So if any Good Story we can conceive of is actually possible to progressively Realize...
...and if Success is the Progressive Realization of a Worthy Aim...
...and if our Worthy Goal / Aim / Ideal must be envisioned...
...and our visions articulated as Stories...
...and if any Story about our Future is possible to live into...
...what limits the stories we tell our Selves?
Our lived experience is that articulating the The Story of Lionsberg required that we liberate our Mind from numerous constraints and boundaries, such as:
Doing this required risking, and losing, the approval of false religious leaders, corrupt government leaders, well-intended family members, frightened friends, our entire net worth, our home, businesses, churches, mentors, and the entire world we thought we were living in.
Because the New story conflicted with elements of the Old story that were not entirely True or Wise or Good, and which were wrapped up in an Old World that is incompatible with Truth, therefore Truth threatened and shattered them.
Truth fears nothing, and shatters everything that is not compatible with Itself.
And when Truth shatters That Which Is Not Compatible With Truth, we discover that all the Boundaries have fallen, our chains have been ripped from the wall, and we are at last Free.
Freedom isn't free.
It requires that we be willing to sacrifice everything that is not compatible with the Spirit of Truth and Love.
The Spirit of Truth and Love always liberates.
You shall Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.
Free from what? From the Boundaries. Which boundaries? The list above were a few that we had to pass through, and there will be more to pass through in the future.
Forward to 3.10 Self Limiting Beliefs
Back to 3.8 Allowing The Best Stories To Live, And The Worst Stories To Die
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