit) took me out of that room assisted by another one, and they pushed me along a corridor which kept slowly in that direction in towards my right. And there I was shown many things which even today I don't understand.

I was shown little versions of this creature, swimming in huge cylinders made out of what looked like glass, in a pinkish liquid, like ugly little frogs inside the liquid they looked. They looked like aborted human fetuses, and they were very very terrible and disgusting.

And then we came to another room, and there I saw a number of people undergoing the same torture that I had undergone. ne particular person who whom I passed very close to was a white man definitely a european, with a yellowish beard and mustache and long, straggly, bloody, blood crusted hair. This man looked into my eyes and I looked into his eyes, and we were so close as I went past him.

Then, to cut a long story short I found myself in the bush again, but I was wearing only my shirt. My boots were gone, and so was my trousers. So I took off my shit and wore it around my waist as a loin cloth. And I started traveling not knowing really in which direction I was going, and then I came to a track. And I walked along that and some time later i saw people coming towards me. It was a group of young men and young women... I asked them where elizabeth moyo's homestead was and they directed me to it, but they kept a safe distance away from me and later I learned why.

I was carrying a horrible non-human smell upon me. When at long last I came to Ms. Moyo's village, all the dogs in that place went hysterical they came at me in a pack, wanting to tear me to pieces, and only the villagers managed to save my life. There Ms. Moyo asked me where I had been, and I said I did not know, and then she said "I know you have you had been taken by the little ones." I said "Yes, I cannot understand." She said "You must not try to understand, you were chosen by the gods as a human sacrifice, so don't even try to talk about this." But how could i not talk about it? I wanted to understand what had been done to me by whom and why, even now i still want to understand what it was all about.

And many years later I met a remarkable white woman Elizabeth Clara, a famous south african woman who had worked for British intelligence during the war. And who, we are told, had been impregnated by a being from the stars. Accor. I asked elizabeth what what was the meaning of the strange thing which was done to me, because since that time i had come across many black people, well over 200, who had been through the same torture as I. I had come across many black as well as cape colored women who had been mysteriously impregnated by the same creatures that i had gone through the hands of.

And let me tell you one other interesting thing before I forget. About a year after i had underwent this terrible experience I was walking along (unknown) street in johannesburg delivering parcels, when a white man shouted at me to stop. I stopped, I thought he was a policeman wanting to arrest me for some reason. And when i tried to produce my identity document the white man said "listen i don't want your nasty passport cover..." I said then say what do you want. He said "listen where did i see you? when did i see you?" I said i don't know that but he looked very familiar to me. And then he said "listen don't bullshit me man where did i see you? where did you and i meet?" Then i said to him i saw you in Rhodesia, in a certain place, you were lying on a table. If i had hit that white man with a fist he would not have reacted the way he did. He went pale almost dead gray in appearance and he turned away with a terrible dirty word, and he walked away. His eyes were filled not with anger, but with pure naked terror.

There is more... because I still want to know what was done to me. I have found that since that time, I have found that i know things that a man of my standard of education shouldn't know. These hands, and those who know me can confirm, these hands not only have made these sculptures, using ancient african metal casting secrets, these hands believe it or not can make guns and working jet engines... I know things which i shouldn't know and it started at that time.

1:28:15 ...since that time my mind it doesn't seem to be my own. I think about things that a man like me shouldn't bother himself about. I worry about people. It's sickening... I have ruined my life because of worrying about people. I feel that i could, i want to shake them... to take every human being on this earth by their shoulders. shake them roughly, and say "Listen buster... there is more to this earth than you think." I have seen the Chitauri. I have smelled them. I have had personal experience of these.

And there are people who claim that these creatures are gods. There are people there who claim that these creatures are experimenting on us. That is a lot of rubbish. These creatures are harvesting us. These creatures are not aliens. These creatures are sexually compatible with our women. And what does that tell you?

They came from here. They are a part of us. And this makes them all the more dangerous. They know us very very very well. They know the great weaknesses of our minds. just as they know the great strengths of our minds. They operate in in what i call the gray area of human existence, that side of our lives which we don't want to acknowledge the existence of.

African tradition says that the Chitauri, they engaged God himself in a terrible war, and God defeated them, the real God, the Creator, God defeated them and he closed their mouths so that they are unable to talk or to eat food anymore.

But we are told that the Chitauri fatten on the energy that we human beings give them. They make us to fight each other, and when the whole land is drowning in death and fear and terror, when hundreds and hundreds of people are angry and afraid, the Chitauri get fed, because they eat that, what we call the Dark Power, which is brought about when human beings destroy the planet on which they live. They feed on very, very intense human emotion.

We are told that the Chitauri will eat energy which is generated when hundreds of human minds, or one human mind, starts thinking at certain levels... wavelengths...

The The Greys from this (and most) abduction stories, may be associated with The Ant People.

The so-called grey aliens are actually the lackeys and the servants of the Chitauri. If you see a Chitauri, and you see The Greys, there is actually very little racial difference. In fact I will even go so far as to say this: that these creatures The Greys are actually the offspring of the Chitauri.

The way they gather substances from human beings and from animals... they are the forerunners of the Chitauri in any place. An if you are very close to one of these creatures and you look into its goggle-like eyes, you will see round eyes beyond the google-like eyes, and these eyes are the creatures real eyes.

1:36:22 Now let me tell you, there is in (visutu?) a very strange mountain called Leride, and on this mountain very amazing things happen after every 10 year or 20 year period. Now not so long ago an african farmer found an object near that mountain, an object which had crashed, and he was driving his tractor and he saw this strange object lying on in the ground with tiny little balls of lightning racing all around its its edge. And the african walked up to that object and when he wanted to touch it, a strange power struck him and sent him sprawling on his back to the ground. The african got onto his tractor and got out of there. What the african had seen had been a crashed ufo, a flying saucer. He described it very amazingly. And he said that after a few days there appeared what he said was a huge removal van, very big, accompanied by soldiers wearing black black uniforms, goggles, and berets. And these soldiers lifted the object into the van and the then drove away. But when the people came to the site, they saw that something had fallen there, but they saw no heavy tires tire tracks of the vehicle that the man had described. Something had crashed there, had been removed, but there were no wheel marks of the heavy vehicle he had described.

1:47:30 Yes people who say that these things don't existed better think again. They are tangible. They are smellable. And furthermore they are edible if you are willing to take the risk.

In africa we have an ancient custom whose existence many people deny today, that anything that claims to be a god should be eaten.

1:50:26 We human beings are holier and more wonderful than we think we are, and i feel we lost something at some time in the course of our development or shall i say in the course of our manipulation.

(These grey extraterrestrials don't actually really look like that - they're almost in disguise)

1:51:09 Yes they are and i will tell you what. Grey aliens have died in various parts of africa. They have been killed, and they are very very quick to recover the bodies of their friends, which have fallen out of their crashed spacecraft. But sometimes african Sangomas steal these bodies before they can be recovered, and believe me i have heard and I have seen that butchering the corpse of one of these creatures is extremely hard work. What you think is the skin of the creature is actually a tight fitting costume that the creature is wearing. Under this under this grey costume the creature is pinkish white, like a freshly skinned animal. And its eyes are round with split pupils. These are goggles which the creature is wearing. Now how do i know this? In order to dismember a creature like this, incidentally we call them Mantindane in Zulu, which means the tormentors, the torturers, in order to dismember a creature like this, you need a brand new axe from the trading store, a heavy axe, sharpened to a razor's edge in order to cut through the creatures skin. The creatures skin is not adhering to the flesh... there is a gap between the creature's flesh and its skin. This is a material, and not a skin, so the creature is actually wearing two garments. It's wearing a completely skin-tight garment which covers its entire body, and it is wearing an overall along these lines... To cut open a Mantindane you need a very sharp knife, and you have to be a strong person even to reach its flesh, but once you have cut through the close fitting cover you can just open up the whole thing and see the dead creature's flesh... the blood vessels are very close to the surface.

1:55:02 Not so long ago right here in south africa, several hundred school children... were terrorized by a creature they called pinkie pinky, a creature which looked as if it had been skinned alive. That was a Mantindane without its... costume.

1:56:01 Let me tell you that over this the last 100 years or so The Men In Black has become westernized. In old africa, if you killed a Mantindane... you were visited by terrible beings, who wore long black robes made of animal skin, and deep foods over their heads and these creatures used to wear white masks with very very terrible looking black eyes painted on them. They were called (unknown Zulu name), "the beasts of the blanket". And may i tell you that these terrible beings, our african version of the men in black, used to play an important part in the choosing of certain kings in South Africa. That is just one of the stories that i wish to tell you in greater detail. Whenever you have harmed a Mantindane, you received a visit from The Men In Black.

Provides the example of an encounter of his uncle with a Mantindane and subsequently The Men In Black.

1:59:48 The richer we become the more we behave as the Chitauri are said to behave. Some of us when they acquire a lot of wealth start consuming metals and other minerals that they really do not need. Which however if you study the story of the Chitauri we are told that the Chitauri will use these minerals and metals as medicine. We are told that the Chitauri when they get sick smear their bodies with gold dust which gets absorbed into their skins, and they become all right.

May i point out it was once the custom of the of the munumutapa? kings of zimbabwe, the men who built the zimbabwe (unknown), that on certain rising of (the day star) the priest king would be smeared from head to foot with gold dust, and sometimes he was ritually sacrificed on the top of the wall of the zimbabwe fortress.

And to my amazement when i visited South America, I found that the ancient mayans had exactly the same custom where, a god king was smeared with a mixture of fat and gold dust...

Interviewer: And I know from my own research that the maya people and the central and south american people have massive accounts and legends of the same reptilian "gods".

Yes. The the thing is if you read the ancient stories of our people, or you listen to them spoken by the storytellers, you find that we human beings are somehow programmed to alter the world in which we live, and render it uninhabitable to ourselves. We are told say by the creoles of Nigeria, by the creoles of the Dogon people, that at one time a few thousand years ago almost the entire sahara desert was not a desert at all. In fact photographs have been taken of the certain parts of the sahara from high up which show ancient irrigation systems where there is now wind-blown desert.

Question: are we being used as instruments for the destruction of our own species? I say yes.

The Necklace of the Mysteries is really a book, which tells 12 different stories.

It is old, but not as old as the green face that I've just shown you (ancient artifact). The Chitauri face is said to be over 7,000 years old.

The stones which are not from this earth (inside a saucer shaped object). A very amazing story... of stones... brought to this earth by an alien baby which played with a human baby.

This half molten object here used to be a separate necklace worn by a machina? chief. he went to investigate something which had landed in the bush and which was killing his people, and he went with his battle axe to attack this object and the object blew a jet of very terrible fire at the chief and he he became just smoke, and this was all that was left.

Now this necklace enshrines one of the oldest and the greatest mysteries in our country, that the the god beings which we call by the name Chitauri, and which are called the suezi or imanugala in the languages of other tribes throughout africa, these gods came down to the earth in great vessels made out of gold, and they united with female human beings to create a race of kings and queens on our Earth.

There isn't a tribe... anywhere in southern, central, western, and eastern africa, which doesn't claim that kingship was a system that was brought down from the sky by gods, who either travelled in (slings?), as the pygmies of zaire have said, or who came down in huge vessels which were shaped like bows, vessels made of gold, vessels bigger than mountains.

The Zulu people believed that they originated from space and their name Zulu does not mean sky, but rather interplanetary space, and the word Zulu also has to do with traveling... a traveler... a voyager... somebody moving from place to place.

2:11:33 Now i ask you how did a land bound people like the zulus know that you could travel in space? ... Zulu people knew that the earth was a sphere, and that it was the sun that was still in space, and the various planets orbited around it, i will show you on the other necklace of knowledge.

2:13:27 The zulu people were the first people to know something that is nowattributed to albert einstein, namely that space and time are one in the same thing. Zulus knew that long before einstein was born... and that if you could find The River of Time, you could travel into the future and into the past.

2:15:42 In my long investigation into our past i can tell you proudly that our ancestors were 20 times cleverer than we are. What i feel and what i think is that in the past human beings were cleverer than we are today, and that human beings knew more than we know now. We are not progressing, we are simply rediscovering things that were known by better men and better women than we are, thousands of years ago.

2:17:51 The eye there on that hand that represents the terrible eye of the Chitauri' the eye which sees everything; the eye which knows everything; it is said that when a Chitauri dies he passes his dead eye onto his next of kin, and to the Chitauri an eye is a very very powerful symbol.

(The all seeing eye on the dollar, put on their by the illuminati, via President Franklin D Roosevelt)

(The all-seeing eye of the illuminati represents the third eye of the Chitauri)

Yes. I am really sure of this... In africa even ordinary human eyes are regarded as very powerful devices of magic. if an african shows you respect he mustn't stare at you, but he must stare at a point beyond one of your shoulders. Now we call this (unknown zulu word), which means "deny me your eyes". We believe that when emotionally aroused, and ordinary human being can inflict great damage on another human being by the unseen fires that emanate from one's eyes. We believe that we a a warrior must never allow his dying enemy to look at him. For example, when a zuru was killing an enemy he used to cover that enemy's face with his shield to prevent the enemy looking upon him with his eyes and putting a curse upon him.

(People who have witnessed reptilian and satanic ritual sacrifice, know that at the point of sacrifice, at the point of death, these reptilians stare into the eyes of the person dying...)

We have got a ritual, which covers many (fields), a ritual which is called taking away the soul, where when a king is dying and he is fighting to pass on his knowledge and his courage to his successor, he would demand that the successor should stare heavily into the dying king's eyes. And also when a creature is being sacrificed in africa, whether it's a human being or an animal, that creature must be stared at by the sacrificer so that its spiritual characteristics are drank in by the one sacrificing. I have seen many times on hunting expeditions in kenya tanzania and other parts of africa when a lion is just about to breathe its last, one of the hunters will stare into the lion's eyes until the lion's eyes start glazing in death. It is drinking in the soul. We believe that the eyes are not just for seeing that they are for taking as well.

On the constellation of Orion.

People throughout africa believe that the original human beings either came from orion, or the gods for whom read the Chitauri and many other alien nasties, actually come from that constellation we call it the constellation of (zulu word), "the one who travels very very far away". And we call this constellation also the constellation (zulu word), "the giant who was sent by God to this earth to create the first human beings." (Zulu name) was accompanied by a male lion with a very black mane, and he was also accompanied by his dog, and he traveled throughout the world. He first created the first race of human beings and they were so stupid in appearance that he buried them alive in a cave. And then he created the next race of human beings which was clever, and we are the descendants of that race.

On the symbol of the "star of David" (only used recently for that purpose)

2:25:02 There are several interpretations of this very powerful magical symbol. We say that there are actually two universes living side by side: a female universe, which is our universe, and a male universe. And to sanuses, these two triangles, a triangle facing downward represents the descending female principle and a triangle going upwards represents the rising male principle. It is a symbol of the unity of the feminine and the masculine, it is in fact the symbol a very important symbol of duality.

On shapes of spacecraft

2:26:21 You see there are various shapes. There are spacecrafts which are shaped like boomerangs, or bows. These are very very very big.

Then there are spacecraft which are shaped like pipes, like huge pipes, roughly pointed at either end, and out of those huge pipes come these little things (dish shaped craft). Together they are carried inside to this huge pipe.

On portraying a Chitauri

Why are "the gods" often portrayed in other forms?

Because, it is very very very forbidden to portray a Chitauri as it really is. Only in that large green head do we see a Chitauri represented more or less as it actually is. You are not allowed to represent the sons of the python as they really are. Then you are really in trouble. If you want to talk about the Chitauri, you must play with shadows, you must place an image of a Chitauri against a light and project its shadow onto the wall.

There are also some good people among (the Chitauri).

According to one of the great stories they erupted a terrible war on the red world where human beings had originally been created, and this war was between men and women. Yes and in this world men and women nearly decimated each other but they were rescued by the earth mother, who sent a great (zulu word), that is a great dragon, to come out of the sky to take them into its stomach and to bring them down to, not to our world, but to a beautiful watery world near the the star of the red dog in jaimo, which the white people call Sirius (I believe he said)... there human beings were settled. But human beings started eating creatures which they found in the sea, which they thought were fishes, but which were really Chitauri... human beings, we are told, started eating the Chitauri who lived in the sea...and the Chitauri fought back against human beings they attacked them with tornadoes, they attacked them with tidal waves, and the human race was nearly wiped out. And then two brothers, two youths, took pity upon the human race and they went into the sky and looked for a great egg and they hollowed out this egg, emptied its contents out, and brought the egg to that world and loaded the surviving human beings and brought them to our world here.

We say that (the brothers) gave us the power of kingship, that he brought it out of the sky. and if you notice in many parts of africa ancient kings used to wear a wooden helmet with golden horns. It was true in west africa and it was true also in southern africa in the great munumu tapa empire. Yes, it's the power of the Chitauri, because to a Chitauri horns are not just for goring other Chitauri as oxen do... no horns are a symbol of status, and through its horns a Chitauri only is able to communicate with human beings far across the the face of the Earth.

(So the horns were like antennae. Note the Old Testament prohibitions from the priests dealing with the Elohim from cutting the sides of their hair).

They were instruments for projecting power.

2:34:00 In fact it was said by storytellers that king (zulu word) punishes those Chitauri who show mercy to human beings by pointing at them so that both of their horns fall off their heads, and the Chitauri is therefore unable to direct human affairs through his or her horns.

2:36:00 What amazes me is that now more than ever before, the devil is represented as a Chitauri.

What concerns me is this: that these alien creatures are about to reveal themselves, and they are making us aware of how they look like.

For example like if you look at bioscope films which were made in the 1950s the thirties and and so on, depictions of space aliens of that time are ridiculous, very laughable, but not anymore. Today we are having films that depict the grey aliens exactly as they really are, and the Chitauri exactly as they really are.

My question is why? Are we being prepared for a major event?

And let me share this with you the group of american people who came to visit me a week or so ago and who left a rather unveiled threat about me shutting up or else my wife will die, who warned me about a certain creature called eleazar or melchizedek, that this creature is watching me, these people said this - that on lake titicaca there is a hidden beam of light coming from the sky onto the surface of the south american lake, and that on the 9th of september 1999, something very interesting is going to happen.

(Endless sightings of craft and beings in that area)

We are being prepared... and being prepared this way - that when we do see the nasties, we are not going to react to them with the fear that we would otherwise have reacted, because now what what game is someone playing?

I think that they are playing the game, whoever they are, that we should accept these beings and welcome them with open arms and make them our masters our yet again.

You see there has been a steady buildup in books, in the children's comics, and in other things of the fact that we must accept these creatures. It started with the with the film E.T., where a cute little alien creature got lost on earth fought hard to be accepted by human beings...

2:40:00 The chitauri, at high levels, are sometimes (beige), like white carpet soaked in dirty water.

According to african storytellers, the Chitauri have got cold blood, they feel cold very quickly, and where they dwell under the earth, where the great sun god banished them, they dwell there surrounded by great fires because their blood is cold they freeze (quickly), and so if you come across them in their caves, there are many many cooking fires lit.

(Note parallels to reptilian devil, in the underworld, surrounded by fires). (Note here the direct reference to "the great sun god" prevailing in war and banishing the reptilians to the underworld).

2:41:49 The Chitauri, their eyes, terrible as they are, are so efficient that if a Chitauri would appear suddenly into the hot african sunlight, two things happened to him: his skin dries and blisters, and he goes totally blind.

In fact there have been a strange race of aliens which have been seen in africa even by white people, which i think are actually Chitauri, that when you run and the thing chases you, it stops immediately when a car's headlights hit and it becomes blind.

Another thing we are told amongst our people that a Sangoma must always have a sharpened wooden stick, which he or she must carry at night. We are told that a sharpened stick is the only weapon by which you can kill a Chitauri.

(Note comparisons to winged and sometimes horned "royal vampires" which prey on human (blood / energy), which can only be killed with a wooden stick. For instance Count Dracula.)

We believe that Rhodesian teak, the wood which has got a strange bitter taste, is the one type of wood that is poisonous to the Chitauri.

May i point out to you that many of the trees that are being destroyed in the amazon jungle and in the south eastern asian jungles as well as in the african jungles are teak, the one wood that the Chitauri would fear.

On the appearances, domed heads, and elongated skulls.

2:46:44 You see we human beings tend to imitate those creatures that we call gods... this dates back thousands of years.

The one race of the Chitauri, the ones that are called Nommo by the Dogoni people, are depicted as having beard-like growths of the same type that look like the beards of egyptian pharaohs... It is said that when a Chitauri gets very old, after tens of thousands of years, he or she develops a bone-like growth under the chin which twists around like the horn of... a narwahl... now egyptian pharaohs used to wear like that... and some african kings wore beards like that, real beards or even false beards... and there was a time definitely in history when african kings as well as egyptian pharaohs went out of their way to imitate the appearance of the Chitauri. Queens like nefertiti had their faith faces misrepresented by the court painters, so they looked exactly like the Chitauri as near as possible, the high cheek bones, the drooping chin, the unusually large head... african sangomas african kings ancient egyptian pharaohs all of them used to wear headdresses that make their heads look much larger than they actually were...

...and lastly in ancient greece at the time when greece reached the higher the great heights in its culture and civilization the great rule of Pericles used to wear a special soldier's helmet with a bulbous skull, a helmet which made his head look much bigger than it was...

...and in america some native american shamans used to wear a special headdress made out of the head and the horns of a buffalo which also made the the man's head look bigger than it is...

...say popes, the pope in rome, wears a hat which is intended to show him as having a brain bigger than average, that crown which has got three crowns one on top of the other one...

...and now the bishops, especially in the greek orthodox church, they were crowns like that...

...and the tsar of russia...wore a bulbous crown which was in two sections which made his head bigger than it really was...

...and in asia in iran some ayatollahs wear a turban whose effect is to make the man's head look bigger than it is...

...so does a sheikh...

...and so for that matter so do the ancient priests of israel...

2:55:32: There are beings who are very revered even now and they are called amanullah or amanona (manuna)... now these beings are not like beings we are told, they can change their faces, they can change their appearance, they are shape shifters.

3:00:55 what was the creature which was honored by the ancient greeks in their delphic oracle? The python.

What is the creature that stands next to the figures of the goddess athena? The Python.

The decorations on the walls and roofs of some of the greatest empires in Africa? The python.

The headdresses in Egypt? The python.

Central and South America? The python.

Cathedrals and estates of the elite in Europe? Gargoyles and reptilian figures.


No matter where you go, who are the principal characters who brought wisdom to humankind?

Creatures, part snake, and part human being.

Fuxi (伏羲) and Nüwa (女娲)

  • Fuxi:
    • Often depicted with a human upper body and a serpent or dragon-like lower body.
    • Credited with bringing wisdom to humanity, including teaching the practices of fishing, hunting, and writing.
    • Inventor of the bagua (八卦), the eight trigrams foundational to Chinese cosmology and divination.
  • Nüwa:
    • Fuxi's counterpart or consort, also depicted as half-human, half-serpent.
    • Creator of humankind, fashioning people from clay.
    • Restorer of the cosmic order by patching the sky with five-colored stones after a cataclysm.

3:01:58 We human beings have sacrificed our dignity as a species and attributed great intellect and great glory to reptiles... why?

Is there a tradition also that the royal lines of africa go back to the same source (like the European political and financial bloodlines)?

You don't have to believe me go to Rwanda and there talk to the people. there they will tell you that the founding ancestors of their dynasties were the first kings who came from the sky and they were called immanugela, the ascending ones...

Many many many african tribes believe that when the gods came down from the sky, they found human beings very very stupid, and the human beings could not come before the gods in order to be taught. So what the gods did, and this is a story that you also find amongst the (Dogoni) people in west africa, because the the the human beings were afraid of approaching the these reptile gods, the reptile gods called bloodedly slaughtered one of their numbers and shared out its flesh with a specially gathered crowd of human beings, and these human beings then became the ancestors of our first great kings. Now said african kings jealously guarded their blood.

Royalty had to marry royalty. that was one of the strictest laws in the ancient times. Royalty intermarried with royalty. You were not allowed to take a commoner as your senior wife if you were a king.

Same for a Sangoma.

(Miguel de la Madrid, the president of mexico at the time of george bush, said to kathy o'brien (MK Ultra victim) that a reptilian extraterrestrial race interbred with the ancient central american people because they needed to create bloodlines through which they could operate, and he said that these bloodlines were in effect today's world leaders.)

Yes... in fact some of africa's most terrible war mangers that have drenched large areas of africa in unnecessary blood and suffering, are directly descended from some of our greatest emperors of 600, 500 or even a thousand years ago.

In fact the entire land called Angola was a breeding place of kingship in Africa... Angola means 'land of many kings'.

...again there seems to be this particular force which elevates its descendants over ordinary humanity, i can give you hundreds of cases of this.

Now, talk about a tradition of shape shifting. Even now... these chiefs used to tell people that they are capable of changing shape at will..

We humans have a blind spot in our brains... we refuse to accept (anomalous things)... one of the things a trainee Sangoma has got to learn is the ability to see.

3:20:18 There are certain vaccination things that are done to our children which rob them of the ability of seeing spiritual entities. Believe me. I can prove this.

Our grandmothers used to give us great pain to save our spiritual eyes.

I noticed that school children in mission schools who had been vaccinated for smallpox or measles could not see spiritual entities at all. A flying saucer would fly through the sky at great speed and be seen by many men and women, but the child who had been vaccinated would see nothing, and I noticed this hundreds of times.

I have serious reason to believe that on this planet things are coming to a head, and our invisible jailers are going to fight tooth and nail... the human being, captive as it is, slave as it is, is trying to fight back, and this is where the crunch is going to come. I believe we are not far away from the bloodiest crunch in the world...

My visions tell me that we are going to be struck with the most terrible sword of all; the sword of money. Something is going to be done to money which will bring us all to the level of beggars.

Something inside us human beings is beginning to fight back against the Chitauri. Something inside us human beings is beginning to say no, and the Chitauri are going to drag us all right into hell itself in order to restore their power over us.

A God is being born inside of us, all of us, but herein lies the danger. We must be aware of the Chitauri. They are real entities. They leave scars on human bodies. They kill people, and they are murdering south africa even as we are talking now. Every word you are I are speaking now is spoken to late. Aids is rampaging through our communities, and I have found a new disease in Botswana which nobody is talking about either. It is 20 times more viscious that AIDS, it is called ebola. Oh my God... Stop calling the conspiracy a theory. Theories do not kill people. Theories do not murder innocent children... The conspiracy is real, it is there, and it kills.