LC 28. The Lionsberg Economic System

The Lionsberg Economic System is designed to promote shared prosperity, economic justice, and social and environmental stewardship and regenerativity. It encourages freedom, innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaboration, while prioritizing the long-term needs of Citizens, Society and the Living System over provincial short-term gains and extraction. This approach to self-organizing free-market stewardship from bottom up affords the opportunity to transcend the false dichotomies of state control and individual and local self-interest and extraction that have held humanity back in the past.

The Purpose of the Lionsberg Economic System is to empower humanity to voluntarily stack up and align all economic endeavor to produce Throughput of the essential Goals and Values required for All beings to flourish in Harmony.

The Lionsberg System of Governance is guided by the Values of Truth, Love, Justice, Stewardship, Wisdom, Liberty, Regenerativity, Co-Laboration, Co-Operation, Reciprocity and Right Relationship Between One and All.

The Lionsberg Economic System is designed to Co-Operate with the Lionsberg System of Governance, organizing itself from the bottom up on the basis of sovereign autonomous Groups that voluntarily stack up and align their efforts across Levels of Abstraction.

The Lionsberg Economic System is designed to ensure the protection and fulfillment of the economic rights and responsibilities of all participating Citizens, and to empower humanity to co-create a just, regenerative, and good society that reflects the Universal and Eternal Law of Love.

It is designed to ensure that all economic activity is conducted in a way that is responsible and respectful to the environment and society, and that the resources of the Earth are used in a regenerative way that ensures their availability and accessibility for future generations. The Lionsberg Economic System seeks to create an eternally regenerative economy that is founded on the principles of love, respect, and reverence for all life and consciousness, and where the pursuit of individual and local self-interest is balanced by a Higher Order Commitment to the Highest Intention and Greatest Good so that All Creation can flourish in harmony.

The Lionsberg Economic System is based on the recognition of the need for a holistic approach to economics that addresses the complex challenges facing individuals and communities around the world. It recognizes that the attainment of the Highest Intention and Greatest Good requires the active participation of all Citizens in the co-creation of an economic system that reflects their highest aspirations and values. The Lionsberg Economic System seeks to create an economic system that is based on mutual respect, love, and the pursuit of the highest common good, where the needs of the individual and the needs of the community are balanced in a way that ensures the protection and fulfillment of the economic rights and responsibilities of all Citizens and Localities within the context of a flourishing and regenerative society and planet.

The Lionsberg Economic System is designed to be participatory and co-creative, meaning that all Citizens have a voice and a role in the co-creation of the economic system they wish to see, the ways they wish to participate in it, and the ways it evolves and transforms over time. The Lionsberg Economic System is designed to ensure that all self-governing individuals and localities have a voice in the decisions that affect their well-being, that downstream impacts cannot be abstracted and externalized, and that all Citizens have access to the resources, education, and developmental opportunities they need to fulfill their potential and pursue their purpose in service of One and All.

The Lionsberg Economic System is also designed to be regenerative, meaning that it is designed to create a sustainable and resilient economy that is capable of regenerating itself and the social and natural systems that contain and support it. The Lionsberg Economic System recognizes that the current economic system is not sustainable, and that a new economic paradigm is needed that is based on the principles of Love, Wisdom, Stewardship, Sustainability, Co-Operation, and Regenerativity.

At its core, the Lionsberg Economic System operates by connecting, supporting and cultivating distributed creativity and entrepreneurship, while utilizing 1/10th of the resources and success generated to regenerate and continuously improve the Lionsberg Commons that is helping All Citizens and economic endeavors develop towards their potential and flourish.

Economic Groups are encouraged to measure how Time, Energy, and Attention (TEA) are being transformed into Lionsberg Units of Value (LUV), and to utilize an appropriate blend of Old fiat currencies, cryptographic currencies, and Lionsberg Units of Value in their economic interactions.

Economic Groups are encouraged to allocate roughly 10% of their available flow to the Lionsberg Federation, 10% to locally discerned socioeconomic Justice work, 30% to profit sharing and incentives, and 50% to reinvestment and regeneration that strengthens the System across all Levels of Abstraction.

Economic Groups are encouraged to formally organize and structure themselves on the basis of Stewardship, Reciprocity, Governance rather than ownership and claims, co-creating an Infinite Game rather than the Finite Game that is created when one begins with 100% and starts dividing up ownership and control.

Economic Groups are encouraged to forge Just resource and profit sharing systems, which generally are expected to vary from 1:3 to 1:10 ratios between the lowest compensated and highest compensated members of an Economic Group. These compensation ratios can be implemented across boundaries and fiat regimes by first utilizing Lionsberg Units of Value (LUV) for measurement, and then secondarily translating into fiat compensation where required on the basis of just and mutually agreed conversions related to standards of living and purchasing power parity. To enable this approach, Lionsberg Units of Value acknowledge the Quantity of Time, Energy, and Attention of every Citizen as equal, and evaluate Quality of Service rendered on a scale of 1:10.

Economic Groups are also encouraged to actively participate in and align to the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System, which contains the cultural and process infrastructure to align the distributed array of autonomous activity into a Higher Order Functional Unity capable of accelerating Throughput of The Goal.

Through laying a framework for the emergent Lionsberg Economic System, the Lionsberg Constitution seeks to establish the foundations for the co-creation of an economic system that is founded on love, justice, and the pursuit of the Highest Intention and Greatest Good, that reflects the Universal and Eternal Law of Love, and that sufficiently provisions all current and Future Generations of Earth's inhabitants, and not just a privileged few. The Lionsberg Economic System seeks to create a just, loving, and good economy that honors the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals and all Creation, and that ensures the protection and fulfillment of the economic rights and responsibilities of all Citizens and Localities.