When we abide in Love…
When we empty our Selves out, and Reintegrate the fullness of our Being in service of Life, Light, Love, and their [Source]…
The Spirit of Truth and Love begins to pour through us.
We become like Conduits through which the Spirit can flow into our present Reality.
This is a transformation of our Being.
Our transformed Being then compels us to go and Do.
To become powerful Beings in Action. Moving and Advancing towards The Goal of the One.
Love compels us to go out and meet the needs and solve the problems inherent in the [[Life] ]that permeates and surrounds us.
When we go out and begin overcoming Obstacles and Challenges, we are transformed by our Doing.
Our competence and capability grows. Our Spirit grows.
When we come back to the place of Being],] we are different. Having [[Acted in service of Life, our Conduit is bigger. We are bigger.
Such that more Truth and Love can Flow through us in service of Life.
This increased Flow] ]of the [[Spirit again transforms our Being.
Now, a larger, stronger, and more capable Being is compelled to go out and Do again, even more, in service of [Life].
To confront and overcome ever larger and more complex Obstaclesand Challenges.
And as we do, we are elevated and transformed again as we elevate and transform our world.
Each elevation and transformation becomes a Story, and each Story becomes a Prophesy of even greater things to come.
This upward spiral is like a reciprocal opening between our Being and our Doing.
As it has been said, Faith without works is dead. Being without Doing is dead.
When we faithfully bind ourselves in covenant relationship to the One, we become It's Conscious Agents, and we are impelled by It's Spirit, living within us, to go out and Do what It would Do. We are compelled to engage in the greatest Purpose and Meaning of Life, which is the elevation and transformation of our Selves and our world in Loving partnership with One and One Another.
The end result is that the Spirit of Heaven invades the Earth.
The end result is that the New Inbreaks and Displaces the Old.
What if Earth was a place in which Life] ]and [[Consciousness] ]flourished in a state of [[Harmony and Right Relationship, and All things got a little better every day, because All things were striving and doing their very best to make it so?
Heaven is not a static place.
Heaven is a continuously improving dwelling place suitable for consciousness to fully enlighten and flourish, because fully enlightening and flourishing consciousness is eternally and universally striving to make it so.
What a profound extension of what we discussed in our last chapter 4.23 Learning and Improving.
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