What If it was not only possible, but a far more direct path towards the flourishing, harmonious, and abundant future we all desire, to get there by Way of Blessing, Peace, and Love, rather than Hatred, Fear, and War? If the people of Peace and Love arose and stood together, we could simply arrest the few Psychopaths who would destroy our children and our world through war and Oppression, just as the community naturally intervenes to stop a bully on a playground. The Bullies and Tyrants have no right. The governments of our world belong to us, and exist only by us and for us, to serve us and help us. All "We The People" must do is arise and stand together in the Light, insisting on The Future We All Desire, tolerating nothing short of it, and striving together towards it, and everything else becomes Possible as a result of the partnership and Right Relationship of Humanity, the Creator, and All Creation, working together in Harmony towards The Goal.

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