LC 25. The Lionsberg System of Reconciliation


On our Quest towards our Destiny, we recognize the essential role of reconciliation in mending fractures, healing wounds, and restoring harmony in our society. The Lionsberg System of Reconciliation is an important component of our comprehensive governance system.

Purpose of the System of Reconciliation

The Lionsberg System of Reconciliation is designed to address conflicts, grievances, and injustices within our society, and to facilitate the process of healing and reconciliation. It complements our Lionsberg System of Justice by providing a process and space for dialogue, understanding, and resolution that prioritizes restoration and harmony over punishment and division.

Guiding Values

The System of Reconciliation is guided by the Values of Compassion, Empathy, Understanding, Forgiveness, Restorative Justice, Love, Harmony, Unity, Wisdom, and Peace.

Structure of the System of Reconciliation

The Lionsberg System of Reconciliation is organized in a fractal structure that mirrors and flows through the structure of the Lionsberg Citizen Assembly System.

Each Citizen Assembly has a Reconciliation Body, which is responsible for addressing conflicts, grievances, and injustices, and facilitating the process of healing and reconciliation within its jurisdiction. Each Reconciliation Body is led by a Reconciliation Facilitator who is chosen by the corresponding Citizen Assembly.

The System of Reconciliation for the Whole is structurally connected, integrated, and aligned by the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System.

Roles and Responsibilities

The main roles and responsibilities of the Reconciliation Bodies include:

  • Facilitating dialogue and understanding between parties in conflict
  • Addressing grievances and injustices in a compassionate, empathetic, and restorative manner
  • Promoting healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation
  • Educating individuals and communities about the principles and practices of reconciliation

Reconciliation Leadership

The Reconciliation Body at each Level of Abstraction is chosen by the corresponding Citizen Assembly. The Reconciliation Facilitator, is responsible for leading the Reconciliation Body, coordinating its activities, and representing it in interactions with other bodies and with the Citizen Assembly.

The Lionsberg Council of Reconciliation

The Lionsberg Council of Reconciliation is the pinnacle of the System of Reconciliation. It is composed of 7 members, chosen from and by the General Assembly, to oversee the process of reconciliation at the federal level and those affecting the Whole.

The Council of Reconciliation operates under the leadership of a Lead Reconciliation Facilitator, elected by the Council members from amongst themselves. The Lead Facilitator is responsible for coordinating the reconciliation activities of the Council, and representing the Council in interactions with other bodies.

Reconciliation Process

The reconciliation process in Lionsberg is designed to be empathetic, restorative, and healing. When a conflict or grievance arises, the corresponding Reconciliation Body initiates a dialogue between the parties involved, facilitating understanding, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

If reconciliation cannot be achieved, the matter is referred up one level of abstraction.

Every effort should be made to mutually surface and resolve conflicts through the Lionsberg Reconciliation Process, before they reach the Lionsberg System of Justice.

By establishing the Reconciliation System in this way, we, the people of Lionsberg, affirm our commitment to effective and accountable governance, and our belief in the power of healing, forgiveness, and mercy to create a just, loving, and good society.