Word Tool

In the Lionsberg System, the term Word Tool is frequently used in order to remind the reader / listener that the words being spoken are merely tools to point towards an underlying aspect of Reality.

Why: This convention began due to the polarization, division, and co-opting of words in the Old World that made it very difficult to talk about the Most Important Things.

By creating "space" between the Word Tools being used, and the underlying Reality they were pointing towards, we aim to open up space for genuine communication to occur.

Word Tool in the Lionsberg System - A Deeper Look


Understanding the concept of a "Word Tool" as used in the Lionsberg System is essential for engaging in meaningful dialogue, particularly on matters of profound importance. This article delves into the philosophical and practical underpinnings of the term, and why it plays such a crucial role in facilitating genuine communication.


In the Lionsberg System, the term "Word Tool" is used to signify that words are not ends in themselves, but rather tools employed to point towards a deeper, underlying Reality.

Contextual Importance: The Old World

Why Was This Necessary?

The concept of the "Word Tool" gained prominence in response to the challenges presented by what is referred to as the "Old World." In this context, language had become highly polarized, words were often co-opted, and discussions around the "Most Important Things" had become increasingly fraught.

Creating Space for Genuine Communication

The "Word Tool" approach aims to detach the word from the weight of its potential misunderstandings, controversies, or polarizing usages. By acknowledging that words are merely tools aiming to point toward an underlying Reality, a space is created where genuine communication can occur. This space becomes a sort of sanctified ground, free from the entanglements that often accompany discussions of complex or contentious issues.

Philosophical Underpinnings

The notion that words are tools and not the Reality they represent aligns with several philosophical and theological traditions. It resonates with the concept of "the map is not the territory," signifying that the representation of a thing is not the thing itself. The acknowledgment that words are fallible pointers to transcendent truths is deeply rooted in the quest for Wisdom and Truth.

The Role in Spiritual Exploration

In matters of spirituality and the exploration of the divine, the "Word Tool" concept is invaluable. When discussing aspects of God or eternal principles, it's vital to remember that language is limited, and what is being pointed to transcends human articulation. This approach allows for a more humble, nuanced, and open exploration of spiritual truths, avoiding dogmatism and encouraging a direct experiential understanding.


The concept of "Word Tools" in the Lionsberg System serves as both a reminder and an invitation. It reminds us that words, no matter how precise, are always approximations of the Realities they aim to describe. It invites us into a space of open-hearted dialogue, where the limitations of language are acknowledged, and the pursuit of understanding is shared communally. In a world fraught with misunderstandings and divisions, this nuanced approach to language offers a path towards more authentic and meaningful communication.

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