9.51 Charity Vs. Justice Along The Pathways of Life

There is no ethical argument or excuse for failing to transform a system of injustice or corruption. If we ignore it, avert our eyes, or refuse to confront it, it will be perpetuated and continue to harm others.

If we merely treat it symptoms through charity, give a shilling to a beggar, and go on our way feeling proud of good deed for the day, we are helping yes… But we are also ignoring the fact that the very next day, the same robbers and the same system will beat up and rob the beggar and many others all over again, and we will be right back where we started.

True Love and true Justice demand that we go beyond charity, look deeply into the systems and bandits that are creating the perpetual stream of suffering, and fundamentally remove or transform the deepest root causes of suffering and injustice.

True Love and true Justice demand true Transformation beyond the deepest root levels, into the soil and the conditions, and all the way back out to the outmost manifestations.

In order for the tree to produce good fruit, its entire being must be transformed, and its conditions and environment must be transformed, such that good fruit flows from a good tree in good soil in a good ecosystem in a good living system.

Truth, Love, and Justice are universally and eternally transformational.

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