LC17. Communication and Information Sharing


Lionsberg encourages open and transparent communication, fostering a culture of trust, understanding, and mutual respect. Information sharing must be guided by principles of truth, accuracy, and justice, with the goal of promoting collective learning, growth, and progress towards The Goal in the Spirit of Truth and Love.

The Lionsberg Constitution recognizes that communication and information sharing are integral to the fulfillment of individual, local, and collective potential and purpose, as well as the pursuit of Truth and the common good. It recognizes that individuals and localities must be free to communicate and share information without fear of censorship or oppression, and that this freedom is necessary for the development of personal and societal growth, and the flourishing of all.

The Lionsberg Constitution recognizes that the protection and fulfillment of communication and information sharing requires the active participation of all Citizens in the co-creation of systems of communication that reflect their highest aspirations and values. The Lionsberg Constitution seeks to create a society where all individuals and localities have a voice and a role in the decisions that affect their lives and well-being, and where the protection and fulfillment of communication and information sharing is an integral part of society's institutions and systems.

Through the protection and fulfillment of communication and information sharing, the Lionsberg Constitution seeks to create a just, loving, and good society that honors the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals and all Creation, reflects the Universal and Eternal Law of Love, and is equipped and empower to navigate towards Truth, Wisdom, and Destiny together.