The most powerful force on earth is Why. The most powerful force force on earth is what impels us on.
If we Love One and All, if we Love our Selves, if we Love One Another, if we Love... if we Love... if we Love... if we Love...
If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love... If we Love...
That is worth meditating on forever. If we Love... if we were Love... if we embodied Love... if we truly embodied the living Spirit of the One Who is Love...
Oh how the depths of the universe would rise up through us and move heaven and earth to seek, to save, to Love, to serve the One and the All.
Even if it cost us our life!
Every logic, every how, every why, everything ought, can be derived from One word. From One thought. From One Spirit, which IS Love.
They are One. They are Why. They are the Goal. They are the Way. They are the Spirit.
Forward to 4.15 How Can They Be One?
Back to 4.13 The Meta Goal of the Meta Quest
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