9.49 Our Relationship To Systems of Injustice

At a very minimum, being Sovereign, free, and accountable to One and All, we must begin to lead a life of selfless Love and Charity towards those who suffer. We must all begin to play the role of the Good Samaritan along the pathways of life.

However what if every day as we go to work or read the news, we find that we are passing by a growing stream of men and women who are being beaten, robbed, and stripped of their clothing, their dignity, and their rights by the bandits who control the road?

What if we discover that the roadway has fallen under the control of illegitimate authority who is exploiting the travelers, and sowing fear?

Is it not obvious that the pathways of life that humanity is warily attempting to travel are completely overrun by bandits? We cannot walk through a city in the wealthiest nation of the world right now without passing by an entire stream of homeless, sick, suffering, and desperate human beings.

Even in Washington DC, modern day Rome, the seat of the global imperial wealth and power, homeless fill the streets. In the midst of endless wealth, resources and abundance sufficient to provide a wonderful quality of life for all, suffering reigns on every street corner. If you attempted to walk through Washington DC or Los Angeles and “pass by on the other side of the road”, you would be zig zagging your way all through town on any given day trying to avoid the naked, the homeless, the thirsty, the hungry, the addicted, the sick, the jobless, the hopeless, the destitute.

There is not enough charity in the world to overcome the stream of symptoms and broken, exploited lives that springs forth from the deep roots of Corruption and Injustice.

At some point, we must take the blinders off and see that we are not dealing with an isolated case of harm that requires Charity.

We are dealing with deeply broken Systems, pathways of life dominated by illegitimate authorities, that are perfectly designed to produce the beaten, broken lives and injustice that we see all around us.

When we realize that we are not dealing with an isolated “error” in a good system, but that we are actually dealing with a system that is built in a way that PRODUCES injustice, suffering, and harm, we must ask ourselves the difficult question:

What is our relationship to systems of injustice? #TheRightQuestions

We must answer fearlessly, and not allow indifference or non-involvement drive by the desire for self-preservation to stand in our way.

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