The True Self is integrated.
The True Self is one.
The True Self is eternally transforming and becoming.
The True Self recognizes that Death is an illusion.
The True Self recognizes that that Time and Space are illusions.
The True Self recognizes that the False Self is an illusion.
The True Self Loves, Serves, and Helps others, for it understands that we are All one.
The True Self recognizes that what it does or does not do to others, it does or does not do to its Self.
The True Self recognizes that what it does or does not do to others, it does or does not do unto the One.
The True Self does not Fear.
The True Self is moving with All Creation towards Oneness through Love
The True Self is helping All Creation do the same.
The True Self is Becoming one with the One in whom we live and move and breathe and have our Being.
The True Self is Becoming one, even as We Are one.
The True Self recognizes that every dimension of Reality is created by, sustained by, and permeated by One.
The True Self sheds the Physical that weighs it down, and accumulates and stores up the Metaphysical that lifts it up.
The True Self recognizes that it must break free and Become what it was uniquely created to be by helping All others break free and Become what they were uniquely created to be.
The True Self spirals upwards towards The Goal, and lifts up All Creation with it.
The True Self lays down its own life, to save the life of its friends.
The True Self Loves All, even its enemies.
Forward to 5.13 The False Self
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