3.8 Allowing The Best Stories To Live, And The Worst Stories To Die

As we Consciously Evaluate and Consciously Decide which stories to Enact, the wise idea is to allow only the very best stories to live, while allowing the others to die in our minds.

By allowing every avatar other than our truest and highest Self to die in our minds, we save both our selves and our world tremendous suffering and loss. Bringing forth, from the infinite array of Potential, only our Best And Highest Self is the greatest gift that we could give to our selves and our world.

By allowing every Potential Pattern of Action or Plan other than the Best And Highest to die in our minds, we again save both our selves and our world from unnecessary suffering, failure, and loss.

This ability to Consciously Generate an infinite array of selves and futures in our minds, Consciously Evaluate, discern, and discriminate between them, and Consciously Decide to kill off the worst, and Enact and Embody the best, is quite literally the difference between co-creating heaven and co-creating hell for our selves and our world.

At moments like this in history, humanity faces a choice between remaining unconscious and continuing to act out the existing Way of Being and Pattern Of Action that is leading us towards failure, suffering, and death, or whether we wake up and Consciously Decide to allow our Old stories to die instead of us.

Forward to 3.9 What Limits The Stories We Tell Our Selves?
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