11.2 A Light Tale of New

In a bright New Era, when the veils had been torn and Light flooded the darkness, Christian crusaders and Muslim warriors approached one another on a great battlefield to wage what both sides thought was a holy war.

As they approached, both sides feverishly prayed to the One for favor and victory against the enemy.

In a thousand Christian churches, worried mothers and fathers prayed to the One for the victory and safe return of their beloved children.

In a thousand Muslim Mosques, worried mothers and fathers prayed to the One for the victory and safe return of their beloved children.

In a thousand human homes, young children prayed that their beloved brothers and sisters would return.

They warred together against their common enemy; they confronted and overcame the Meta Enemy of Old; they cut it up into pieces, and co-created the New World.

They waged war with perfect integrity. They honored every commandment, every basic sense of human decency, and the loving heart of the One.

The One looked down in infinite Love and compassion on the beautiful families that prayed, and the beautiful children who rejoiced.

“The finally know that I am One, and that they are one, and the madness and suffering has finally ceased.”

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